more to do in sea of thieves adventure mode...

  •                       { the introduction of this threat}

    hello dear people of the sea of thieves community today i want to discuss what should happen to sea of thieves.
    as most players know the main aspect of adventure is to get loot in order to sell it so you could get cosmetics.
    this is fine for the new players and maybe mid tier players that have had the game for a while and are just playing sometimes.
    but for active players i feel like there should be more objectives in the adventure mode.

                              {my personal expierience}

    i have been playing for a while and i feel like i have already done everything there is to do.
    ranging from storys like the shroudbreaker and its follow ups and the classic set out for booty hunt.
    now these days i log in most of the time im confronted with the same things over and over again.
    i log in get a sloop as a solo player i get loot and sell it and after a while i find another player boat that 90% of the time without any reason to attacks me.
    this doesnt upset me as much because battles between player ships are mostly very exiting and is one of the few things that gets my heart rate going in SOT.
    but at the same time this can lead to some very frustrating situations and i honestly feel like we shouldnt have to rely on player battles to make the game exciting for us.
    what i think is lacking in sea of thieves right now is like i said objectives but also natural enemies.

                                          {the ideas}

    1: add non realistic animals from myths.
    2: aside from adding monsters to the game i personally think adding a new feature for loot would also improve the game tremendously. for example what if we could get rare items from chests.
    3: what if we could gain 1 time use abilities from consuming rare skeleton skulls.
    which would be aquired by killing random spawning rare skeletons like captains and bigger and improved skeletons.

                                    {the result of this}

    this would add a new level of threat to any island and it would give us new things to look for and use with the loot we get.

    the reason i feel like land threat should be higher is because in my experience i only really die to barrelskellys that run up unexpected.
    and this already happens very rarely.
    another idea i myself would think is pretty cool is if there was a monster guarding each of the sunken ships you can randomly find throughout the game.
    anyway im sorry for making this so long and i could go on and on about ideas i have but im no expert on programming so i have no idea how hard it would be to add this but to get to the point i would say this. we need new sea monsters, land threats, and more things to do with our loot

  • 9
  • If you want someone to respond to a wall of text, it might behoove you to make it more easily readable.

  • @entspeak sorry im new to this.... ;-;

  • @xluck101 To writing?

  • @entspeak to making forums threads....

  • I play to be Pirate and have an adventure. I can not fully relate to your wall of text.

    I am max lvl on all for a while and still play Every moment i can.

    This game is not for cosmetics or completion but for making stories / adventures.

  • I too have been playing for a while. I’ve never done a single quest other than OOS. I’ve never solved a riddle and I have never dug up a treasure chest.

    I just log in... and sail around and PVP in Adventure mode. I the take the treasure and cover my ship in it.

    That’s it. I guess I just create my own content. What keeps
    Me coming back is:

    Every time you log in your in for a unique experience. (Why PVE would never work).

    Every time I log in I get a different experience (the Crew).

    Keeps me coming back! Sure there are nights where I get a bunch of morons and the session ends in 30 minutes but there are just as many nights where the stupidest sh** happens and you laugh until your in tears.

  • @xluck101 All is not lost.

    • Adding punctuation and paragraphs as well as starting a new sentence with a capital letter can immensely improve the readability of your wall of text.
    • There is a edit option hidden behind the ship's wheel in the lower right corner of your posts.

    Confucius says: If you want people to care about you, show that you care about them.
    Don't make reading your post feel like torture.

  • @crimsonraziel i hope this looks better thanks for the advice

5 out of 9