Controlling anger

  • What's everyone's tips to controlling their anger upon getting sunk.. lately since pvp came out I've been getting sunk alot more often than I'm sinking ppl and I'm beginning to feel alot of anger twords myself and the game. I never used to get mad, but now I find myself brooding for hours sometimes it Caries on till the next day. Please don't bash me too hard in the comments.

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  • @maxabillion8503

    No bashing needed, Sir , if you feel your anger levels rise to unseen heights then simply do some exploring on the map , evade conflicts and just enjoy some sailing , or do a Tall Tale , just do something different than PvP... Or , but this will be categorized as Blasphemy , play a different game for a while ... Getting frustrated is not needed , since that is the first step towards saying goodbye to a game , any game

  • Remember that its only a game! Failure is the best lesson, and you should always think about what you did wrong and how you can do better next time after getting sunk.

  • I don't get angry if I get sunk. Disappointed in my lack of capability yes, but angry, no as 1) it's inevitable and 2) it's just a game. It's not real life.

    If I get sunk what have I lost? A ship that costs nothing to replace. Lots of treasure? sure, if I am dumb enough to fill my ship with treasure without handing it in. I know people will say "but I worked hard for that", or "But I don't have lots of time to play as I have a job", as if they are the only player who has a job. But at the end of the day it's just a game.

    If you do find yourself getting angry then perhaps log out and go do something to de-stress. For me that's stroking chocolate and eating the cat ... oh hold, on. I think I got that wrong somewhere. :-D

  • If you are getting angry after getting sunk use party chat. You can swear your head off in there with only your own crew to report you.

  • @maxabillion8503 I once broke a controller I payed 109 buks for. 3 years later I'm being called "ur ***** ****" was spawn camped by 8 people over 2 gallus today. I just don't react at all, all losses are a win in the ways of learning. If u don't say anything and just smile it makes people even angrier, and I've done 6 years because of angry situations. Just try breath and know ur the bigger dog in the situation, because you know if you don't react behind the screen they feel like fools, might even learn something off ya. That's just wat I rekon and I practise it every single day :) or I'll just smash another controller lol

  • putting things in perspective and consistent dedication to thought rather than reaction to uncontrollable immediate feelings brought on by a situation

    What matters most? that's subjective

    what's left when stuff and things are lost? friends, community, circle of trust, significant others, family, leadership, opportunity for decency

    Harsh reactions to feelings of frustration put at risk what is left when it all goes away.

    Anger spreads, it negatively effects others, it negatively effects self and the environment.

    Ever been around someone that gets angry at random things? it causes the vibe to change, quality of the experience to lower, people walk on eggshells. Even when it isn't obvious to the person that regularly struggles with anger.

    When something frustrates me I think about what I just typed. I process that, I think a bit, I focus on the lesson, I focus on the productive approach, I let go of the negative enough to where it falls behind rather than stays in my way, I re-calibrate and I move forward.

    We all mess up on our goals, if you fall don't lean into staying down, get up, dust off, be thoughtful to yourself (but still hold yourself accountable) and to those around you and get back on the horse.

  • Take a break. Don't be mean to yourself. If certain plants aren't illegal, have a smoke.

    Don't punch things, you'll likely hurt yourself.

    I suffer from anxieties and SoT pvp triggers them so bad my hands shake so much I can't hang onto the controller lol. Now that's embarrassing 😅

  • @pithyrumble said in Controlling anger:

    Take a break. Don't be mean to yourself. If certain plants aren't illegal, have a smoke.

    Don't punch things, you'll likely hurt yourself.

    I suffer from anxieties and SoT pvp triggers them so bad my hands shake so much I can't hang onto the controller lol. Now that's embarrassing 😅

    it's just the way the cookie crumbles for some people
    nothing' embarrassing about a person going through something.
    it's just nice to have you around and other people that face the unpleasantness to try to have a good time in the game

    an adventure game needs y'all too.

  • Ahoy there!

    I thought I might add some things to this post.

    In the end of the day everyone can say 'its a game, get over it!' or anything on the lines of that but for you it feels like a lot more than that whilst your trying your hardest to try and earn something which can be seen as quite difficult. Your going to win some fights and your going to lose some fights. As of recent, I have been on a continuous losing streak and it can be difficult to keep a cool head so I should know.

    The best thing to do is the take a step back from the PvP area and realize there is going to be an mass amount of opportunity for you to get those curses or to level up in the future. Its not disappearing anytime soon. The next thing you can do is to work on something else that needs to be done. For example, you could work on commendations, trying to buy everything in the shops, leveling up other companies, etc. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the Sea of Thieves. Another idea is if you need to take an entire break from the Sea of Thieves, thats perfectly fine! Everything is still gonna be there when you come back to the seas. Enjoy other games and take your mind off of PvP.

    Losing can be justifiably frustrating but you can calm it down by doing something that you enjoy my friend!

    Best of luck for the future!

  • Well apart from becoming more mature (Getting angry over a video game where it affects you IRL for longer than it should, smashing things etc). One thing I could suggest, you need to be honest with yourself and determine what exactly makes you angry.

    I had a mate who would get angry, start calling everyone a cheater, scream on voice chats about having intimate relations with some ones mom in his mother tongue etc, but never really has done anything about it to resolve it apart from quitting the game and doing same thing on other games...

    Here are things you should try doing, if it means so much to let entertainment you control get you so mad:

    1. Work hard and smart to improve. Basically a lot and a lot of training to get better, failing to succeed over and over again.

    2. Work on your mindset and come to a conclusion that this is just a game. You spent money on it to enjoy it and not get furious over it. Also it is not a hardcore PVP game. Realize how silly it is to let it affect you so much and rise above yourself.

    3. Stop playing games that make you angry all together and it will do wonders to your mental health.

    4. Beat up your wife (jk:D)

  • The way i see it, getting sunk doesnt matter as it stands because anything you lose you can get back eventually, and with this new mode, getting sunk is less of a worry than ever before since the worst you lose is supplies.

    But as it stands there is no single solid solution that works for everyone. I learned years ago that getting mad at games hurts no one but my self and taught my self to not care what happens so much. It helps me to be able to laugh at weird and goofy things that happen in pvp, be it a one ball strait to the face that i only saw as i turned around, or accidentally sailing into a keg.

    At the end of the day the only person who can really figure out what keeps you calm is you, but maby something of my method could help some.

  • @maxabillion8503 alcohol mostly rum also I just don’t take a sink seriously it’s part of the game everyone gets sunk yea it’s frustrating to work hard find loot just have another crew swoop in and swat you like a fly taking all the loot you’ve collected but just gotta remember all the times you’ve gone unchallenged and turned in everything

5 out of 13