Play on PC

  • I own the disc version of SoT on Xbox and want to play on PC but the only option is to buy it or buy Game Pass. Is there anyway I can play without having to buy it again because I feel that that is unfair because I already have an account and the game. Do I need to put the disc in a disc drive?

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  • @ruttedfrog27733 Ahoy matey!

    It's bad news I am afraid!
    Unfortunately, there is not, the physical Xbox disc is for that platform only.

  • Technically you can play it in your PC through the XBOX but I don’t know why you’d want to do that as it just adds another layer of lag.

  • @ruttedfrog27733 your best bet is to trade/sell your disc.

    Use the money from that to put towards the digital version.

    Keep a look out on sites like cd keys, I got mine for £20 a long while ago, I wouldn't be surprised if it is cheaper now.

  • @troubled-cells What will happen to my progress though?

  • @ruttedfrog27733 said in Play on PC:

    @troubled-cells What will happen to my progress though?

    Your progress will remain intact as long as you use the same Microsoft / Xbox account on PC.

    Another plus point to cross play.

  • @troubled-cells Thanks I will either sell or buy digital on sale thanks.

  • Its a ridiculous system. If you buy a digital version it works on both. If you buy a physical copy (for the same price) its xbox only.

    I got hung buying two copies too...

  • @omnipotence13 said in Play on PC:

    Its a ridiculous system. If you buy a digital version it works on both. If you buy a physical copy (for the same price) its xbox only.

    I got hung buying two copies too...

    It's there to encourage adoption of digital purchases.

    Buy digital and receive a perk, the downside to digital ? You can't sell or trade it once you have finished with it.

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