Whats with hit reg?

  • Love when I shoot a keg and it doesn't explode, or when I shoot the person and they make the hit animations and then take 3 more bullets.

    Like this one dude in arena took 10shots and didn't even die.
    I don't complain about hitreg at all but honestly, this last week it decides when it wants to work itself.

    Quick edit as I know what these forums are like.
    I got a hit marker on all of the above.
    If no hit marker then clearly I missed my shot but when I got a hitmaker for every single one of the above scenarios, hitreg, be broken. I don't know if its cos of ping or what but if that's the case, I shouldn't be put in servers outside my region. The language barrier is already difficult enough never mind having awful ping and getting hitreg'd every time I encounter someone.

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  • thats why i crutch on sword lol

  • @rtl-saint I love sword, I sword & snipe but honestly finding an opponent who is actually decent at the sword and doesn't just M1M1M1 to the ferry is about as rare as the shrouded ghost.

    then blunder, don't get even me started on that. I love people who think they're dons at the game carrying it. It's like no, you can't aim. People use it cos they know what it does.

  • Hitreg has been really bad ever since Shrouded Spoils.

  • @JosephTodd hit reg reflects the accuracy of guns of that time XD

  • @josephtodd said in Whats with hit reg?:

    If no hit marker then clearly I missed my shot but when I got a hitmaker for every single one of the above scenarios, hitreg, be broken.

    Hitmarkers don't mean anything because they are client side. Most of the time they are probably ok, but you can never trust them 100%. This is because it's based on what you see and not what the server sees, which is the part that determines hit registration. You can do damage without a hitmarker (on your screen it looks like a miss, but was actually a hit on the server), or get a hitmarker and not do damage (looked like a hit, but was a miss or faulty hit reg on the server).

    They really should move to a server side hitmarker system, so that when you see a hitmarker you know for sure that you damaged your target rather than this guessing game we have going on now.

  • 🎶seinfeld theme bass guitar

    I mean they call it "hit reg" but the hits don't even reg!

    And what's the deal with skeleton "captains"?

  • @d3adst1ck Ah okay, I partly understand you. Well that sucks, sucks more when they're bullet sponges. I feel you though, they should change it if it will tell us it was 100% a shot. It would help so much, I get I miss some shots but the ones on this post 100% hit them or at least I was shown they hit.

  • Even funnier with false hitregs is when yourself gets hit, you see the shot hit you and even get the sound que for it. Still you're perfectly fine after it.

    I've been shot twice in a row standing still on an anchored ship with ppl in the water shooting at me and taking no dmg.
    Feels kinda nice. But then you realise the hitreg works 2 ways and you don't kill anyone either.

    A realistic count of amount of failed hitregs i get a day is probably 10+ atleast.
    I do alot of Arena (not tdm...) and some pvp in adventure and this is super common.
    Happens just as much for my friend and we both have good internet, even live in different countries, so it's not like it's a "my internet" situation.

    They seriously need to do something about it, because it's sooooo bad.
    Even chain shots tend to most of the time never give a hitmarker.

    And when we on the subject of hitmarker. How bout ramming rng.
    Thats literally throwing a dice if u get holes or not.

  • @ocean-santa5827 Its beyond, and angering. You expect the game to do something which is a built in but no you have to pray it actually works. Shouldn't be this way on a game that isn't in beta anymore, its actually pathetic at this point. oh but bad mouth rare and you get all the monkeys coming at you having ago. Lol. I wonder what their excuse is at 5 years... 'we looking into it'

  • @josephtodd How dare you refer to SoT fans as anything less than people. 😡

  • It’s never gonna get fixed my dude, that’s the truth. If I’m being 100% honest, I don’t actually think they know how to fix it, but they have to keep the community from becoming angry so they keep saying “we’re working on it”. Just get used to it, this will forever be a problem unfortunately.

  • @boogyghost101 said in Whats with hit reg?:

    It’s never gonna get fixed my dude, that’s the truth. If I’m being 100% honest, I don’t actually think they know how to fix it, but they have to keep the community from becoming angry so they keep saying “we’re working on it”. Just get used to it, this will forever be a problem unfortunately.

    Oh ye, of little faith...

  • @galactic-geek not much faith I could give considering they’ve said their working on it for about a year now and I haven’t seen any improvements.

  • I think it is all related to keeping SoT compatible with the potato Xbox.

    We are only as efficient as our weakest hardware.

  • I enjoy a good sloppy hit Reg as it provides me with ample excuse as to why I died and the other guy didn’t.

    That and lag, that’s another of my favorites!

    It’s a silly, goofy, cartoony fun Pirate Game. We aren’t in Korea playing in the Final Round of a CS GO or RB6 Tournament.

  • What confuses me the most is what’s wrong? If a hitmarker plays then the game is telling you that your shot hit. Why can’t they do some like

    If Player Shoot And Get Hitmarker
    Does Damage To Player Shot At

  • @hooohoocoach said in Whats with hit reg?:

    What confuses me the most is what’s wrong? If a hitmarker plays then the game is telling you that your shot hit. Why can’t they do some like

    If Player Shoot And Get Hitmarker
    Does Damage To Player Shot At

    If thats how it worked, i don't think we'd have any issues.

    If X happened, then Y happened, obviously computer just understands that.
    Don't need anything else :D .

    To add a little more. The issue comes with client side (the player) and the server side.
    Your pc might show you hit marker, that you hit him on your screen, but server says you didn't.

  • @ocean-santa5827 oh yeah client side is terrible. There are times when a shot will pummel your face and miss on the other players screens.

  • @josephtodd said in Whats with hit reg?:

    @rtl-saint I love sword, I sword & snipe but honestly finding an opponent who is actually decent at the sword and doesn't just M1M1M1 to the ferry is about as rare as the shrouded ghost.

    then blunder, don't get even me started on that. I love people who think they're dons at the game carrying it. It's like no, you can't aim. People use it cos they know what it does.

    Agreed, I love the sword as much as the next guy, but 90% of the time its no challenge because the current meta is just spamming m1, so I double gun cause its a bit harder to kill those doing that. Makes PvP a little more exciting.

  • @boogyghost101 said in Whats with hit reg?:

    @galactic-geek not much faith I could give considering they’ve said their working on it for about a year now and I haven’t seen any improvements.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case, but dear lord I hope it isn't.

    There is also the possiblity that the devs dont want to fix hitreg, sure it makes lots of people angry but it also gives new players a chance against experienced double gunners (ie, they can backtrack and tank multiple shots, because you can be punished for hitting and rewarded for missing.) Making it so players are less likely to rage quit and uninstall because they got stomped.

  • @galactic-geek "Faith" is actually a pretty good word to describe the unfounded, unwavering belief that some of you have in Rare's ability to fix hitreg, while it has gotten progressively worse after all this time.

    Little? I have none.

  • @boogyghost101 said in Whats with hit reg?:

    @galactic-geek not much faith I could give considering they’ve said their working on it for about a year now and I haven’t seen any improvements.

    Have you been reading patch notes? Improvements have been listed there...

  • then blunder, don't get even me started on that. I love people who think they're dons at the game carrying it. It's like no, you can't aim. People use it cos they know what it does.

    On the contrary, I am a firm believer that one should carry different weapons depending on the situation. getting boarded? Blunderbuss, Fighting PVE? Depending on the amount of keg skellies then you may want something else, but usually a blunder is a good one tap or mass damage output on bosses.

    Sniper is good for ship to ship or any longer distance, but is also good close up if you are a quick scoper,

    Flintlock (this is a more recent love of mine) Is best for boarding other people. and in general surviving keg skellies on islands.

    Generalizing any one weapon isn't really advisable, I would always recommend finding what works best with each situation for you personally of course,

    But thats what I've found works best for me.

  • @galactic-geek I do indeed read the patch notes and removing wall bangs does not count as improvement my friend. Plus I still haven’t actually seen any improvement in game, it just seems to me like it’s getting worse by the update.

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