Critical Roll commendation bugged?

  • I did roll a 20 with my D20 3 times now but havn´t got the Critical Roll commendation.
    Is this bugged?

  • 18
  • Yes. It is randomly bugged for people. Try again and this time take a screenshot for proof and submit a support request for the commendation. They will unlock it for you.

  • I still want to know why the dice numbers don't show up like they are supposed to so you don't have to zoom in.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:

    I still want to know why the dice numbers don't show up like they are supposed to so you don't have to zoom in.

    This still annoys me.

  • @realstyli said in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:

    @personalc0ffee said in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:

    I still want to know why the dice numbers don't show up like they are supposed to so you don't have to zoom in.

    This still annoys me.

    Like how long ago was that? Season 5?

    This doesn't work, Rare!

  • @personalc0ffee sagte in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:

    I still want to know why the dice numbers don't show up like they are supposed to so you don't have to zoom in.

    The numbers are supposed to show up??

  • @gooru72 said in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:

    @personalc0ffee sagte in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:

    I still want to know why the dice numbers don't show up like they are supposed to so you don't have to zoom in.

    The numbers are supposed to show up??

    Yes, I could have sworn I read that in the official notes but I couldn't tell you which season but I think it was 5. It was shortly after their introduction. @RealStyli do you know?

  • @personalc0ffee

    Yep, it was supposedly added in Season 5. I've never seen it work and still have no idea how to enable it, if it's even possible.

  • @realstyli said in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:


    Yep, it was supposedly added in Season 5. I've never seen it work and still have no idea how to enable it, if it's even possible.

    OK I'll get the patch note, cause I know I seen it.

  • @personalc0ffee

    From 2.4.1:

    Rolling Dice Emotes

    • When one of the Rolling Dice Emotes is performed, the result is now shown in the notification window as well as the player’s hand. Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will also have the result narrated.
  • @realstyli said in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:


    From 2.4.1:

    Rolling Dice Emotes

    • When one of the Rolling Dice Emotes is performed, the result is now shown in the notification window as well as the player’s hand. Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will also have the result narrated.

    Yup and this hasn't worked once for me.

  • I friend of mine just got the commendation when rolling a FOURTEEN.

  • And I just got it with a TWO.... the 14 wasn´t working for me,

  • Maybe it was lagged up because it should not unlock for anything other than 20.

  • Didn't work for me either. I rolled everything up to and including a 20, still no commendation.

  • @personalc0ffee
    No, wasn´t lagged.
    My fried did just one roll. It was 14 and the commendation poped in.
    I did 3 tries. No 20 and it poped in at a 2.

  • @abjectarity its not a commendation, its an achievement so i dont think rare can go in an account and unlock it

  • @cutlass-sot7777 said in Critical Roll commendation bugged?:

    @abjectarity its not a commendation, its an achievement so i dont think rare can go in an account and unlock it

    It is both an commendation and an achievement and yes, Rare can unlock it both for you if it didn't track.
    How do you think those achievements come in your account? Because the game gives an commend to unlock it. Rare devs can let the game tell that to your account.

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