Cursed Crews Broken

  • Today I gathered some of the green cursed cannonballs in order to get the commendations for killing skeletons with them. I dropped an order of souls contract and go to an island. Upon arriving there I get some plant skellies rounded up for my teammate to destroy and it worked so smoothly. Only to find that the commendation didn't pop for them. I check my own and see no additional progress, so I think "maybe it's just normal skellies that allow for the commendation." So I move to another island with a normal captain skelly and try again, once more a smooth kill and no progress made. "Hmm, maybe it's just the cursed crew galleon ships... frustrating but ok." I see one on the horizon and get over there as quick as I can. They are stopped by an island so I have nothing to fear and I cannot believe my luck. I pop in a grog ball and a cannonball to kill a skelly before anything can move and check my commendations for progress. Nothing. Now I'm frustrated, I leave the game and come back, nothing. This isnt the only day this has happened to me either. I think the cursed crews accomadations are broken. Can anyone else confirm?

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  • @vex-fox Can confirm, I was gonna do the same thing yesterday. Nothing happened. So, yeah, cursed crew's is busted.

  • I knew something was wrong with this. Looked through mine the other day and i only had 2 😑. Impossible, as i always hit a skelly ship with a cursed ball then drop the guys on the cannons immediatly after.

  • Still broken as of today. I’m still only 161 out of 200.

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