Small fps

  • The essence of the issue is that my PC exceeds the recommended specifications, but the FPS in the open world is mainly 40. I have an i5-7500 and an RTX 3080 Ti with 8 GB of RAM. The recommended specifications are an i5-4690 and a GTX 770. I installed a fresh Windows yesterday and have not installed anything unnecessary. What could be the problem? I am playing on the recommended settings. FPS can reach 70 or higher, but then for some unknown reason, it drops and doesn't rise back up.

  • 11
  • @man2280 If you have just re installed the windows, have you updated your drivers? Especially the graphic ones?

  • Yes, everything is updated, however, the problem is not with that. Before I installed the new Windows, I had the same issues.

  • @man2280 And other games are working perfectly fine?

  • Yes, everything is fine with the others

  • @man2280 Try to weak your graphic settings/resolution. Perhaps that's what is causing the drop. But probably you tried that already as well.

  • Yes, there is no big difference between the minimum and maximum

  • What worked for me was changing the Power management mode for Sea of thieves from Normal to Prefer maximum performance in Nvidia's Control Panel 3D settings.

  • @man2280 Mind if I ask what other games do you play? As it really does not make sense.

    I had a similar problem with CSGO about 8 years ago, my laptop was the quality of a potato and would start overheating. This problem was causing the biggest headache in summer when the temperatures where higher. So I would start a game with low resolution and it would be around 70. After the laptop would heat up it would drop to 30-60 or worse and the laptop would start switching itself off. Obviously if I played really old games that required very little resources this wouldn't have been a problem.

  • Power consumption mode is irrelevant here, the CPU and GPU do not exceed 60 degrees Celsius. However, temperature does not affect me, whether it's 60 degrees or 90 degrees.

  • Regarding the power saving mode, what I meant was that everything is already optimized for energy consumption in my case. I've also tried adjusting the power consumption, but unfortunately, it didn't affect the FPS.

8 out of 11