Game Crashing Constantly

  • My game has consistently been crashing ever since this new update, at first I figured it was something with my PC not wanting to like the new update, but now when on a Galleon with my 3 friends, 3 of us DC at the same time and the 4th has yet to DC once. Anyone know what is going on?

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  • It's also happening to me and my friends on Xbox and I only notice that it crashes when we are on the boat. Usually it's when someone is steering or when we are raising anchor. Could be something bugged on the boat maybe??

  • @stonykrakken dude the same thing just happened to me like 30 mins ago I was on the north side of plunder outpost and 3 of us crashed

  • @capt-ed-bones on xbox

  • Me and my buddy were on a sloop and everytime he pulled out his fishing rod to fish it crashed my game. This happened 5 to 6 times and tested it down to the exact moment he pulled out his fishing rod.

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