Ship naming

  • The current ship customization is well and good, but you can't really personalize your ship very much. This annoys people like me, as I have named my galleon, and am annoyed I can't do it in game. We have it on the shipwrecks, and in the lore. So why can't we name our ships in game?

  • 13
  • Its been a asked topic and well recieved.

    I believe because, like naming Pets. Got to be careful you might come across a ship who has...named it Inappropriate. So they could be already working on the idea, just making sure it wont be abused.
    That and...since if you are in a crew say a Galleon, who gets to name the ship? and Why or how?

    • One idea I believe would work is just offer a simple 3-4 name title from a random selective choice. Each player or single player can pick a word to be used. Coming up with crazy names.
    • Another is as how the Alliance works, just generate a random name every time you decide to name the ship.

    All done at Shipwright.

  • @zegpath81 said:

    We have it on the shipwrecks, and in the lore. So why can't we name our ships in game?


  • I’m hoping someday we do. It has been a requested feature since release so I guess we all just need to keep posting about it.

  • @zegpath81 said in Ship naming:

    The current ship customization is well and good, but you can't really personalize your ship very much. This annoys people like me, as I have named my galleon, and am annoyed I can't do it in game. We have it on the shipwrecks, and in the lore. So why can't we name our ships in game?

    they're going to add it but because of corona it has been put on the back burner for rn I hope so at least

  • @galactic-geek said in Ship naming:

    @zegpath81 said:

    We have it on the shipwrecks, and in the lore. So why can't we name our ships in game?


    me neither

  • @burnbacon said in Ship naming:

    Its been a asked topic and well recieved.

    I believe because, like naming Pets. Got to be careful you might come across a ship who has...named it Inappropriate. So they could be already working on the idea, just making sure it wont be abused.
    That and...since if you are in a crew say a Galleon, who gets to name the ship? and Why or how?

    • One idea I believe would work is just offer a simple 3-4 name title from a random selective choice. Each player or single player can pick a word to be used. Coming up with crazy names.
    • Another is as how the Alliance works, just generate a random name every time you decide to name the ship.

    All done at Shipwright.

    I really hope it's like naming pets

  • @closinghare208 I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be, but then again, I still can't name my cat Felix. 🙄

  • Galleon or not, the "host" or captain would get to name the ship and they can easily block out bad words like they do when your making up accounts or nick names, it just blocks them, same when your typing in chat.

  • At his point I would be excited with a Randomly generated name similar to the shipwrecks when it spawns.

  • I'm not against it

    Issue I have is that perfectly acceptable words are censored and people that want to be offensive just work around the censors so I feel like even if implemented it wouldn't be as great as people think.

    Because of this I think I like the random generator idea. Like skelly captains and alliance names they can have silly randomly generated names for people to choose from

  • @zegpath81 said in Ship naming:

    The current ship customization is well and good, but you can't really personalize your ship very much. This annoys people like me, as I have named my galleon, and am annoyed I can't do it in game. We have it on the shipwrecks, and in the lore. So why can't we name our ships in game?

    Not only do i love this idea, many others do too as its been brought up a fair few times.

    The main issue is that the ship is not yours, but belongs to the crew, not a sole individual.

    However, the best way to fix this is to let us type a name and vote on it like its a voyage.

    Propose a name at ship customisation chest, Sticky notes appear by the name plaque with 1 dagger pinning it to the wall.

    The crew can see the proposed named and the paper that received the most daggers pinning it, just like a voyage is chosen.

    That way, we can name the ship as a solo and also vote on the best names as part of a crew.

    In a way, making a cool ship name that regularly gets votes on would also be something to be proud of.

  • I'm not too worried about a hardcore profanity filter. The one for pets is fine. Sure, occasionally you'll come across a 12 year old with a slur and some dumb joke in the name but I could put up with that as long as I could finally name my ship.

5 out of 13