• Bring country flag to the pirate Emporium so pirate can put them in the crow nest. Many people will determine what language they can communicate on the seas. 🏴‍☠️

  • 12
  • @wazycoky people will get offended again so I don't think it's going to happen

  • Unless those country flags are from the time period of this game, then no thanks. I already don't like some of the flags we have now as they break game immersion for the time period we are playing in.

  • there was already a HUGE debate on this when the rainbow flag was introduced and those threads didn't end well. My opinion, keep them out and bring in more flags related to the game itself.

  • It would only promote jingoism, tribalism, and nationalism.

    Not the inclusive tone Rare likes to maintain.

  • I really like this idea, but Sea of Thieves is a world separate from the real world, and this idea could make people feel offended or make people use it as a way to offend others.

  • @targasbr said in COUNTRY FLAGS 🏴‍☠️🇵🇷:

    I really like this idea, but Sea of Thieves is a world separate from the real world, and this idea could make people feel offended or make people use it as a way to offend others.

    Offense is taken, not given... But the general notion is still valid, if it causes perpetual outrage, best not implement such things. : /

  • @sweltering-nick I don't think its offense that they are worried about as much as the risk of fights or abuse based on nationalities. Even without them I have heard in the arena (a cesspool of humanity if there ever was one) one player tell another that he had no rights simply based on the fact that he was obviously not a native English speaker. Imagine how bad it could get if people start displaying where they are from.

    In an ideal world Rare would just ban people who were being jerks in ways like this, but I can't really blame them for wanting to avoid that headache.

  • @william-flint

    I don't think its offense that they are worried about as much as the risk of fights or abuse based on nationalities.

    You realize these things only occur, because someone takes offense to something, right? :P

    Even without them I have heard in the arena (a cesspool of humanity if there ever was one) one player tell another that he had no rights simply based on the fact that he was obviously not a native English speaker.

    Lol... i have such a great response to that. xD
    Out of fear of breaking the rules in some way, i will avoid saying it though. ;_;

    Imagine how bad it could get if people start displaying where they are from.

    I imagine it could literally have the potential start a cold war. :S

    In an ideal world Rare would just ban people who were being jerks in ways like this, but I can't really blame them for wanting to avoid that headache.

    Yes, that's, basically what i said. :P

  • Kek and Soviet Union flags should be included hehe

    I guess they have to add the North Korean flag to be politically correct. I'm happy either way

  • We do not need nationality flags.
    That world is not part of this one.
    What I would love to see though, is the ability to create our own pirate flags, but I understand the difficulties that might create from what I read in earlier posts about it.

  • Been suggested a million times. There are 2 very good reasons why they will never do this.

    First, it drags real world politics into a fantasy game built for escapism.

    Second, there is no England or Japan or Sudan in the world of SoT. It's a little flat square fantasy world where you can sail off the edges and fire yourself out of cannons at haunted skeleton ships!

6 out of 12