Sea of disasters

  • The reality is that the game is in one of its worst moments. Since they put easy anticheat, I still see even more people with hacks than before (it's obvious that it doesn't work, don't come and deny it), the number of Bugs and glitches that exist is tremendously ridiculous and now they are announcing new weapons, mechanics, etc. This is not to mention that in a week of double gold and exp the hourglass is completely bugged. I am a lover of this game and I know that many are too, but we cannot be conformist and say that everything is fine when the game is unplayable in many aspects, stop criticizing, seeing who is better or worse, accept reality and correct things . before it's too late.

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  • I came back to SoT after EAC, because of EAC.

    Since then, I've gained about 50 levels in HG by playing passively (treasure-defense), as well as a few dive sessions this past weekend.

    Diving is noticeably broken in NA, but I was only re-directed to an outpost once in EU. I have a buddy in sweden and one in the UK (all three of us PC/Steam), and other than that one failed dive attempt, we had reliable brig queues.

    On the failed attempt: we decided to do a FloF and had another crew dive to us lol. After that, our dives were fine.

    As for the cheaters, since I returned to the game - not a single flying keg, not one speed-hacker making their way up my ladder and into my crows nest.

    I did end up reporting 1 crew, but they made no attempt to hide they were using stuff. Plus they were day-old accounts and the ship name was literally "I see ESP" haha.

    Before I took a break from SoT last summer, I'd say maybe 1/10 of my streaks was interrupted by obvious cheating. This was also around the time I was having issues sending in support (report) tickets on this site, so I took a much needed break.

    If it was anywhere near as bad as before, I feel like I may have noticed by now. Granted, my experience is anecdotal just as yours is. And I'm sure you've submitted your tickets in with your clips for all the present cheaters you're finding.

    But I've gotta give credit to Rare/EAC for the progress they've made so far. I hope they continue to close the gaps that cheat devs are sneaking through. Won't happen overnight... but it's happening.

    For the sake of those experiencing routine crashes, I hope all that gets sorted out too. It's weird being the guy who usually harps on about how bugs/issues should be prioritized over content, now having a pleasant time.

  • I took a 2 month break from the game when Skull and Bones came out and despite the fact that people love dragging S&B, at least the devs take feedback on board and work to fix issues in the game and in those 2 short months have addressed a lot of stuff.

    The same absolutely, categorically CANNOT be said of Rare.

    Season 11 has been absolute nightmare for PvP.

    I logged on 2 days ago to play, went for a board but missed so grabbed a merm to return to my sloop and upon spawning I couldn't use my weapons. No ADS and not being able to fire shots, I got boarded and died then sunk as a result of that.

    The mast hits produced no audio cues or visual fx, meaning as the helm I had ZERO clue that the mast was even damaged because they shots appeared to have missed when they didn't.

    Still no audio cues when boarders get on your ladder, despite Rare claiming to have fixed this on multiple occasions now.

    Hit registration is still a complete and utter joke 4 years after their initial acknowledgement of it.

    I didn't even bother with PvP dives because of the disgusting state of that feature at the moment, bear in mind what I said earlier about S&B devs fixing issues in good time, it has been over 2 months since the introduction of these horrific bugs and it's still not fixed.

    If this were S&B, it would've been fixed by now, let that sink in, the 2 month old pirate game everyone LOVES to drag through the dirt would have had it fixed by now.

    The 6th Anniversary Celebration Event is also bugged lol "Hey guys! Let's get together and celebrate 6 years of updates that broke the game more than it fixed by having a special time-sensitive event that is just as buggy as the rest of the game! Enjoy not getting your rewards until weeks after the event is done! Love, Rare."

    The level of mental gymnastics that go on in this community to fervently defend their favourite game from ANY AND ALL VALID CRITICISMS is absolutely wild.

    If it is your favourite game then why are you happy to accept this level of sloppy development? DEMAND BETTER FOR YOUR MONEY! It comes as absolutely no surprise that the quality of games is steadily dropping across the industry with every release because people will gladly accept buggy, broken messes and actively defend them from criticism, no matter how valid the criticism is.

  • @goofycs-811 said:

    If it is your favourite game then why are you happy to accept this level of sloppy development? DEMAND BETTER FOR YOUR MONEY! It comes as absolutely no surprise that the quality of games is steadily dropping across the industry with every release because people will gladly accept buggy, broken messes and actively defend them from criticism, no matter how valid the criticism is.

    Demanding isn't going to help lol. Not with this company, and generally not in most situations in life.

    Best thing to do is not spend any more money. Don't spend any more time. Let your (lack of) investment and interest do the talking. Give your feedback, make your valid criticisms, and then leave the ball in their court while you move on to other things.

    I haven't bought anything from the emporium in ages. I didn't feel that Rare was spending that money on things that mattered to me. Or, if they were, it certainly wasn't evident. When I stopped playing for months, I'd chime in on the forums every now and then, but I was mostly looking for "thank you for anti-cheat" posts.

    I saw a post yesterday demanding free HG rep for waiting in a dead queue, because OP felt "penalized" for being stuck in the tunnel. If y'all are feeling penalized for playing the game, have more respect for your time and spend it elsewhere. People will complain about a game, then return to it day after day, expecting something better, and leaving frustrated again. Do something that makes you happy instead.

  • @goofycs-811

    The level of mental gymnastics that go on in this community to fervently defend their favourite game from ANY AND ALL VALID CRITICISMS is absolutely wild.

    If it is your favourite game then why are you happy to accept this level of sloppy development? DEMAND BETTER FOR YOUR MONEY! It comes as absolutely no surprise that the quality of games is steadily dropping across the industry with every release because people will gladly accept buggy, broken messes and actively defend them from criticism, no matter how valid the criticism is.

    Screaming and shouting about it won’t make Rare fix the game any quicker. They’re a small team compared to S&B so stuff like bug fixes take time.

    I want the game fixed as much as the next person, but unless I’m an actual dev with knowledge on what the issues are, then I’m going to leave them to it to fix as soon as they can. Remember this too, they’re going to have their bosses breathing down their neck to get stuff done, so we don’t need to also be whipping their backs as added pressure. People leave their jobs that way and then nothing gets fixed.

  • Anti cheat doesn't just stop cheaters they are still going to be there, anti cheat is trying to block cheats and hacks as they develop, so anti cheat will always be just behind the work arounds hacks keep finding.

    And silent boarding is a thing it happens when when people hold block as they grab ladders

  • @tesiccl Here we go with the excuses. SMH.

    If it is going to take you 4 years or longer to fix hit detection and silent boarding in your own game that you built from the ground up then you probably shouldn't be a developer.

    Tell me, what difference does it make if they quit when stuff doesn't get fixed even if they don't quit? Literally every update in 6 years has broken the game more than it fixed so your point is categorically moot.

  • @goofycs-811

    Here we go with the excuses. SMH.

    It’s the reality of the work they do. I don’t know what sort of life experience you have but I can’t imagine for a moment you’d be happy with working in a place that had the public @‘ing you on social media demanding you fix your “dead game” everyday, meanwhile your bosses are putting the pressure on you to fix things AND develop future content by a deadline. It’s impossible.

    Hit reg is vastly complicated because of the type of game SoT is. There are many posts about the complexities and you can look them up if you want more detail. But again, it’s not just an easy “fix it” solution. If it was, they would have done it already!

  • @theblackbellamy
    If you read what I said (which I assume you did), I haven't played the game in 2 months. I have played it once and won't be touching it again until they make some SERIOUS improvements.

    Sitting here quietly would allow them to think that they are doing a great job when they, objectively speaking, are far from that.

    I expect games I paid for to actually "just work", to paraphrase a quote from another useless developer by the name of Todd Howard.

    It's infuriating because there is not a single other game that plays like SoT does, you better believe if there was I would be leaving this dumpster fire of a game in a heartbeat and would never look back without even a hint of regret.

    This used to be my all time favourite game, now it's barely even a game. It's a headache simulator at best and absolute dumpster fire at worst.

  • @tesiccl
    Bro, don't treat me like a child because you don't enjoy valid criticism and frustration.

    [mod edit]

    Scream into the void because I won't be responding to condescending comments like this.

  • @goofycs-811

    Bro, don't treat me like a child

    Where did I do this?

    Scream into the void because I won't be responding to condescending comments like this.

    If you’ve taken personal offence to a mature and respectful reply because you don’t personally agree with me, then that’s not condescension.

    Anyway. I love the game, I’m not happy with the health of it either, BUT, I’m not going to make unreasonable demands and just go “fix it”. That means nothing and gets nowhere.

  • @rotten-rocko
    I am very well aware, as is Rare, and yet it's still not been patched (despite multiple claims that it has been patched).

    They had no problem patching the animation cancel glitches, they had no problem patching quick swap.

    Bear in mind this has been in the game from the start, that's 6 years.

    Question is: why are you trying to make excuses for it?

    They haven't patched the ship launching exploit, despite SoT partners making videos about how to use this exploit to avoid getting sunk...someone makes a video on how to ladder launch though and that is considered unacceptable.

  • @tesiccl
    You did by acting as if you were privy to some information no one else knew.

    Don't be obtuse.

  • @goofycs-811 said:

    If you read what I said (which I assume you did), I haven't played the game in 2 months. I have played it once and won't be touching it again until they make some SERIOUS improvements.
    Sitting here quietly would allow them to think that they are doing a great job when they, objectively speaking, are far from that.

    I did read what you said. The part I was responding to specifically was:


    To which I said:

    Demanding isn't going to help lol... Best thing to do is not spend any more money. Don't spend any more time. Let your (lack of) investment and interest do the talking. Give your feedback, make your valid criticisms, and then leave the ball in their court while you move on to other things.

    If you're having more fun on S&B, play S&B. I've been hopping between CoD, Elden Ring and Diablo, depending on what my friends want to do. Since EAC, we can now throw SoT back into that mix.

    I'm not saying that SoT is perfect. I didn't cut out your other points because I disagreed, but because I had nothing else to add. Hitreg is a mess. The server-side hitmarkers help make better decisions in combat, but it is still disheartening to see a bullet pass through an opponent, with no "X" to show for it. There are other bugs that have not yet been addressed or resolved. Merchants and Shipwrights still rob me occasionally, withholding my crates and supplies.

    But sitting here demanding things change would ultimately be a waste of my time. I make my criticisms constructively, and if Rare doesn't bother to listen, I won't bother to play.

  • @tesiccl
    Where did I make any demands by the way?

    Please show me where I made any demands.

    I made some objectively correct statements about the health of the game and asked people to demand better.

    [mod edit]

    The bar has died and been buried 6 feet under, according to your own logic.

    I'm not sorry for being unwilling to support and defend sloppy developers.

  • @goofycs-811 please don’t speak on my behalf on how I acted when the text in the forum is there for everyone to read.

    Just because you disagree with the way Rare have handled things, it doesn’t mean you have to accuse others of making excuses for Rare. I’ve explained the (likely) reality of working life for their staff and you’ve dismissed it as not caring.

    In any other situation in life why should anyone personally be invested in helping you when you don’t care about them? See how that works?

  • @tesiccl
    I'm not speaking on your behalf, I am telling you how your comment came across. If you can't distinguish between the 2 then that's your issue, not mine.

    You're right, I don't care because they have shown me time and time again that they also do not care, see how that works?

    This last part about any other situation in life is literally just whataboutism, this isn't any other situation in life so that's a totally moot point.

  • @goofycs-811 it entirely seems to be your issue since neither what was said was disrespectful or treating you like a child.

    You're right, I don't care because they have shown me time and time again that they also do not care

    That doesn’t seem very nice then considering Rare are doing their best to fix stuff and you’re here not caring about the work they do because to you, it should have been done sooner or better.

    If i was a dev reading your “criticism” I certainly wouldn’t feel inclined to do anything about it. Feedback should be respectful and at least have some empathy behind it. Yours doesn’t.

    I’ll leave you to reply to others cause it’s clear I won’t be able to help you see another side, but good luck to you.

  • @tesiccl
    I have given them 6 years worth of respectful and constructive criticism and look where that got the game lol

    I don't care if it's nice, it's also not nice to have spent a ton of money on a game or service for that game or service to become essentially useless.

    It's not very nice to feel like you have been entirely ignored for 6 years despite supporting the game with everything you've got.

    Whether you like it or not, this is a 2-way street. Respect is earned and not just blindly given.

    As a formerly extremely dedicated player, I feel disrespected by the lack of care and effort Rare has put into this game.

  • @tesiccl
    "I’m not going to make unreasonable demands and just go “fix it”. That means nothing and gets nowhere."

    i don't think it's unreasonable for fans of the game to voice their disappointment at the fact they've persistently said they're aware of issues and working on fixes only to introduce new bugs. They introduced anti-cheat and all it lead to was hundreds of players getting booted out of the game to desktop. It didn't fix anything, i've been called toxic in the past for pointing out that the game is broken. I think there's a real problem with people not being able to voice their concerns without being told they are being unreasonable for expecting a game that's been out this long to work properly.

  • This is just my personal opinion, not stating it as fact.

    I think that criticism has so often been exaggerated for so long that they likely don't find it reliable anymore and are probably pretty numb to the exaggerations.

    Their data shows whatever it shows and it probably doesn't look terrible overall so they just keep truckin' along even though the people that post are often very frustrated.

    I think they very much try to be the "look at all this feedback we listen to" company and I think that has alright moments and I think that's not a very fun thing sometimes, but I think when it comes to bugs and such I think they probably see it as a lot of exaggeration a lot of the time. And they would be right if that is the case, it is a lot of exaggeration a lot of the time, real frustration but a lot of exaggeration.

    The game overall is probably alright, just not very fun for some people that are frustrated over their experience and those that really aren't into how the environment has changed over time.

    There are likely a lot of people at any given time that play in a way where they are satisfied and data probably shows that. We don't deal much in data, we just deal in our own experience and the posts/people we surround ourselves with.

    Game has been called broken for a very long time, it wasn't broken for a very long time.

  • @grimsa

    i don't think it's unreasonable for fans of the game to voice their disappointment at the fact they've persistently said they're aware of issues and working on fixes only to introduce new bugs.

    Agreed, but that’s game development unfortunately. It happens everywhere, it’s not a problem unique to Sea of Thieves.

    They introduced anti-cheat and all it lead to was hundreds of players getting booted out of the game to desktop.

    The GDK update was causing this before EAC was introduced, but yes, it relates to the point above with the same response.

    I think there's a real problem with people not being able to voice their concerns without being told they are being unreasonable.

    Not what happened above as goofy’s replies weren’t reasonable. They were pretty demanding and un-empathetic to the situation Rare is dealing with.

  • @tesiccl IMO the problem they are dealing with is bringing the game to a new console and ignoring the issues at hand. Goofy feels the same way i feel in regards to them pushing updates that break the game whilst managing to take things out of the game they aren't happy with. I would like to play SoT but i'm holding out until they fix more of the bugs without the players themselves having to resolve issues with the game.
    No comms EU apparently requires to verify game cache, clear steam cache and then reinstall easy anti cheat, i have no idea if it's the same on xbox but that level of work on the players end to make sure something that's meant to work off the bat in game is a bit ridiculous and voicing that get's deemed unreasonable??

    As i stated previously i've been called toxic for pointing out in the past that G&G weekends would regularly not work...[Mod edit] It feels like you are supposed to just accept it as is and get on with it. I see your point about not playing but that's exactly the problem, forced not to play a game we love because it's broken and any criticism is toxic.

    I look forward to the content they discussed in the preview they released the other day but only when the games working better than it currently is :/

  • So the downside hourglass is broken and you don't matchmake

    On the upside hourglass is broken and you can't be invaded.

    It is a great time to get those hourglass miles up. Every cloud has a silver lining

  • @grimsa

    IMO the problem they are dealing with is bringing the game to a new console and ignoring the issues at hand.

    That will have its own technical process. I won’t claim to know what, but I’m sure they’ll be ironing out the bugs on that side, the same time they’re fixing things on this side.

    I would like to play SoT but i'm holding out until they fix more of the bugs without the players themselves having to resolve issues with the game.


    [Mod edit]

    I look forward to the content they discussed in the preview they released the other day but only when the games working better than it currently is :/

    Same here. I put my faith in Rare that things will get better. They have to, they don’t want a broken game any more than we do. Look how they were when they had to delay Season 10, they hated it.

  • @tesiccl [Mod edit]
    I think we're all waiting to see if it get's fixed and hoping it does so we can play the game and enjoy it again.

  • @grimsa

    I think we're all waiting to see if it get's fixed and hoping it does so we can play the game and enjoy it again.

    100%. We just need patience and let Rare get to it when they do.

  • @Grimsa If you have issues with a Discord moderation action or Discord moderation in general, this is not the place for it. Raise it with support.

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog glad i screen grabbed my comment before it got nuked, i had a suspicion it would.

  • @goofycs-811 I'm making excuses for anything I was explaining how anti cheat works as some people are clearly too thick to understand it and letting you know silent boarding was a thing and not something that just randomly happens

    Goofy is the right handle for your account clearly

  • @rotten-rocko they said months ago they had taken silent boarding out. That was his point, it's still in the game....

  • @grimsa Incorrect. It was patched out months ago. It returned as a bug again with a later update. Bugs can sometimes return, doesn't mean they were constantly there.

  • @rotten-rocko Something I was already well aware of.

    Totally besides the point that I made though, isn't it?

    [mod edit]

  • As this thread has run its course, and has descended into personal arguments, it will now be locked. A general reminder to all, please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of a thread.

    @Grimsa As your posts go against the Forum Rules, they have been edited/removed.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions

    Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual players is not permitted on the Forums. Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    If the person involved wants more information or to appeal then they would need to contact Support as it is not something that can be discussed on the Forums.

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