Gifting gold

  • So Rare if you know the players who just don’t know what to do with their money? Well what if they could gift money to a player and also this would make it so more players would be able to not have to spend 100 hours getting one item. If this was added then people could get money to give to other people as a kind thing. Also maybe make a way to make players who have played a insane amount of time (5000 hours) can’t get money this way. Though don’t allow reputation gained from doing this. That would be op. If you could add this I’m sure loads of players would be fine with it

  • 11
  • there is a huge problem with this.

    I'll sell you a million gold for 100$ usd.

  • also this would make it so more players would be able to not have to spend 100 hours getting one item.

    Reducing the amount of time a player logins and plays the game. Just because they have richer friends.

    No thanks. Sea of thieves. Not Sea of rich and powerful.
    Next there be people making deals and end up in debt.

  • @captain-coel said in Gifting gold:

    there is a huge problem with this.

    I'll sell you a million gold for 100$ usd.

    Or some pictures...etc..

  • @pithyrumble said in Gifting gold:

    @captain-coel said in Gifting gold:

    there is a huge problem with this.

    I'll sell you a million gold for 100$ usd.

    Or some pictures...etc..

    You mean the digital copy of a picture.

  • This also supports account transfers with fake accounts.


  • Definitely risks even more alliance servers for sweatshops to grind gold for a real money transaction market...

  • The problem with "gifting" something is that people will try to get profit from that. If you want to give other players money the best way at the moment is to play with them and help them farm or do some voyages by yourself, bury the treasure and give your map to another crew so they can get the money.

  • As others have said. As low as cheat or alliance servers appear to be, adding any way to RMT in this game would have it explode. Look at what games like Tarkov struggle with. The estimated percent of players cheating there is ~19% and it's mostly due to the RMT community that sells in-game items/currency for real life currency.

    Whatever size cheating or alliance server players are, I assure you it totals nowhere near 1/5 of the player base.

  • If you want to gift something, gift your friends the Sea itself. I have already done it twice. 😊

  • @dawn-piercer

    While I agree with some arguments said previously, I think giving a mean to give gold coins to players could be a legitimate function in the game if the gold is physical in some form that can also be stolen by other players. I can already imagine big pouches of gold coins held hanging over the shoulder like a bandit and limit which gold you can actually give to other players. I was thinking maybe only the gold you were able to collect yourself during the session you are presently playing in. (Like simulating that the gold from previous play sessions were cached somewhere and the new earnings are 'still in the ship somewhere'.

    But truthfully, despite that, I feel like even if we bring good ideas to the table I don't think such a feature would be considered by rare.

    EDIT: This reminds me that sometimes I feel like a trading function with other players could be nice. I know that we can already give items out but there is no proper trading interface to give and take inventory items which I think could be something interesting to add for sharing ressources in-between your crewmates.

4 out of 11