Any Ideas for 'Speed Running' The Hunter's Call?

  • My mate and I have spent most of our time fishing in the new build, simply because we find it fun and relaxing. I myself have got the 'Legend of the Deep' title and have sold a few pieces of cooked food (including the Kraken) as well. Though we're not that selective with our fish, we've caught enough to know that some fish aren't worth the time and we usually end up ignoring even trophy splashtails unless they're Umbar or Violet.

    Despite our efforts to catch the rarest of fish - wreckers, stormers, battlegills, ect. - both of us are only level 6. Does anyone know if there's a way to progress any quicker or which specific fish sell for the most? If it's taken two days to progress 6 levels, we surely must be doing something wrong. Anything regarding this would help tremendously, thanks in advance :)

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  • @spunkus-skunkus The Hunter's Call faction accepts mermaid gems. Since those gems are worth a lot more than most fish, they can really help speed up your progress. Aside from that, I haven't found any real shortcuts. This seems to be a fairly long-term goal.

  • @spunkus-skunkus Cook all food before you sell it, and mermaid gems are a great way to boost your rep, so keep a look out for them.

    Giving another perspective though - why are you wanting to speed run it anyway? My advice is just play the game, enjoy everything it has to offer, including the fishing and that rep will make it's way up in good time. Simply concentrating on that number getting bigger is not a fun way to play this game.

    The reward is truly in the journey, not the destination.

  • @spunkus-skunkus Oh, I've also noticed that shipwrecks can be pretty awesome sources of random food items, including some rare fish (often already cooked).

    BTW I'm also only level 6 at this point. But I haven't put much effort into it, either.

  • @Genuine-Heather @LucianSanchez82 @Quartermasters Thank you all for your hints, they will definitely come in handy, especially with cooking food before selling it - should be able to earn more reputation and gold because of it.

    But Lucian in regards to your question about why I'd want to speed run through the game, I don't; I just want to know which is the fastest way to gain reputation in the faction so I'm not wasting my time, much like riddle maps in regards to the Gold Hoarders. Since I was playing a fair bit in the insider program however, I experienced much of the update that was to offer before it was officially released and basically spoiled it for my self; the two things that I specifically stayed away from however was fishing and the Arena.

    For what it's worth, I already enjoyed most of the Tall Tales and I don't really want to do them again. The Arena will always be there for me if I get bored of adventure mode but right now I just like fishing. Over the past two days it's been the main priority of my mate and I and it's quite disheartening to see our efforts rewarded with so little. I myself am actually a Pirate Legend as well, so most of the game excluding the tall tales that I've left incomplete I know like the back of my hand. And although I haven't been anywhere close to level one for a while now, I know for a fact that the two new trading companies are taking longer to level up than the three prior to this update.

    More than anything though, I'm concerned if the Hunter's Call is actually rewarding players enough for the specific circumstances you have to get yourself in. The Kraken and Megalodon for example must first be killed and cooked for over a minute before being sold and only rewarding you 150 gold and little to no reputation... Many fish often lowball in terms of reputation and value too even though it's incredibly difficult to catch the fish which are actually worth something.

    But I might just wait it out. Maybe some dedicated soul can work their way through this new faction and find a way to ease the pain that is catching these stupid-rare fish. But thanks for the help nonetheless, have a good day/night :)

  • @spunkus-skunkus 4 hours in and about level 12, we catch everything and dont look at the monetary value, why ? Because commendations help alot too and every fish type and color has those tied to it.

    Then there is the mermaid gems.

    We just go on our tall tales and if we find a shipwreck we plunder it and start fishing with earthworms there (wreckers) if we are in a storm we anchor and fish for stormfish with leeches etc.

    Then when we are near a seapost or our barrel is filled up we sell everything (fish and meat) in one go and just blast upwards.

    We also had the luck of two krakens spawning on us granting us 8 kraken meat each time for a total of 16

  • @spunkus-skunkus

    @Genuine-Heather is right. I searched the same shipwreck three different times over three in game days. The barrels kept respawning. I found every kind of meet including meg and kraken meet. Also found numerous fish. Different species, some trophy, most already cooked. Not just meat and fish but bait, cursed cannonballs, regular supplies, and messages in barrels. Shipwrecks seem to be great again, especially for the hunters call.

    I also got lucky on the loot for that ship too. Six pieces of treasure including two grog chests. The treasure didn't respawn though, just the barrels.

  • Woah I didn't realize fish and kraken/meg meat spawned in wreck barrels. I typically just ignore them.

    Also I have attempted to cook fish for higher rep gain and didn't seem to notice a difference. Maybe I was just cooking splashtails and they're pretty much worthless anyway?

  • @spunkus-skunkus said in Any Ideas for 'Speed Running' The Hunter's Call?:

    @Genuine-Heather @LucianSanchez82 @Quartermasters Thank you all for your hints, they will definitely come in handy, especially with cooking food before selling it - should be able to earn more reputation and gold because of it.

    But Lucian in regards to your question about why I'd want to speed run through the game, I don't; I just want to know which is the fastest way to gain reputation in the faction so I'm not wasting my time, much like riddle maps in regards to the Gold Hoarders. Since I was playing a fair bit in the insider program however, I experienced much of the update that was to offer before it was officially released and basically spoiled it for my self; the two things that I specifically stayed away from however was fishing and the Arena.

    For what it's worth, I already enjoyed most of the Tall Tales and I don't really want to do them again. The Arena will always be there for me if I get bored of adventure mode but right now I just like fishing. Over the past two days it's been the main priority of my mate and I and it's quite disheartening to see our efforts rewarded with so little. I myself am actually a Pirate Legend as well, so most of the game excluding the tall tales that I've left incomplete I know like the back of my hand. And although I haven't been anywhere close to level one for a while now, I know for a fact that the two new trading companies are taking longer to level up than the three prior to this update.

    More than anything though, I'm concerned if the Hunter's Call is actually rewarding players enough for the specific circumstances you have to get yourself in. The Kraken and Megalodon for example must first be killed and cooked for over a minute before being sold and only rewarding you 150 gold and little to no reputation... Many fish often lowball in terms of reputation and value too even though it's incredibly difficult to catch the fish which are actually worth something.

    But I might just wait it out. Maybe some dedicated soul can work their way through this new faction and find a way to ease the pain that is catching these stupid-rare fish. But thanks for the help nonetheless, have a good day/night :)

    I see your point and agree the payout for items is low, which could we be off putting as an option to anyone chasing PL. Though I believe there is a flip side as to why the payout is as low as it is. For any other company (less the Arena) you complete voyages in order to gain rep/unlock commendations. Whereas this is not true with The Hunters Call. You can easily go about completing voyages for one company, whilst simultaneously fishing along the way. In my mind, fishing (and by extension the company) was added simply as something to progress in whilst you're doing something else.

    The progress is slow, perhaps painfully, but if you run other activities whilst fishing, you may find it progresses more in the background. My mate and I have been very gradually completing the other companies commendations. The past couple of nights we find ourselves completing Gold Hoarder voyages whilst fishing between islands. That's my perspective on it at least, and that's why I'm happy with the way it is.

    We have of course seen rebalances in item values (cargo runs) so it's not to say that Rare may make a change if they feel it necessary later on.

    Additionally, I was trying to pass judgement on anyone speed running activities, more speaking from my own experience. The beauty of this game is that we can play it the way we want to after all! I made it my goal to reach PL before The Hungering Deep dropped (it took a little longer to reach PL back then). I managed it the week before the patch dropped, but in hindsight I realised there was absolutely no need to rush. My attitude now is more about just playing the game, having fun, and letting the rep climb as it will.

  • @psych0-knightro You should notice that uncooked, a Splashtail will give you 25G, but a cooked one will fetch 40G. Hardly any difference, but it is there. Cooked trophy fish will obviously sell for more.

  • @spunkus-skunkus If you want to make some big money go for stormfish. I've sold some for upwards of 5,000g. But some say the rarer ones can fetch for even more. Happy Fishing!

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