Lost shipment bug: manifest but no sunken ship?

  • happened to us today 2/2 times before i found this thread. 04/28/2021

  • Same here

    The last few days i had this happen 5 times out of 7 voyages.
    Last 3 were last night.

    I’m also not seeing any cargo floating there so can anyone confirm that patch?

    Maybe we should all send reports about this. So the developers know how many players are impacted.

  • Now it’s more rare to have a ship them no ship... wth

  • SO its been a longggg time now... So are we just pretending the Lost Shipwreck voyages are working? 7 out of 10 times has ended up with no sunken ship at the end, and have to sell the manifests and the keys with no other loot to show for it :| Has the Devs said anything about this?

  • Someone told me there is a (15 minute) time limit but I can not find anything official from Rare related to a time limit.

  • Has been happening to me a lot lately. Probably done 40 Voyages (grinding for the commendation), at least 30 of them have been no shipwreck, most likely more. Good to know I'm not the only one having this issue though.

  • Just happened to my crew today (5/31/2021), got every merchant tip, the key to the Captain's Quarters, then the last was just the manifest alone in the water like all the other posts in this thread. It was rather close to a large rock (Located at B11), so perhaps that caused the shipwreck not to spawn properly.

    I really hope this gets addressed. 3-month-old fairly common bug that makes the time spent on the quest feel like a waste.

  • Happened to me right there, massive flock of birds above the manifest but no shipwreck to be seen.

  • Hey rare... you want to stop playing with disney and fix your game now? This has been an issue for months.....

  • yesterday the capt key dissapeared from thin air when i dropped it to tak a trident.
    i wondered if they key would have cliipped and pass throught the ship, went outside to check the in the water; a volcan wakes up and wreck my ship in 5 seconds.

    I spawned next to it (1 min) ship not there, no birds, 3 hours of loot and rep farm lost due to bugs.

    Salty as the sea by how awful was that

    This shet is damn crazy and It looks like they dont even care, even if we give feedback so much.

    I truly dont understand why

  • Did my first one ever today and was pretty excited but found just the manifest under a large flock of seagulls. Was pretty wounded haha.

  • I'd never encountered this up until I hit rank 75 with the merchant alliance the other day, and the 2 I've done since then have both been no ship floating manifest. One at least was from Golden Sands, so I don't know if either of those are a common element or what. Kinda sucks, but from now on I'm going to not do the voyage from GS.

  • This is an older thread but it just happened to me too, Golden Sands really seems to be the common factor here

  • Someone was at the wreck before you and the wreck despawns. The Manifest doesn't spawn until you (the voyage owner) arrive. Shabooey, manifest manifests without a wreck!

  • @lancers33 Did my first LS last night and that's exactly what happened to me - no ship, floating manifest. I thought because I couldn't find the key that maybe the ship didn't appear, but it seems that didn't matter. So many experience this problem I realize it's a bug. Shame, because I really like this kind of voyage.

  • Can confirm that this bug is still in the game- was trying to secure a last minute spot at the top of the ledgers before they closed and had this happen southwest of Golden Sands. Abnormally large flock of birds with just a floating manifest, which was disappointing because the captain's key sold for way less than the shipwreck loot would have (not to mention the level 5 flag I would have acquired). Sounds like this only affects the Finest Trading Post - Golden Sands route. 7-31-21

  • Lost shipment bug: no clue barrel on marked spot.

    clue said go to x-y.
    did, found only 4 regular barrels with naught but junk.

  • update:
    found the clue by luck on UNMARKED (no birds) flotsam.

    and the key as well, which is how i spotted the thing.
    yay for glowing loot.

  • Had this happen last night....found key, found all clues, found LARGE bird flock, Manifest floating on the water, no wreck.

    Really wanted those merchant crates.........

  • I remember this being an issue a while back and it had seemed it had been fixed. However, 6 out of 6 voyages done last night (9/12/21) were all bugged in nearly the same way. Out fo the 6 voyages, we never did have the chance to open the captains quarters because a key was never found on all 6. Two out of the 6 voyages we never found the manifest even though we did find the locked ship. We were able to turn in 4 manifests. I hope it can be fixed and if there is any information I can add to help, I am happy to do so.

  • This is still occurring. Done two voyages last two days, large flock of birds, manifest, no ship. And yes both were around Golden Sands.

  • This happens to me 60 to 70% percent of those voyages. PLEASE fix this! I've done probably a hundred or so of these voyages but have only gotten 17 ships to actually appear.

  • Same thing just happened to me; Jan 28th 2022

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