Hope this is okay to post

  • I am looking to sell my gilded athena for a sloop with deckhand sails it would be helpful thanks :)

  • 13
  • @fat-darth-vapor

    First of all, @Deckhands
    You guys get your own sails?

    Secondly, how ya gonna make this work Vapor? They'd have to do the voyage with you to be able to use the voyage and leave you with the sloop.

    Good luck getting those. I'd like to see them if a deckhand would be kind enough to post a picture.

  • @pithyrumble

    Yeah they're red with a big white hand on them, check the SoT Wiki for pics.

  • @pithyrumble These be the sails you be lookin' for!

    alt text

  • Those are spiffy!

  • @pithyrumble I would join the deckhands friend and he would join my friend on a sloop my friend will give the ok when the sails are down and i'd drop the gilded and we'd swap ships back

  • @fat-darth-vapor all that effort just to sail with those sails one session ? Why ? Most deckhands are already probably in their pirate legend stages and probably even athena 10 for most if not all

  • @callmebackdraft because I can't contact the person with banana sails for a trade :( but seriously if you could trade something for a day with something you really want to try would you? I can make the gold from my gilded just doing forts can't get these sails for a day from forts

  • @fat-darth-vapor i due think however that the people that have the deckhand sails especially aren’t just going to deck someones ship with it, because it could be ‘abused’ by an extremely toxic player (not saying you are but point stands) that belittles other players, when people then know or find out that those are the sails for the deckhands the whole deckhand team could catch alot of flak

  • @callmebackdraft You're right but who knows I might get some other rare sails from it maybe the boardgame sails

  • I'd do it if I had them. I dont see the big deal against doing so. Nor do I see the value in having sails for the day. I commend your efforts, it doesn't hurt to try! I hope you get the sails you're looking for.

  • @fat-darth-vapor easy way to get the boardgame sails.... buy the boardgame

  • @boomtownboss Thanks matey! Happy sailing.

6 out of 13