How do you get the commendations for the 2 sails?

  • I can't find the 2 required commendations anymore in the reputation menu. I heard you have to beat Flameheart's fleet to get one sail. Did that and it didn't unlock. I heard you have to turn in ghost skulls for the other. How many do you have to turn in? Thanks.

  • 15
  • @tedakin You could check your commendations to find out. Think it's in OoS

  • @klutchxking518 I checked and don't see it anywhere. Also I drew your avatar. No joke.... that shirt is on the designbyhumans site :)

  • @tedakin Second page? There's a commendation something like "Banish the flame" for defeating flameheart 10 times or something

  • Defeat the Burning Blade 10x for the Burning Blade sails, Deliver 50 ghost captain skulls to OoS for the Ghost Captain sails.

  • @tedakin said in How do you get the commendations for the 2 sails?:

    I can't find the 2 required commendations anymore in the reputation menu. I heard you have to beat Flameheart's fleet to get one sail. Did that and it didn't unlock. I heard you have to turn in ghost skulls for the other. How many do you have to turn in? Thanks.

    go to oos commendations I think that's where they are

  • The commendation for turning in the captains skulls doesn't specify OoS. Is it possible to receive credit when turning them into the reaper's bones?

  • @testakleze yes reapers counts too

  • Thanks for asking this, I couldn't find the answer anywhere either. Time to grind.

  • "The most committed ghost hunters out there can also snag some unique ship parts: the Burning Blade Sails are unlocked by defeating the ghostly Burning Blade 10 times, while the haunting Ghost Captain Sails are yours if you send 500 Ghost Ships back to the Sea of the Damned!"

    From the haunted shores page:

  • @jbinkc Wait so you get the ghost sail by defeating 500 ships, not getting 50 captain skulls?

  • @jbinkc Incorrect. If you look in game, Hunter of damned captains is the achievement you need to complete to unlock the Ghost Captain sails which is delivering 50 ghost captain skulls. Scourge of the Damned is for defeating 500 ghost ships and as of right now is just for that title.

  • 50 skulls?? i just get one per fleet...and i tho8ught its 20 burning blades? grade 1 require 5 burning blade sinks(if im not wrong)

  • Something to think about with the debate on whether it SHOULD be 50 captain skulls vs 500 ships sunk. This probably washes out to happen at about the same time unless you are stealing alot of ghost fleet loot.

  • It’s not 500 ships it’s 50 captain skulls and a number of completions of the flameheart event. 10 of this I think

11 out of 15