Sloops going down with 1 keg

  • So I just got done playing a session with my friend. We just finished everything we wanted to do so we set out to sink a galleon in our sloop... We managed to keg them 3 times in the span on 10 minutes, every time I killed 2-3 of them on the bottom deck, of course they wouldnt sink. Now i get ready to use our last keg to try to sink them one last time, but long story short i was on the deck, keg in hand, and a cannonball phased through the bowsprit and hit me killing both me and my friend. Now why are kegs balanced in such a way, that blowing up unattentive galleons multiple times barely gets even close to sinking them, while we unfortunately die with a keg blowing up on THE TOP DECK, and we sink before we can respawn? In my opinion that is not balanced at all... Can I get some outside opinions on this?

  • 7
  • Galleon is bigger, needs to fill two levels.
    Sloop is smaller, needs only fill the bottom.

    Kegs are not all that great unless you mix in a few cannonballs in the same spot, allowing a bigger hole and more water to pour in.

    So far, the issue I see with your plan, You were on your deck of your ship with a Keg....Why? Majority people keep those in the crows nest and jump into the water. Thus avoiding your ship :/

  • @mrs-yeest
    Kegs definitely do less damage than they used too. If you want to have the best chance of sinking a galleon, climb onto their boat and run to the bottom deck in the very front. Set it off and it will create 4 holes. If you set off the keg on top deck (especially against a galleon) You'd get lucky to even get 2 holes at the bottom deck. The normal kegs don't have a lot of range when exploded, so if it explodes top deck it'll mostly only do damage to middeck, and they won't take in water.

  • @burnbacon I didnt have the keg on the deck, it was in the crows nest, we were chasing them and they messed up and we started gaining on them, so i took the keg and we intended to just slam into them, I would run up the bowsprit and drop the final keg on the bottom deck and keep them from repairing while my friend shoots cannonballs at them... but the cannonball glitched through a texture and hit me and exploded the barrel killing both of us, the issue I have isnt about sloop sinking speed or anything like that, just how unbalanced kegs are in sloops, you could kill the whole crew twice with a keg on a galleon and they wouldnt sink by the time they respawned but on the sloop you dont even have the chance to come back to repair the damages... if only they added like a small delay to the sinking speed of sloops to kegs, so you can at least respawn with like 3 seconds to try to run down and bail, it would be enough balancing... but instead youre forced to accept loss when a keg blows up and you die... no other ship has that and its very exploitable

  • It depends where you set the keg off. The sloop is still incredibly resistant to kegs - I've saved mine from a Mega keg before. Even if you die from a regular keg you can usually save your ship when you get back from the ferry assuming no further damage was done.

    I'm assuming that when the cannonball hit you and blew you and your crewmate up it likely dropped your mast and made it much easier for the galleon to continue shooting cannonballs into the ship hull.

  • @mrs-yeest

    @burnbacon I didnt have the keg on the deck, it was in the crows nest

    Was, that is past tense, it detonated on your deck though, I imagine Bacon implied that you should have just lept off the crows directly in the water with it rather then bring it to your deck first. At the point of explosion, it was in in fact on your deck though, specifically, in your hands.

    but the cannonball glitched through a texture and hit me and exploded the barrel killing both of us

    No glitch here, cannons deal AOE damage that can trigger the explosion, this is the exact reason you don't hold kegs on deck and keep it in the crows.

    I have isnt about sloop sinking speed or anything like that, just how unbalanced kegs are in sloops, you could kill the whole crew twice with a keg on a galleon and they wouldnt sink by the time they respawned but on the sloop you dont even have the chance to come back to repair the damages...

    Except, that isn't what happened here, you stated that you kill 2-3 of them. Assuming that is true, that leaves 1 person for sure to revive them, so you never killed to crew to the point that it mattered.

    I would even add, it wasn't just 1 keg though, your story stated otherwise. You were not only dealing with damage from the keg, but also damage from the cannon-fire. That keg that detonated was triggered by cannon-fire remember? Both of you were dead, so that means you were dealing with multiple cannon-holes and gunpowder holes.

    Nothing exploited really happened here, just take it as a lesson that kegs shouldn't be on your deck when taking cannon-fire. My crew refuses to carry kegs, we consider them the keys to our own demise.

  • @nabberwar I see what youre saying but our situation wasnt that easy, the galleon was moving in its own line full wind and we came at a 90 degree angle towards them to try and drop the keg, as soon as we died they just kept going and were out of angle to shoot more, I know this because when i respawned in the water with the ship sank I saw them already far away still heading the same direction they were when we died... they shot only one cannonball which hit me and through me and the keg went into the railing where the wheel is...

6 out of 7