Customizing Pirates for Beta

  • Does anyone know if we are going to be able to customize our pirates for the Closed Beta coming up?

  • 11
  • And our ships?

  • @distendedspot well it is open beta. Noone knows for sure what will happen but probably will be the game on its "full". most of the time thats what open betas do. (Thats the idea I have about the subject at least)

  • @mintmage513321 it's a closed beta and they are holding back stuff for launch... what that includes we don't know yet

  • oh ok then probalby no customization..... If there is one thing I learned from No Mans Sky is not to have expectations from the devs...

  • @mintmage513321 we know there WILL be customization for your character and your ship(s). But it might not be in the Closed Beta. I would expect more exploration based rewards and progression, along with some missions and weapons/gear variety added.

  • @mintmage513321 lol, judging by how devs "replies" (most of the time they don't even say a word) the full game is what we've seen at the Alpha, with just added things that don't really make any difference.

  • @distendedspot I've been assuming pioneers have been playing what we should expect in the beta. Is this not the case?

  • @rufustheblakman

    @DistendedSpot won't be able to tell you exactly what pioneers have been testing since they are under NDA, however, pioneers have been helping to iron out the last few bugs and issues ready for the beta.

  • @musicmee but if it is something we have not been testing in Pioneer sessions can't we talk about not testing it? lol

  • @distendedspot You cannot discuss anything that is not part of the closed beta. You can only talk about these in the pioneer forums.

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