Ability to name ur crew

  • It would be cool if u could name ur crew. You do this in the same way you would start a voyage. Instead of 2 things u can select being voyage and tall tale now u can select crew name. Pressing this will allow you to type the name of ur crew. After u type it press start vote, it will then ask are u sure u want (crew name) just to make sure there are no typos. Once you press yes the vote will start, people will vote for it the same way they vote for voyages. If u get sunken by an enemy player then it will say your ship has bean sunken by (enemy crew name). If u get sunken by someone with no crew name then nothing will appear.

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  • @toast-ghost1323 this seems pointless also it's been*

  • @rtl-saint yea but u know what else is useless the ability to customize ur ship and clothing and thats in the game. Just cuzz its useles dont mean it cant be in the game

  • @toast-ghost1323 i mean if you think the whole point of the game is useless than yea thats useless;)

  • Not to name our crews but for the Captain who started the crew to name their ship and have it displayed above Captain’s Quarters.

  • @aaronblueeyes Why does the person starting the session get to be Captain? Why does that make them special?

    It doesn't - with implementation like that, nobody would want to be on another pirate's crew, because they would all fancy themselves a Captain.

  • Nah, it’s just like a Posse or CEO organization in Red Dead or Gta Online.

    Whatever Pirate starts the crew for a session is the Captain, their ship’s name is what’s used and anyone willing to sail with them is in their crew.

    For instance, if you were playing and invited me, you’d be Captain of your ship and I’d be your crew member to aid you on your ship. But then let’s say I have an endeavor I want to pursue, then I can invite you to my crew and I’m Captain.

    Nobody’s “special” only selfish players that feel they’re entitled to always be Captain would have issue with it.

    As stated above that type of system exists in Red Dead Online for example, and it works just fine. If I’m playing and invite you to my posse, you’re a member of my posse and use my camp and the missions/events we do are tied to my progress for the most-part. But the converse is true if you invite me to your posse, then you’re the posse leader and you lead the way.

  • Maybe this is something that should just be available for closed crews, or ships that start their round closed, and be selected in the starting menu. I think most people will happily take on their friends crew name or ship name, and if you join an open crew well you are basically accepting whatever course has been decided by the established players anyway, why not the name also?

  • We can name our pets... So if Rare is worried about what people will name their ships, or name their "crews", then they've already fried their fish too dark to hold this treat back.

    Give us naming our ships and crews! Gibplz!!

  • @toast-ghost1323 said in Ability to name ur crew:

    It would be cool if u could name ur crew. You do this in the same way you would start a voyage. Instead of 2 things u can select being voyage and tall tale now u can select crew name. Pressing this will allow you to type the name of ur crew. After u type it press start vote, it will then ask are u sure u want (crew name) just to make sure there are no typos. Once you press yes the vote will start, people will vote for it the same way they vote for voyages. If u get sunken by an enemy player then it will say your ship has bean sunken by (enemy crew name). If u get sunken by someone with no crew name then nothing will appear.

    Thats pretty cool. I like it.

  • @aaronblueeyes said in Ability to name ur crew:

    Nah, it’s just like a Posse or CEO organization in Red Dead or Gta Online.

    Whatever Pirate starts the crew for a session is the Captain, their ship’s name is what’s used and anyone willing to sail with them is in their crew.

    For instance, if you were playing and invited me, you’d be Captain of your ship and I’d be your crew member to aid you on your ship. But then let’s say I have an endeavor I want to pursue, then I can invite you to my crew and I’m Captain.

    Nobody’s “special” only selfish players that feel they’re entitled to always be Captain would have issue with it.

    As stated above that type of system exists in Red Dead Online for example, and it works just fine. If I’m playing and invite you to my posse, you’re a member of my posse and use my camp and the missions/events we do are tied to my progress for the most-part. But the converse is true if you invite me to your posse, then you’re the posse leader and you lead the way.

    Historically captains only lead in conflict and were voted in by the crew. Every part of piracy was democratic. They all paid for the ships, the food, everything, chipped in together.

    So going off the way pirates operated its likely theyd vote on a name. Afterall captains could be voted out. Sometimes democratically and some times through bloodshed if it was a split vote. Basically a mutiny.

    Your argument is based off RDO.
    Not off piracy.

    It wouldnt be out of place as this sort of thing actually happened. The crew voting in a crew name if thats what you mean?

    To assume a captain is the leader of the crew is based off pop culture and movies.
    There was no leader of a crew.
    Some pirates were just so good at being captain they remained at the helm their entire careers and the crew either respected them too much or were afraid to vote against.

    Similar to how there are no leaders of crews in SOT. Also the reason we vote on voyages aswell. Its not just a gameplay mechanic, types of votes happened.

  • Naming crew or naming ship. I rather go with naming the ship.

    Now how this would work is up in the air.

    1. Go to the shipwright as you would with putting on your cosmetics and type or use selective choice words to randomize your ship name.
    • Anyone can switch or change the name.

    No need for a Captain. As many captains who were doing poorly would be kicked off the ship if the whole crew agreed, but that be a whole new issue. So no Captain or player who has right to do it (Such as they started the ship first)
    If that were the case, nobody would join a random crew less they want to deal with a power hungry 5 year old pirate who takes the role too seriously.

  • @burnbacon
    Aww, but the man who RPs a happy pirate captain is such glorious content to the game. Its so contagious. But, sure, no need to have a captain if we get ship names.
    Idk what Rare's up to entirely of course. Just a few things.

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