I'm the worst kind of cook

  • I love playing cook for my crews, to see happy mates munching on my gastro delights. When the swabs sally fourth to seek wealth and rarity I seek tantalizing meats. Unfortunately for the crew I'm very forget and will set a minor fire... or two. The other day I had a captain periodically check the stove to pull my food off before it burned. I appreciate the help because I surely need it when it comes to my attention to detail. Bon appetit

  • 7
  • @lucrativedoor8

    I have found that simple meats, snake, pork, chicken, shark cook in one grogs' worth of drunk time.

    Drink grog, start meat, refill grog, play drunk music until it goes back to normal. Meat's done.

    Very handy for grinding rogue...

  • @lucrativedoor8 You can find online how long it takes for all the meat/fish to cook, so if you have your mobile phone close by, just set timer ;-)

  • @lucrativedoor8 nothing wrong with a bit of charcoal in our diets!

  • Sometimes in life you gotta throw some ketchup on the culinary cremation and just get through it while realizing that it's the thought that counts.

  • Doesn't meat take 1 min of real time to cook, other than Meg and Kraken meat?

    Fun fact, half cooked meat will heal the full amount but it won't give you health regen.

    Food flickers when it moves between the two states.

  • Just puy the meat on the pam amd take the pocket watch. Just wait about 1 minute in the real world, which is about a full spin of the long hand and then take the meat. For Kraken ane Meralodon meat it requires 2 minutes, for a fish it is about 45 seconds, but any fish type will become brown with white eyes, just wait for brown fish with white eyes to know they are ready. Obviously trophy fish takes longer but it has the same visual mark. Also as someone already said, the food flickers a bit when transitioning between both states of semi cooked and perfectly cooked. With peactice you won't need the watch and you can pick it up just by looking at its current state. Just never forget you are cooking something.

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