Toggle off ship interaction prompts

  • I want an option to turn off ship interaction prompts like ladders, wheel capstan, and sails. When you are full health without holding guns the hud is nice and clear. Until you go to the wheel. Go to look off the side of the ship. (Interact with sails) I have sailed for a long time and it’s just clutter now. Anything not the ship should remain. I just want my ship free of prompts other than loot or harpooned barrels.

  • 18
  • Go into settings and turn off hud.

  • @burnbacon I don’t want the Hud off. I still want to see health, ammo pools, name plates. I’m just sick of seeing the push this to interact with the ship. I have played the game long enough to know what does what.

  • Definitely not.

    That gives advantage to loot stealers so they don't accidentally grab something, someone has put next to a ship interactable to counter you from grabbing it.

    I am HARD against anything that is going to give drive by pvp'ers any more advantage then they already have.

    If you want my loot, you're going to work for it through all the crates, ship interactables.

  • @personalc0ffee that isn't what was requested here. They explicitly stated they just wanted the on screen prompt not to be visible, not actually disabling any of the interaction points themselves. So this wouldn't change that.

  • @redeyesith said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @personalc0ffee that isn't what was requested here. They explicitly stated they just wanted the on screen prompt not to be visible, not actually disabling any of the interaction points themselves. So this wouldn't change that.

    Not seeing it but yet it still being active? How would that work?

  • @personalc0ffee said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @redeyesith said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @personalc0ffee that isn't what was requested here. They explicitly stated they just wanted the on screen prompt not to be visible, not actually disabling any of the interaction points themselves. So this wouldn't change that.

    Not seeing it but yet it still being active? How would that work?

    Um, easily? The same way it does when the HUD is turned off, actually. It just won't be everything.

    Speaking of which, I'd like a HUD off option that keeps the radials visible.

  • The only way I support anything that fiddles or changes with UI is Rare GUARANTEES it does not affect PvP in ANY way.

    Edit: In regards to this particular situation, anyhow.

  • @personalc0ffee I believe what you’re talking about doesn’t have anything to do with what’s proposed. It would only effect the player that switches it on in the settings, and it’s only visual.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @personalc0ffee I believe what you’re talking about doesn’t have anything to do with what’s proposed. It would only effect the player that switches it on in the settings, and it’s only visual.

    I'm not sure it can only be visually removed and not still affect someone attempting to grab things and misgrabbing others.

    IE, someone places loot on the bed to keep drive by grabbers from snatching it so they get hung up on the prompt. This is a legitimate strategy, like burying your anchor in crates.

    My concern is that by "removing" the display, it actually allows said individuals to gain advantage over those that do not make it invisible.

    Which is pretty much my point of contention.

  • @personalc0ffee go to wanderers refuge. There is a skull in Wandas hideout that is intractable without any prompts. My suggestion does not effect the ability to interact with things. Just a toggle purely to remove the visual que of “push X to interact with thing” prompt on ship items like cannons, the wheel, capstan, barrels, ladders.

  • @personalc0ffee it would even be a fault for those who use it. In said loot piles you could be looking at the bed or anchor they wouldn’t be able to see said que showing what they are looking at. There wouldn’t be the timer circle for how long it takes to drop the anchor. Also with the bed there would be no que indicating they are about to sleep. Next thing they know they are laying down for a nap. It would basically be a blank prompt.

  • @mynuku said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @personalc0ffee go to wanderers refuge. There is a skull in Wandas hideout that is intractable without any prompts. My suggestion does not effect the ability to interact with things. Just a toggle purely to remove the visual que of “push X to interact with thing” prompt on ship items like cannons, the wheel, capstan, barrels, ladders.

    Very different situation I feel.

    @mynuku said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @personalc0ffee it would even be a fault for those who use it. In said loot piles you could be looking at the bed or anchor they wouldn’t be able to see said que showing what they are looking at. There wouldn’t be the timer circle for how long it takes to drop the anchor. Also with the bed there would be no que indicating they are about to sleep. Next thing they know they are laying down for a nap. It would basically be a blank prompt.

    So now you're talking about advantage for not disabling it then.

  • @personalc0ffee aslong as it doesn’t give advantages for toggling it. That’s what you said earlier right?

  • @personalc0ffee said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @mynuku said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @personalc0ffee go to wanderers refuge. There is a skull in Wandas hideout that is intractable without any prompts. My suggestion does not effect the ability to interact with things. Just a toggle purely to remove the visual que of “push X to interact with thing” prompt on ship items like cannons, the wheel, capstan, barrels, ladders.

    Very different situation I feel.

    You were asking how it would work. That’s how it would work. It’s nothing game changing. Just giving those who know how to sail a ship disable the prompts for ship interactions. It doesn’t remove the piles, it doesn’t keep you from loot stacking to hide a specific item. All it does is get rid of the annoying prompts.

  • @mynuku said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    @personalc0ffee aslong as it doesn’t give advantages for toggling it. That’s what you said earlier right?

    As long as it would not give advantage/disadvantage to either party I would be fine with it, yes.

    How would you know what loot to grab though?

  • @personalc0ffee said in Toggle off ship interaction prompts:

    How would you know what loot to grab though?

    He is talking about just the ship prompts, sails, wheel, anchor etc. Only the ship prompts...nothing would know what loot to grab because the prompts for loot are not ship prompts and thus would remain unchanged. What is so very difficult to understand about this concept? Nothing about how you interact with the game would change other than that little visual saying drop anchor, sails etc.

    This isn't that hard of a concept. Turn your hud off, stack whatever loot you want on a your anchor/bed. WOW even though your hud is off you can still pick up chests and raise sails etc what a miracle! It would be exactly like that except relating to ship prompts only.

  • @mynuku the only legitimate criticism I have or could think of is that it is development time spent on something niche that isn't very impactful.

    That being said I would probably use it.

10 out of 18