Hairstyles / Types

  • Not sure if this has been discussed before but I would love to see more hairstyles in the game. As a female gamer, I don't see much variation and options for female hairstyles in the game. It would be cool to see the likes of ponytails and buns (messy ofc), longer hair types, short bob types, and some other types. More men's hairstyles can also be added, a small bun, floppy hair, shaved, or spiky hair, and others.

    It's merely a suggestion, I have no issue with my current characters look but if we wanted to make the pirate more relatable then maybe more hairstyles and types would give us some variation and make the pirate feel more like a representation of ourselves in the game.

  • 6
  • This has been discussed before, and has also been heavily supported. Though, I think Rare is largely sticking with period-based hairstyles in this instance.

    [Looks at afro and parrot hairstyles]


  • @annaakiin

    Yes! And more colours and combos!!!

  • @galactic-geek It's a shame they want to stick with period-based hairstyles as I can't fully immerse myself into the game as my character doesn't really look a whole lot like me. Even back then, they would have had big volume hair and a few up-do styles.

    I need more hair variations D:

  • @annaakiin said in Hairstyles / Types:

    I need more hair variations D:

    Don't we all?

  • Yea, I'd imagine this will come at some point, but I think it is probably a ways back in the priority list of items to work on. Will be nice to get some fresh new styles eventually, but until then I can generally find stuff that is suitable enough to play on.

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