The tale of how I lost the Shrouded Ghost

  • Just to let everyone know in advance I am not a seasoned story teller so I'll just tell it how it happened from my recollection of the events that happened

    Alright so there were 10,000 ships and I were there alone staring them dow...well okay 3 ships 2 sloops and a galleon doing a Fort of Fortunes together, myself I'm not really the alliance player so i decided to attack I managed to shoot over to the fort grabbing a keg from the island, detonating it at the map table then I defended the ship till it was sunk, I returned to my ship which had taken some damage in the process and pulled out to give the ship some much needed TLC the 2 sloops had followed my ship and I was unfortunately demasted shortly after the shrouded ghost appeared, I at this point focused fire on the meg i continued to get attacked by both sloops and eventually they had caused too much damage for little old me to repair but all was not lost as I was alive in the water and as long as i stayed alive I could... nope meg despawned with my ship and 2 sharks insta spawned on me faster than the mermaid could...

    And thus concludes the story of the Ronin the meg and the alliance

    But on the bright side it only took me 5 years to find my 1st meg whats another 5 or so years

  • 12
    just for funstory & lore
  • @ghost-of-ronin this is a great tall tale but we all know the Shrouded Ghost isn't real but hears a gold coin for another grog cheers

  • @otherfanboy honestly after the events that occurred i feel like i should go back to believing its not real because what happened makes me die a little inside lol

  • @ghost-of-ronin yea I think the odds of finding the SG feel lower than what they claim they are, also how Megs have been acting of late where the despawn almost as fast as they spawn in they need to be fixed hopefully with the PS5 version coming out it will be addressed

  • This has probably happened to quite a few people since they started really messing with meg behavior. As soon I saw the changes in behavior I was posting that people were gonna lose ghosts over this.

    Super unfortunate that they have gone down the road they have with megs imo, from the nerfs to the behavior changes (and more nerfs to come)

    Boxes of secrets are being handed out and shrouded ghosts are despawning because of how passive they have become. It's unfortunate imo because these 2 things were pretty much carrying significance in SoT.

  • I don't have many fears in this game. But this is one of them. Every time I hear that meg music, I hope for a Shrouded. But I'm always saying to my crew mate that if we ever lose a shrouded ghost, it will be the end of me on SoT! ... probably.

  • @riftenwatcher we always drop anchor when a Meg spawns unless in combat with another crew

  • @wolfmanbush i was lucky enough to get my box of mysterious secrets a year or so ago, still a little disappointed about the meg but life carries on, not like id use the title or figurehead any who

  • @riftenwatcher as I found out shrouded ghost has unique battle music

  • Servers are at 5 ships max at the moment right? Nice tavern tale tho.

  • @honestauntyelle 10,000 ships was a joke, there was 4 ships including myself

  • @ghost-of-ronin said in The tale of how I lost the Shrouded Ghost:

    .well okay 3 ships 2 sloops and a galleon

    misread this as 3 ships + 2 sloops + 1 galleon + you

just for funstory & lore
3 out of 12