I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA

  • Alls I know is these lfg alliance servers need to be stopped

  • Online gaming is overrated. Single player needs to be a thing again

  • @NaviLlicious

    Just curious about what you think about earning Sea Dog Rep in Adventure when hoisting the Reapers Mark and doing an Athena.
    You would give others a hint where to find good booty when you're willing to PvP and it would be guaranteed they have some good stuff and maybe even an Athena.
    Would increase the tension of Athena if you want it and Sea Dog Rep would be an incentive to do so.
    All the locked cosmetics would also need some Reaper Athena commendations.
    What do you think.
    It would give you pure pvpers more goals to head for and PvEvP'er like me who dislike Arena for several reasons some thrill when doing so.

  • @bugaboo-bill An interesting idea for sure, I would like it if it wasn't just a regular run of the mill athena though with digging up chests and killing skeletons. If the server ends up being dead or nobody cares to come at you then it's basically just a regular athena which for a PvP main would get bland very quickly and we would just end up hunting ships like normal. When the reaper chests first came out our crew would pick up all three of them and just hold on to them, throw on a reapers flag for laughs and wait for players to come after us but like all previous updates players tend to stop participating after they get what they want.

    Also I feel like Sea Dog rep wouldn't really fit in this scenario mostly due to you needing to be on an athena to set this up, it would be a neat way for pirate legends to earn new cosmetics while also having something more to do rather than just look for that X or kill said skeletons until A10. This would be a good way I think to introduce those missing ghost cosmetics for the ship, weapons and equipment if Rare wanted to take the easy way out for rewards, or they could introduce new rewards either way it would be nice to see.

    If we wanted to provide a way to level up Sea Dogs in adventure I feel like maybe having some sort of bounty hunting or player skull hoarding would fit that bill more, which has been suggested in the past but I don't think Rare ever said anything about it ever being worked on.

    @ajm123 said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Alls I know is these lfg alliance servers need to be stopped

    SPOILERS I guess, assuming you haven't done the new tall tale, I kinda chuckled at Flameheart's speech about how the seas have gotten weak with alliances and the like. Felt like a shot at the PvE only crowd and the game in general getting nerfed and made easier. Would be cool if we start to see Flameheart's fleet start rising up and being way more difficult than anything we have seen before, maybe even an option to join him if ya wanted, branching story lines in shared open world games can be really good if done correctly.

  • @ofury23 Oddly enough I ran into a prime example of when this, IMO, is a griefer action just last night. Fresh out of port in me trusty single crewed Sloop, turn to do the long run to a wreck with a reaper chest. Glance back and spot a Galleon heading in the same direction. Almost sure they saw me swapping out sails etc so 99% certain they know there's no loot on board. Sail on for a bit to see if it's random happenstance, nope, okay not worth the headache so turn 90 degrees away, making sure not to head for an outpost. Galleon follows.

    Once they get within proper visual range drop to half sail, go up on the back of the sloop and sit down. No threat, no fight. Want to come over and loot? Eh, go ahead, not a huge problem for me and I've got no plans for the evening that require full stores which might actually help a full crew doing big full crew quests. Certainly not worth starting sneaky moves and fighting back, that's just going to chew through everyone's time for no real return.

    Nope, a few (awful) sniper shots ring out, one hit from four. Sod it, scuttle the ship and start over. Doesn't cost me anything and they've just wasted their time for no gain whatsoever. And that's the bit that turns it from 'bloodthirsty pirate' to griefing IMO. If the crew you're going after clearly has no interest and actively surrenders then what's the point? Doubly so if you're pretty sure there's little of value to be gained. Best case you'll pick up a few bits from the wreckage, worst case you get nothing in return for killing stationary targets.

  • @Ofury23 I want to ensure the longevity of the game.
    If someone loads into the game for the first time and encounters your crew and gets sunk while they are a fresh spawn at an outpost they might uninstall and never play again.
    This damages the player base of game and ultimately if this style of play becomes the norm players will leave and you risk development stopping and the servers shutting down.
    In my opinion better to be an ambassador for the game and try to help new players. If they shoot at you. That's when you sink them.

  • As you said, it's part of the game, I don't see the problem.

    The problem for me are the nobbers on open crews who sail your ship into rocks to sink it then leave. Those people should be banned.

  • @phantaxus

    If someone loads into the game for the first time and encounters your crew and gets sunk while they are a fresh spawn at an outpost they might uninstall and never play again.

    The kind of person that quits immediately after losing the first time seems like a type of player I have no desire to keep. Quite frankly, that sounds like the attitude I would find with sore losers. Everyone starts a game new, its almost a guarantee that they will at some point sink right away if it isn't players it would be Kraken, Meg, Skeleton Ships, fire, lava, or crashing ashore. Sounds like these types of players would just have quit at the first obstacle they ran into.

    I think people can surprise you on their tenacity with even facing a wall at the start yet still go on playing.

  • @phantaxus said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @Ofury23 I want to ensure the longevity of the game.
    If someone loads into the game for the first time and encounters your crew and gets sunk while they are a fresh spawn at an outpost they might uninstall and never play again.
    This damages the player base of game and ultimately if this style of play becomes the norm players will leave and you risk development stopping and the servers shutting down.
    In my opinion better to be an ambassador for the game and try to help new players. If they shoot at you. That's when you sink them.

    And you know what a player killed as a fresh spawn has lost? Nothing. They had no treasure nor time invested in the game yet, at most they lost was some supplies that they would get again at wherever they respawned.

  • Oh. So it's your fault people are asking for pvp servers...🧜🏽‍♀️

  • @pithyrumble said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Oh. So it's your fault people are asking for pvp servers...🧜🏽‍♀️

    Good thing we are getting those PvP servers you asked for soon (aka Out out servers).

  • @itsyaboyd4890 said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Online gaming is overrated. Single player needs to be a thing again

    Single play mode maybe, but pve server for this game ?? No, no don't ..!

  • @dlchief58 said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @pithyrumble said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Oh. So it's your fault people are asking for pvp servers...🧜🏽‍♀️

    Good thing we are getting those PvP servers you asked for soon (aka Out out servers).

    Meant pve lol. Idc about opt out.

  • @realstyli said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:


    Good luck finding the other players, sounds like a really boring session to me... plus, spend some time in open crew and you realise the vast majority of crews are not a challenge... but I applaud you in your incredible feat of sinking that galleon of 6 year olds and stealing their 4 bananas

    Do you I.D. everyone before a fight begins?

  • @dislex-fx said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @realstyli said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:


    Good luck finding the other players, sounds like a really boring session to me... plus, spend some time in open crew and you realise the vast majority of crews are not a challenge... but I applaud you in your incredible feat of sinking that galleon of 6 year olds and stealing their 4 bananas

    Do you I.D. everyone before a fight begins?

    Of course I do, how else can I tell if they're old enough to drink grog in the tavern?

    Joking aside, I was using hyperbole to emphasize a point, but it's based on my factual experience in open crews.

  • @ofury23 said

    because I'm simply doing what the game has built into it. Sinking you. >

    The game is NOT built into sinking other ships. Its A PART of the whole adventure, but only start the game to sink other players is NOT the devs vision. Why so many not understand this.

    I chase people like you, hope i see you on seas!

  • @ofury23 I am the pirate that loves sailing circles round and round while defending my ladders, so you do not board and taking pod shots. You can view it as me delivering my supplies.

    You do you and I do me, just don't expect a short fight, as I have taken people around the block often enough. Don't use racial slurs or sexist remarks and we can tango no problems.

  • @navillicious said:

    ...I just said it was more fun than following that X...

    Then you dont understand the game, why you play it?

  • @viperishemu2992 Not true at all, not if you PvP selectively at least. Pure PvP can be extremely lucrative. Twice now I've gotten accounts to pirate legend and decently high Athena level in the course of about two weeks by hopping for FotD steals a few hours each night. That timescale is hard to beat unless you're in some sort of organized alliance server nonsense with people you know consistently. And personally, I found it far more enjoyable both times getting to legend in this method when compared to the original PvPvE grind I did for months following launch on my original account.

  • The replies in this thread are hilarious. Great OP.

  • @ofury23 I really do,t mind players like you, I will however enjoy not having to deal with PC sloops.... Bring on opt out of crossplay!!!

  • @mrmalfor because it's fun sinking people and taking what they may or may not have? Sorry I don't enjoy doing the same delivery quests that haven't changed in 2 years lol next you'll tell me escort missions are good.

  • @navillicious


    That loser?

    Pffft! Grumpy old coot. Him and his ilk can bluster all they like; I'm ridin' high and they ain't near enough to bring my PvE tuckus down.

  • @ofury23

    You're interacting with people who don't share your opinion, and you talk about it like your opinion is the only thing that matters. If you're confused as to why you get a bad rap from them, you might wanna go outside a bit more and socialize.

  • ‘AMA’ like he’s famous looool.

    Meh, play how you like, doesn’t bother me. It’s a game, everyone plays it differently. By focusing solely on PVP you will miss out of other aspects of the game however.

  • Play how you want matey.

    However. Plenty of ways to find out whats on a ship.

    Shoot first and never ask questions and play purely for PVP.

    The Arena was created for your tastes.

    Enjoy your game though. Different strokes and that.

  • @conal-cuan Yeah play more histroically. So no eating food to cure wounds, no sailing into the wind, no cursed cannonballs, no coming back after death, no sword lunge jumps, and if you go in the water your guns stop working.

    You do all of that, and sure I'll play along with Parlay.

  • You may be a greifer, but if it helps, you're my greifer.

  • @weepaperboats

    The only thing I use in game chat for, is when I sneak onto people’s ships and eat all their fruit. Then with the final piece of fruit in my hand I start saying “I have eaten all your bananas” until they come to investigate, right in front of them I consume the final banana.

    So I agree, whoever these racists are in game chat, simply need to get a life or go back to call of duty 4.

  • No, i see the point here.. what the psychopath is basically saying is "since there are no rules, we've gone full Lord of the Flies" and by making this post that says Arrr We Be The Best Most Lethal Pirates In The Ocean, they've done the forum equivalent of putting up the Reaper's Mark.

  • @davelinajolie said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    As you said, it's part of the game, I don't see the problem.

    The problem for me are the nobbers on open crews who sail your ship into rocks to sink it then leave. Those people should be banned.

    Well sometimes that's noobs, but sometimes that's me.

    When i get a particularly bad-sink, either from PC players who can't seems to miss ever even when ships are 50 yards apart and racing in the waves, or a karaken spawns on top of a meg on top of a ghost ship, and i lose progress in a manner i deem unfair, depending on how aggrieved I feel, i go out and try to find a few LFG sessions that seem like they were intent on having a good time, and i ruin those sessions.

    You see that way, the cycle of hate continues. For true justice, i'd like to be able to get vengeance on the origianal offending ship, but i can't. They're too strong, too good, the game's luck puts nothing in your favor.

    But just being a wraith reading over the chats "Haha u suck, get wrked" just don't sit right with me. I just paid money to be filled with a sense of helplessness & injustice? How about refusing to be a victim.

    To balance the flow of karmic quid-pro-quo it is completely innocent players that must pay, and if one should happen to abandon the game for good, that is the economy of chance when one takes what was potentially an enjoyable gaming session for a user and lets it be turned into one where customer satisfaction is lacking. Everything is fair in this game, but sometimes you have to be creative about the objectives, if you want to get Joker about it...

  • @wroughthurdle83 said:

    When i get a particularly bad-sink... i go out and try to find a few LFG sessions that seem like they were intent on having a good time, and i ruin those sessions.

    ...i'd like to be able to get vengeance on the origianal offending ship, but i can't. They're too strong, too good...
    I just paid money to be filled with a sense of helplessness & injustice?

    Lol it's funny that you made a Joker reference at the end. Reading through, I was thinking "this guy's a clown".

    As "aggrieved" as you may feel after being sunk, Rare has said time and again that griefing is intra-crew, not inter-crew (save for obvious instances of actual harassment).


  • I have zero issues with what you are doing. I enjoy pvp with a mix of pve, although I am to the point where their is very little pve that interests me anymore.

    People constantly complain about pvp. Yet most of them never learn from the encounters, and would rather complain to try and get rid of it, instead of adjust and be a better player from it. People want the "easy" route and don't want to struggle for it.

    Some people may be terrible at the game no matter what, but a good majority could easily get better if they would learn and put more effort into it, its sad people would rather complain instead of put the work in.

  • @ofury23 Hello Pirate. Me and my crew also have same intentions! Sometimes we play nice and ally with a new sailor, Sometimes we teach that sailor a valuable lesson.


    On a more serious note. I have never seen so much salt from a pirate game in my life.

    Some people enjoy PVP, Some people enjoy naval combat, Some people enjoy adventure, some people enjoy ALL OF THE ABOVE! I am one of those people!

    May we meet on the seas and not cry like lil kids in the end! :)

  • @amishhmann said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    I have zero issues with what you are doing. I enjoy pvp with a mix of pve, although I am to the point where their is very little pve that interests me anymore.

    People constantly complain about pvp. Yet most of them never learn from the encounters, and would rather complain to try and get rid of it, instead of adjust and be a better player from it. People want the "easy" route and don't want to struggle for it.

    Some people may be terrible at the game no matter what, but a good majority could easily get better if they would learn and put more effort into it, its sad people would rather complain instead of put the work in.

    well I do try and learn what I could have done differently and get better that way

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