Am I the only one in shock to see people like the notorious ban-abuser/Viewbots a streamer getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?

  • What about Alfons_Svensson and his awesome realistic portraits of sot characters? Coverfaker for his very cool diorama? What about KPTN that basically made more promising huge fan updates than the devs themselves (Frozen Fangs... Fire and Flames... with [Mod edit] tons of content)??? I think only our dear musicmee had something like this?

    All I see with these easter eggs is people(mostly streamers) being promoted by Rare themselves for winning promotional contest events not even accessible to everyone...

    It could've been an actual cool idea if the right persons were awarded. But it just feel like Streamer Promotion with extra-steps rn...

    Thought rare said they would treat us all equally, no advantages, no privileges, no special treatment, but it seems that they can’t keep their word. I think they're establishing a pattern of business before the community, giving more priority to money and popularity than the community that has been supporting them from the start.

    Rare, please fix this...

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  • Clearly you didn’t see the video that led to Ash’s Easter egg. It was an impressive feat (if accidental).

    Also name call-outs like this are against forum rules, so your fate now rests with the @Deckhands

  • @gundy-the-shark I'm sorry but I don't think it's a name callout. Come one, the name "ashbacon" his now IN-GAME, litterally, and I can't type it in there? So it's okay to say "Hitbotc", "Ashbacon", "Captain Falcore" as long as I'm saying good things about them but if I say bad things I can't name em? Talking about moderation? I call that oppression sorry... I'm not witch hunting her, saying she should get banned or people should curse at her... I'm saying she does not deserve such praise compared to such cool artists we have in this community.

    Also it doesn't reply to my main point, my main subject, wich is not Ashbacon, but all the unfeatued artists of SoT that SHOULD be.

  • @captainfuriosa instead of naming and shaming, you could’ve left her out of it entirely and just asked why the names you mentioned didn’t get any recognition. Then you wouldnt be in trouble.

    But let’s face it. The game isn’t big enough to immortalise every man/woman and their dog. The buck stops with the designers. I’m sure they have their reasons for picking whoever they did. In fact there are many Easter eggs already that aren’t referring to streamers.

    Personally I’m fed up with this relentless hit squad against her. What do you hope to achieve with this vendetta?

  • @gundy-the-shark a dit dans Am I the only one in shock to see people like the notorious ban-abuser/Viewbots user "Ash Bacon" getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing? :

    @captainfuriosa instead of naming and shaming, you could’ve left her out of it entirely and just asked why the names you mentioned didn’t get any recognition. Then you wouldnt be in trouble.

    But let’s face it. The game isn’t big enough to immortalise every man/woman and their dog. The buck stops with the designers. I’m sure they have their reasons for picking whoever they did. In fact there are many Easter eggs already that aren’t referring to streamers.

    Personally I’m fed up with this relentless hit squad against her. What do you hope to achieve with this vendetta?

    I named her in my title, didn't shamed her. What I'm talking about are facts. You're just trying to force sympathy toward her down my throat.

    I'm willing to achieve to get actual fan-content rewarded. It's the point of this update, no? I think AshBacon's content and most of the easter eggs in this update not representative of actual good fan-content. Also a Vandetta is a revenge. I do not seek revenge as Ash never did anything to me. See? Nothing personal here.

  • @captainfuriosa but you did shame her. By calling her a ‘notorious ban-abuser/viewbots user’ (which I personally think is unfounded). That’s naming and shaming.

  • @captainfuriosa Ahoy matey!

    As there is already a duplicate post of this content already in the forum, one in which you have already actiely got involved. I am going to drop anchor here and ask that you still to the already active topic on this matter.

    It is also worth noting that our Forum Rules do ask that you...

    Advertise, spam, troll or engage in witch hunts. There are areas in our official Forums and on our verified Discord server where you can advertise your own community groups – just ask if you don’t know where to find them. Other kinds of advertising are not appropriate. Any form of spamming should be avoided. Trolling, baiting and witch hunts are also unacceptable. If you have evidence that you think our Customer Support team should see to help them take action against a player, send it to them using the link below.

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