Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!

  • Will this list be placed at a permanent location?

  • @goedecke-michel It would be nice if the rank title was clickable and it took you to this post?

  • Cool!

    I really like that it's based on days logging into the forum.

  • @realstyli said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    I like the idea but I do hope this doesn't turn into a status thing that divides the community and we continue to respect everyone's opinions.

    My opinion will still be worth more than anyone with a higher rank than me because it's mine :P JK

  • Just moving @xcalypt0x's rank!

  • @xcalypt0x except mine right?!

  • This is a really cool update, but how do they count days? Because im pretty sure ive logged in for atleast a minute way more than 291 days in the last 3 years but if its based on actual 24 hours for a day thats probably right, either way very cool update.

  • @musicmee sagte in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    @goedecke-michel It would be nice if the rank title was clickable and it took you to this post?

    Or could it be inside our profile overview? Where you can see the number of postings, upvotes, visitors of your profile etc, a forum ranking link. Clicking on it could show the full list, with the entry highlighted we are in? Or just show our rank, with this list beneath.

  • @codename-jenova you have the highest rank I've seen so far!

    Nice work!

  • Huh, I wonder what rank I am?

  • @codename-jenova said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    @xcalypt0x except mine right?!

    Well if I let your opinion have more weight than mine then I'm going to have to let everyone's opinion have more weight than mine so that it's fair to everybody. So I'll just continue to have the most weighty opinion and you can have the second most ;) And @Musicmee's is worth nuthin!

  • @xcalypt0x My rank is pitiful... I joined the party late!

    Fashionably late though!

    Don't worry though... I'll be making sure I keep going up!

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    Huh, I wonder what rank I am?

    Ah, I'm a marauder.
    That means I've been around for about 400+ days.

  • Wonder who is in line to be the 1st Lord?

    alt text

  • @piratecraggy said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    Wonder who is in line to be the 1st Lord?

    The Shrouded Ghost! 🤭

  • Ah ah, this is a fun addition!

  • Well played Rare ❤️

  • Now I can look up to my peers and down on those below me! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! (If you didn't realise I was being sarcasting then I'm looking down on you apparently XD )

  • Fingersnip, uh, bosses, could you please add the days of my account that you blocked because of my stupid hint at a hacker page?
    Just kidding. 🤡

    Just to get it clear: will the days I am using the insider section count, too, or will they be reset from time to time? Giggle. Nay, it's cool. 🤝

  • @hynieth sagte in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    Now I can look up to my peers and down on those below me! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! (If you didn't realise I was being sarcasting then I'm looking down on you apparently XD )

    I said this would happen!

  • Sweet, I love it

  • I am doing speed forum visits from now on. Go in and out, once a day, but don't read and write. Will this be enough? 🤓

  • I was wondering what these fancy titles were all about. Now we can see who our resident forum dwellers are! There were a few names under the Captain rank that I hadn't recognized. Neat little update, thanks Rare.

  • :o Cool, nice interesting addition

  • Looks up then down then straight at @goedecke-michel "Ah, you're on my level.... hmmm interesting :-P

  • Wow this is pretty cool!! I like it.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    I am doing speed forum visits from now on. Go in and out, once a day, but don't read and write. Will this be enough? 🤓

    I think it's just when you made your account. Someone can be captain with 1 post during the founder period as far as I understand this.

  • do I win? :D

  • @triheadedmonkey

    You always win!
    That's why I won't fight you any longer ;)

  • This is cool

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    do I win? :D

    You already won a blue ribbon and responsibilty!

  • @triheadedmonkey No, you have to be Pirate Lord to win.

  • Mine is probably low, but it’s something I’m meaning to work on

  • love the new ranking system but that made me notice that I am missing my founders title, been playing since alpha and even got the founders sails ingame. why is that?

  • @drbullhammer

    Still... not far off my 20,000th post!

40 out of 187