such a toxic community!!!

  • So especially in arena almost 80% of players i come across they are toxic. I have been playing in Xbox for over a decade & have played tons of multiplayer games yet game never felt compelled to need to go online & find out where i can leave feedback about a game until Sea Of Thieves. I can handle trash talk as its to be expected at times but its either people trying to mess your game up in purpose or it's the way people communicate, one night i even ran into a very racist person playing racist music in the arena lobby. Yet here i am, went out my way to find out how i can leave some kind of feedback because i have never come across such a toxic community. Even when i was only looking into the game because i saw the mixer loot deal in mixer for SOTs i saw sooo many reviews saying the exact same thing(s) "very toxic community" and tried thinking oh well, it's probly nothing more than the "normal" but NO, SOTs has the most toxic community/people i have ever encountered in my playing Xbox for over a decade. No, not everyone is but i feel extremely lucky when i have actually run into good people's. But that 80% has ruined it for me pretty much. Won't be playing SOTs for much longer. Not worth the stress or anxiety

  • 53
  • bro mute other crews

  • Yes, you can mute, but you should be able to play a game without being called an “Xbox fa**ot” or being called a b*tch just because you’re a woman. He’s right. SoT has a very toxic community. Also I’m wondering what happened to making crossplay optional. This was supposed to happen before arena was released and still nothing?

  • I haven't heard a toxic pirate in SoT for months!

  • It's no different from anything else on the internet.

    At its heart, SoT is a great game for trollish behavior.

    I can remember Ultima Online and DayZ as being far worse.

    At least SoT doesn't take itself too seriously.

  • I've been playing consistency since launch, often talking to other crews in chat, and have only had a few extreme instances (rasism/sexist comments).

  • Since the last year, i have met a lot of good players with correct language.
    I'm a PC player but never had probleme with Xbox players.

    When the "Cursed sails" event was here, we realy don't care where came from players. The only things which count is to fight together.

    to @UpwardBasket992 :
    I understood that there is often "bad language" specialy for women, but removing crossplay don't make the your community better.
    The only things that i can propose to you is to play with you're mates, find a good crew and kill (in-game of cours) bad-pirates.

    I found my crew on the SoT forum. I will never do my Athena alone again.

  • @headstrongk1llr There are toxic individuals in every game, sadly.. This is somthing that will get worse over time. You have to fix the root of the problem and i am afraid that is not done online.

  • Its about people not about community - mute - report - forget.
    Instead of making tons of posts like this.

  • @nefrit-od said in such a toxic community!!!:

    Its about people not about community - mute - report - forget.
    Instead of making tons of posts like this.

    alt text

  • @headstrongk1llr Sot HAS SOME TOXIC player but its got nothing compared to World of warships ..the only thing i hate is Brig crew chasing a sloop against the wind ..i had a brig follow to the edge of the map the sea turned red and my slopp sank but they were so occupied repairing i border them and murder them all very satisfying i ended up sharing a Athena quest with them later

  • What falls under the term " Community" ,i wonder...i sometimes try other games , always silent , but if i try Ark or Conan one or a few tries , am i part of that "Community" i wonder...i mean my involvement towards above named games is a few tries and since i haven't found a tutorial , haven't read their Forum and haven't found help from players ingame , i quickly leave the game and let it gather dust...

    i am not saying that there aren't trolls in this game, on the contrary , a few days ago we met some 13 or 14 year old lads that had a very agressive way to get blood from under people's made me quit the game , not because i was afraid of them ,but because their words were triggering an anger i hadn't felt for many, many years...In an eye to eye situation , i would had to walk away or i would be jailed , this angry i was...And i don't want to feel that old anger anymore...

    But were they part of the Community ? i haven't found their names on the Forum, not on Twitter pages in wich they took good or bad words about SOT...

    So ,my question is , when does someone belongs to a "Community" and is he or she part of that "Community" if you play a very limited of times or if you are just playing this game to lure people into anger...In my little and dumb ( * ah , finally , stepping down from the throne , George , finally realizing again that your nothing more than dust and water , fool?) opinion, those little nogoods are not part of the SOT Community ,they just bought or hired the game to anger people ...But that is not the goal for SOT and not any other game...

  • @headstrongk1llr arena lobbies are not the best place to judge a community nor are the majority of the people there the ones spamming.

    One person blasting their microphone in a lobby of 20 people does not mean the other 19 are obnoxious toxic trolls. While you are clumping them with that behavior. Atena lobbies are not entertaining for the majority and people blasting music or worse. My advice is mute other crews in the lobby, as it just seems to be the best way sadly enough.

    I have sailed hundreds of hours on the seas and am a pirate that rolls up to crews very often as a solo. The majority of players are silent, the others tend to be mature, though not always friendly and a very small percentage are recorded and reported. I play a female, black character which also tends to for some reason attract some unpleasant attention from those type of people.

    The internet is a vile place at times and the anonymity of it and because it's a game sometimes makes people feel that they can do and say what they want without the reality of the fact that there people on the other end. Why they have that need, I will never understand but the SoT community really isn't that bad even though we do have some people that can use a lesson in common dignity.

  • @upwardbasket992 said in such a toxic community!!!:

    Yes, you can mute, but you should be able to play a game without being called an “Xbox fa**ot” or being called a b*tch just because you’re a woman. He’s right. SoT has a very toxic community. Also I’m wondering what happened to making crossplay optional. This was supposed to happen before arena was released and still nothing?

    Yep, there was a real uptick in toxicity with the great streamer fan pc player deluge of last year. Devs said Crossplay option delayed til after anniversary update, then they are to start testing it on the insider build, thus far there's been no mention of that on dev updates as they've been bugfixing the Ani Update.

  • @headstrongk1llr I think the most toxic thing I heard in arena was "you guys ready to lose?" I guess he was talking to his crew because we won :)

    There was one time however were I was in a arena alone, 3 people joined who were friends obviously because they never talked but they locked me in the brig and threw up on me in the last 3 min. I had 4 chest on board and the highest score was 3900 and I was right at a turn in:(

  • You folks should try playing league of legends if you think this community is toxic, it sucks getting ran up on however consider the following, I want you to re read the games title, heck I'll do it with you " sea of THIEVES"..... let's break it down more, there are what like 16 players allowed per server so in that case if you see a ship at the outpost you want.. go to a new outpost or wait... being chased by a galleon, go up wind you will lose them, being chased by a brig or sloop, take em to the red water because 90% of people dont know how far you can actually go before the point of no return from.

  • @reliableplum Yall gotta come up with a better argument than the words PIRATES or THIEVES in caps, lol.

    League is more toxic Imo, but thats like saying that cancer is worse than the flu.

  • @headstrongk1llr You've never played GTA online then.

    As someone who plays a lot of the time on a galleon I can tell you that my experience is the exact opposite of yours. There's a lot of good people out there, and yeah some bad as well, but ultimately you are the person that gets to choose your own experience.

    Play with friends, use LFG's, join a discord group, there are options.

  • SoT the most toxic community you have ever come across.... you don't play many online games do you...

    in fact Sea of Thieves is one of the least toxic multiplayer games i've played.

    Use tools like Discord or the Xbox LFG feature and you will be fine.

    lastly, I will say to get thicker skin. don't let mere words hurt your feelings, specially
    from people who's opinions is worth nothing to you. You don't know them, they mean nothing to you.

  • @squaz05 the main reason he says it's toxic is only because you run into the same people in arena this game is starting to die and new players are not staying I'm running into people I know constantly and I don't have many active friends in sea of theievs he's probably running into the same toxic people.

  • @headstrongk1llr
    NEVER play Rust.

  • I don't know if SoT is the worst or not? There's trash talkers in every multiplayer online game.

    SoT is a bit unique in that you and 3 friends can go out hunting single players (2 max) in a smaller, slower, weaker vessel. So in that aspect it lends itself to bullies.

    FYI- You can mute the voice of other crews so you don't have to listen to their idiotic comments. I have mine turned off all the time and only switch it on if another crew is making an honest attempt to parlay. Maybe that would help your experience???

  • Have you ever played Halo 3 back in 2008? You'd pop into a lobby thinking you just waltzed into the hood XD The Classic days of Online gaming

  • @upwardbasket992 Eliminating crossplay will fracture an already dwindling community, increasing wait times for the Arena even further. I rarely see anyone on Voyages as it is. It sounds like you're looking for a single player pirate game, I'm sure there's some good ones out there for you.

  • @headstrongk1llr You must have completely avoid all Xbox shooters then. Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield etc. Toxicity is the word of the day there. These calls for a mute ALL button are ridiculous too, you might as well play Assassins Creed Black Flag by yourself.

  • @praxmodeus said in such a toxic community!!!:

    @upwardbasket992 Eliminating crossplay will fracture an already dwindling community, increasing wait times for the Arena even further. I rarely see anyone on Voyages as it is. It sounds like you're looking for a single player pirate game, I'm sure there's some good ones out there for you.

    Why do people keep perpetuating this myth that servers are gonna change much in terms of population when Optional Crossplay is finally implemented? How many times does Rare have to tell us all that the servers literally don't work that way before this stops?

  • It's all a matter of human psychology.
    Humanity, when in a competitive environment, is naturally encouraged to demean the 'enemy' or 'competition'.
    Whether to artificially boost the status of themselves or to artificially diminish the effectiveness of the opposition (get into their heads).

    Add the digital divide of the internet (faceless voices in the digital ether) and the 'enemies' or 'competition' isn't even considered as another human.

    The majority of interactions put onto the internet are doomed to descend into tribal, egotistical nastiness....especially ones built on competition.
    Play patty cake on the internet and very quickly one participant is going to start attacking the other.

    Even platforms that are not competitive quickly become the most competitive. Look at social media. There are points to be earned in likes, shares, followers and subscriptions. Numbers that encourage competition over trivialities.

    SOT is no different.
    Cosmetics are entirely meaningless to playing the game on its own; but, has become a means of competition by indicating a person's level of skill, dedication and individuality.

    A player will quickly resort to toxicity to artificially establish themselves as a 'better' player to make themselves appear better and to make others feel worse.

    Now, to expect Rare to be able to simply shut off this natural tendency in every single one of us is an unrealistic expectation.
    The best they can do is to ban those that are the most egregious examples of truly unwanted behavior (cheating, racism, sexism, hate, etc.).

    They already have methods and means for you to report such players, mute such players and XBOX also has these features.

    Use them when necessary and always remember....
    No matter what happens to the life of your pirate; you'll always resurrect to sail again.
    No matter what happens to your ship; you will always catch a mermaid to a new one.
    No matter what happens to the treasure you've found; there's more treasure to be found.
    No matter what toxic players you encounter; you have the power to mute, block, ignore them and to be the better human.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in such a toxic community!!!:

    I don't know if SoT is the worst or not? There's trash talkers in every multiplayer online game.

    SoT is a bit unique in that you and 3 friends can go out hunting single players (2 max) in a smaller, slower, weaker vessel. So in that aspect it lends itself to bullies.

    FYI- You can mute the voice of other crews so you don't have to listen to their idiotic comments. I have mine turned off all the time and only switch it on if another crew is making an honest attempt to parlay. Maybe that would help your experience???

    Dunno if I'd call sloop slower/weaker ect than a brigantine. Its so much more responsive and so much more nimble. I've run brigs into rocks trying to keep up with my turns, the only danger a brig is to a well sailed sloop is that its potentially 3 dudes for one to kill.

  • @natiredgals the part immediately after the all caps thieves where it mentions players in a server vs going to an occupied outpost or paying attention at all

  • If I’m going to reg place other than DR then I bring gp barrels I say join my alliance or die with me usually they shoot me they sink I get loot

  • @galactic-geek said in such a toxic community!!!:

    I haven't heard a toxic pirate in SoT for months!

    Me neither! In fact, i havent HEARD a pirate at all in SoT... Nobody uses mic in my region, i guess. : /

  • @sweltering-nick 😶

  • @clumsy-george

    I definetly dont want to be part of a community what is mostly...

    • gaming the system
    • elitist in many ways if you think of how casuals, "carebears", childs, women and less skilled players are treated.
    • accepting trash talk as a common sense, what is a thin line to violate someones dignity
    • isn't empathic for their fellow players, but egocentric.

    I have yet to see an online game community what is overall friendly, empathic, with having a playful aproach and not a serious "work hard, put effort in or you dont deserve it, git gut or play another game, not granting everyone the way they want to play, but come up with envy, nitpicking and performanced focussed stuff instead of a playful aproach playing a game and support the idea that everybody can have fun no matter if it's Sea of Thieves, Friends or Sailingsimulator.

    That's not the audience i want to be part of!

    Nobody i know in real life would play with such people aproaching a board or card game this way.
    If i tell others what we discuss here they facepalm and i more and more want to opt out and give a sh... about it.

    Gamers destroy games with their gaming the system attitude and their need to compensate and shine with their ePeen instead of playing for fun.

    @Lil-fokker is talking about a competetive environment.
    We first of all are playing a game.
    And all competition need or should at least get treated and approached playfull.
    That is were 99% lack social skills, empathy, but instead exagerate and take all too serious and make it a serious competition and nit a playful one. Because they start taking all personal.
    And this is contagious.
    If you play with such peopme you take over this attitude slower and silently.
    I am a reflective person. I am also not immune to this.
    The more jerks i meet and have to deal with the more serious and less playful i also aproach in the Sea of Thieves.
    They compensate what they lack in real life and try to become significant and therefore are that serious and do all to get it and then defend it.
    Even if we have horizontal progression they turn it into a segregrating experience and want "meaning" of their progress.
    Then assume you are bad at the game, because you have not this or that, lay the measures up on themself and tell people to git gut or leave.

    No, i'm not part of this community.
    It would be more of a shame to me if someone tell me i'm a gamer with this aproach and attitude.

    I'm a player, pkaying games for fun.

    At the moment "the community" drives me away.

    I need to take a break and reset myself to make sure i'm playing a game and nothing else.

    But i have learned a lesson:
    Progression is in any form poison for a game.
    It makes people progress and forget what it is about playing a game.

  • @natiredgals said in such a toxic community!!!:

    @viperishemu2992 said in such a toxic community!!!:

    I don't know if SoT is the worst or not? There's trash talkers in every multiplayer online game.

    SoT is a bit unique in that you and 3 friends can go out hunting single players (2 max) in a smaller, slower, weaker vessel. So in that aspect it lends itself to bullies.

    FYI- You can mute the voice of other crews so you don't have to listen to their idiotic comments. I have mine turned off all the time and only switch it on if another crew is making an honest attempt to parlay. Maybe that would help your experience???

    Dunno if I'd call sloop slower/weaker ect than a brigantine. Its so much more responsive and so much more nimble. I've run brigs into rocks trying to keep up with my turns, the only danger a brig is to a well sailed sloop is that its potentially 3 dudes for one to kill.

    The intricacy of the different ship types wasn't really what I was going for here. Yes it's possible for a Sloop crew to take down a Galleon Crew. But the numerical advantage of 4 vs 2(1) is undeniable.

    My only point was that SoT is unique as a game (as far as I know) in that you can be guaranteed a 2-1 (minimum) advantage over your opponent. This type of dynamic is attractive to Bully-types who aren't interested in "fair fights". Other online games tend toward "equally balanced" teams.

    Obviously the vast majority of SoT players aren't Bullies. Nor do I agree with the OP that SoT is exceptionally toxic. But it does have this unique dynamic that is certain to be attractive to Bullies.

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Well, Mr Bugaboo Bill, i fear you have come in a year too late in this Forum...If you could read back some , no any post ,of almost three years back right up to the Beta Release of this game , you would be very amazed how good and healthy this Forum was...
    People were thanked and cheered upon when they wrote stories ,made great game suggestions , told their dreams about this game...People were cheered upon when they showed the result of their work with pencils and paintings...There was no " Get gud" mentality .i, as a bloody Foreigner like i was called in many other multiplayer games ,had to ask what get gud meant , i didn't even knew...Untill after Beta and big release , i started to read more and more about this nonsense...

    Look, the bigger the game became , the more people enlisted or played but along the way , the " Good Spirit" of this Community drowned because , first of all, the "respect" we all had was not as often repeated anymore during the first releasemonths...The ones that loved the game , that understood the game and knew that we simply had to make our own stories as the game provided a numerous amounts of tools to do so....But many didn't understand the game and burned and blamed the once that loved the game for whatever banned words that were smeared upon this Forum...

    Eversince that release , the "mood " of this Forum has taken a dive...Some will be angry when they read this , but i do respect all the hard work that Deckhands , Quartermasters and yes , the almost forgotten Boatswains have done and still do , but they are outnumbered...
    i once , foolishly ( * That's how we know you , George , the biggest fool ever) believed that my little and simple misspelled words meant something but they don't ...They don't make people friendlier or they don't stop people from bickering over something trivial as a game. i could do two things , give it up wich has crossed my mind alot , or fight back and come into my white and shiny armour and fight a smudgy trenchwar in wich i try to overpower the " bad " by being even worse...i let both ways past , Sir...But in game , i try to be a fun Pirate , in the Arena lobby , people laugh ,yep sometimes belittle me for my accent but ,they forget two things , Slowly my accent and my words are making them more " acceptive" towards others and in the meantime they don't attack anyone else...

    i can't change the world, i can't change a " mentality " that has been biting through the "fun" foundations any game was build on...As long as there will be people , young or old i don't make a difference , sitting behind the console or PC ,thinking that nobody can't touch them , then they will spew their vile over anybody...Young, old , girl woman , boy or man with funny voice, foreing or with a strong local accent ...Any troll will always find something...

    But i don't let them rip my guts open with their verbal thrash , if i take too many blows ,i just quit for the day and start anew the next day . Not everybody is toxic or trollic...Some lash out first ,as some kind of defence...There is a saying that attack is the best defence and some use that because they are so fed up to be called whatever by the first peep their voice makes ,but i see through that facade and let those first offence or defensive words roll off my ( * hunch) back...And mostly , after i just keep jestering and joking their mentality melts as snow before a summerson and the real person steps away out of their giant shadow they made for themselves...

    i cannot say that i represent a community , in all honesty , the Community like it is today ,all bickering, complaining ,and demanding without any sign of respect ,is something i will never mention in the game but ...If you ask me about the Community before the Beta's , well Sir , on that Community i am very Proud of to be once a member of that period of time...That, Sir , was a community that could heal persons with anxiety and fear of speaking or any other problem. We always managed to give courage and spend time with people to get them back on the track...THAT was the Community were i'm proud off...
    And now , with my own little means or better said huge limitations i will keep stubbornly try to spread that joy....Sometimes i will fail but mostly i still hear people laughing or sniggering.i've learnt that if i want to change the world ,i first need to change myself ( * Oh ooooow, by the time you changed yerself , moron , then Earth has already exploded, dufus)...And there are still numerous Pirates who play with respect to others without spawncamping, verbal sludge spewing and many come from this Forum and others are gamers who realize that this is all a game and that you don't need above named tricks or rubbish to have a good match/game...

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