Guild Owner Advice

  • Is there a way I can see who has contributed what amount towards the guild emissary?
    I created a guild about a month or so ago, got it to level 13 by myself in about a week or two. ended up adding 7 other people just after. But I've got a member that suffers from mental illness, he had an episode the other night and hasn't talked to me since. Hes added a few people to the guild that Ive never played w, which I really dont mind. But, I can see the ships theyre taking out and theres no emissary value being contributed. Im pretty sure hes just finding people and telling them that we're ranked top 100, will get the legendary items, and they will probably just bounce after that. So, Im hoping theres a more precise way to track if theyre actually contributing. I'm really not into giving handouts. I busted my a** to get into the top 1000 by myself. Maybe Ill just remove them the day before the ledgers get counted, and then send them invites back and track their contributions from there? Maybe make a mandatory monthly minimum for membership?

    Any help or advice is appreciated.

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  • Communication is leadership.

    I'd talk to everyone, figure out who is on the same page and who isn't compatible.

    If you decide to kick people I'd approach it compassionately and with clear communication. No spite, no passive aggressive stuff.

    Even if people gotta find a new spot they are still people so sending them off with respect is leadership even in incompatibility.

    For the future, always communication. You get to run it how you want to run it, always treat people compassionately though even if you gotta be firm in decision making and establish clear boundaries and if you decide to implement expectations.

    Some might not be happy about your decisions, some may leave bitter about what you did or didn't do, some may smack talk or whatever, as a leader it's on you to minimize the drama from it all for those that are still a part of your guild.

    No blame games or beef just make the decisions that you want to lead with and remember that you are a leader, not a boss. Bosses use fear and this is a video game, leaders inspire performance and effort and realize that there is more to life and success than production numbers.

    Remember, you are the one that keeps that guild, you have the power, they are the ones in the vulnerable situation in the deal. As a leader it's on you to be considerate of that vulnerability. Accountability only exists if the leader is also held accountable. That's something to take very seriously, even in a video game guild.

  • You can see who took a shop out recently. If you don't run a solo guild, ask who they sailed with.

    Don't gatekeep.


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