Glowing/Highlighted Seagulls

  • One part of the game I struggle with, especially at night or in certain regions, is trying to spot and keep track of birds over shipwrecks etc. I've tried playing with contrast and brightness but it's still something that just doesn't feel good very often having to squint at the screen.

    I would love if there was an option, be it accessibility setting or an in-game tool, to highlight birds in an easier to spot way.


    • Have them glow when looking through spyglass
    • Audio Jingle when spotting them through spyglass (a jingle or hearing the birds squawking when looking at them or so)
    • Making them larger and more contrasted vs the world as a setting

    It would just be a great QOL I think :)

  • 5
  • This is a great idea. Seagulls can be real tricky to spot in certain scenarios, especially in the wilds they tend to melt in perfectly against the sky many times.

  • @fiksii
    Were you reading my post I made in the other thread? lol

  • @tybald I haven't no, I can check it out tho :D

  • At this point. Might as well just add a beam of light where the loot is and remove the birds all together

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