Ship Respawns without Mermaid. (Compass)

  • Your ship has been sunk and it has respawned far away like normal.
    You dont wanna use the mermaid, you have a cool Rowboat so you wanna row back to your ship, now you can! Yey.

    Your compass has a new marker on it, it always points to where your ship is. Whether it be docked at the island you are on, or at the other side of the map.

    What this gives us as a choice.

    Im a pirate, i dont wanna be saved especially by a sea creature.
    I wanna row to my ship like a man. Possibly get krackened on the way and tell the tale about it in the tavern!

    Allow us to make that choice and for those who choose to use the mermaid, then do so. Its all good.

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  • I imagine this would be an abandoned feature after you tried to row to your ship several times and the direction switched completely when you get half way there as your ship gets sunk because its just sitting there with no defense.

  • @d3adst1ck perhaps you enter the area and it davy jones emerges from the sea? The ferryman afterall gives you your ship and takes it away.

    Good post tho, never thought of that.

    Davy jones emerge then?

  • @d3adst1ck said in Ship Respawns without Mermaid. (Compass):

    I imagine this would be an abandoned feature after you tried to row to your ship several times and the direction switched completely when you get half way there as your ship gets sunk because its just sitting there with no defense.

    Or your ship gets hijacked by someone else finding it abandoned on the map. Or someone stows away and waits for the captain to return.

  • you can always find more rowboats. Sinking is a risk. If you had treasure you have 1 of two options. Come back for treasure or row to closest outpost. If you have multiple people have one go to the ship and come pick you up. Really not worth it for just a rowboat.

  • I really enjoyed the magic compass from Tall Tales and wish this mechanic would be re-used in other situations.

    Having a magic compass (or bauble or trinket or lantern) that points (or glow brighter when pointing in the right direction) to a specific entity could be pretty cool.

    It could be a neat alternative to bottles (a mystery encounter that your trinket is pointing to, without knowing what you'l find, maybe leading you to a roaming entity?) or like your example, a way to locate your ship when you are far from it, so you could for example meet back with your crew after having been a while at sea on your rowboat doing quests or something.

    Maybe it could be a "bottle item" that doesn't go in your map dial, but is an item you can hold and drop? A lost compass (or whatever) that activates when held, and leads to the location of it's mission/encounter? It could becomes inert once it's voyage completed and would be worth something to sell as well?

    One can only imagine all the cool possibilities the Tall Tale mechanics opened up ✨

  • @daringclarky said in Ship Respawns without Mermaid. (Compass):

    Davy jones emerge then?

    Davy Jones emerges?

    Sure, that'd be awesome!

  • The entire point of this post is to allow players an immersive way to respawn the ship without the mermaid.

    I hate getting the mermaid, id rather row to an outpost and call my ship there or something.

    To clarify i meant the ship surfaces from the water not the pirate davy jones.

    It was a clear POTC reference. Call yourself a pirate?! 😂

  • @daringclarky said in Ship Respawns without Mermaid. (Compass):

    It was a clear POTC reference. Call yourself a pirate?! 😂

    And mine was a clear reference to Davy Jones, the singer.

    Call yourself a Monkees fan?!

  • Learn something new everyday i guess haha

  • Someone summon Davy Jones and his fearsome crew?

  • @daringclarky I'd quite like to be able to spawn a new ship from the shipwright if my other one has been sunk and I've taken to the oars.

    It's a relatively rare situation though. The things that actually sink me, more often than not, sink my rowboat first. Looking at you Megan and you Karen...

    It also really only ever happens when I'm solo. As said above, with even 2 crew it's easier to just send one to pick up the ship.

    I'd get behind the idea of shipwrights spawning sunken vessles on command but I dunno if I'd make it a development priority.

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