What's your favorite vessel?

  • I have had the opportunity to sail many miles on each ship. The gallion is always fun especially with a good crew, the brig can be a blast with is constant speeds in various wind conditions, and the sloop is definitely a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. But my all time favorite vessel would have to go to the row boat. It is the most stealthy of the bunch, can act as a storage crate, will hold a full 4 man crew, and best of all can attach to enemy vessels. 😏

    The amount of shenanigans the row boat can host is astonishing and anyone who hasn't spent at least one playsession only using a row boat should give it a go. What's your favorite vessel?

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  • @expsnailer My favourite is the brigantine as a solo.

    The brigantine gets a lot of hate when it comes to solo play but honestly with it being so fast its great for voyages.

    You never have to wait for a sloop to give up a chase when you can literally point it into a cross wind and boost away at 230 m/s. Only yesterday i got a reapers chest and a sloop was hot on my tail. I got it on at the last minute just as they begun to open fire, within 7 seconds i was out of their range and moments later they were a smudge on the horizon.

    My second favourite is rowboat. Combine a solo brig with a rowboat i can pvp pretty well too. All about playstyles tho, i just enjoy handling her better than sloop. Sloop feels like a fishing boat in comparison, although i dont think its better than a sloop as a solo its not, but its way more fun.

    You gotta think yourself as a glass cannon smuggler when you solo a brig.

    Turn it full left or right lock, i can board a ship, sink and kill the crew and catch my ship as it comes around in its turning circle. Its more versatile than most people would have you believe.

    Comfort-wise, it gets almost as easy and manageable as a sloop when you have your own little routine of doing stuff.

    Its not as efficient as a sloop but its way more fun and thats what matters most o think.

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