Do Alliances Share Commendations?

  • Hey, pirates! I was wondering if anyone knows for sure if alliances share commendations, namely turning in that Chest of Fortune. My friend and I completed a Siren's Song and were keeping an eye on this dude that was working on the skelly fleet. He finished shortly after we did, and it lined up perfectly. I was taking that chest, one way are another in true pirate fashion! Well this guy sounded DONE. He was tired and ready to log out and said he didn't want to fight. I leveled with him and told him that I totally understood that fatigue and empathized, however, he did opt into high seas, and I wanted that chest. I told him he could simply drop it off the back for us and he'd be able to keep his huge stack of loot (this man had 3 athenas and a bunch more). He suggested alliancing so when he turned in the Chest of Fortune, my friend and I could get commendation progress too. Now I've been playing since season 6, and I wasn't so sure about that. I admit my ignorance on this topic, but to be safe, I told him we'd alliance and WE would turn in the chest at a different outpost. That way, we were guaranteed commendation progress. Well, he was confident in his knowledge that commendation progress was shared. Good on him. As much as I wanted a good fight, I could hear it in this man's voice. He needed to log off, and there would be plenty more scalliwags for my friend and I to pillage! I'm wondering if anyone can confirm. Did he also get commendation progress?

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  • @secret-vveapon
    AFAIK, he didn't.

  • For commendations that involve turning in loot, you need to do it for it to count towards commendations. Alliance won't matter.

  • @secret-vveapon No

  • So what I've gathered is I have successfully swindled my way into one more glorious Chest of Fortune muahahaha

  • Some deeds that are linked to alliances do count for all the crews in an alliance though; e.g. IIRC scuttling skeleton ships while in an alliance; that one pops up while the other crew is doing the fleet for instance, but they don't count for your commendations or milestones.

  • @secret-vveapon
    Only some commedations require an alliance, you my friend saved yourself from just getting gold.

  • Ok the just getting gold part makes sense because I ran into a 4 player Galleon crew yesterday and joined in on an Alliance for the first time and when they turned in their loot I got a lot of Gold.

    I'm still new and never knew about that feature in the game and now that ai know I think it's pretty cool.

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