Golden voyager

  • So In the game I’ve reached my 250 completed gold voyages. But it still says I’m at 94% complete on achievements. Anyone else having this problem? Any solutions?

  • 7
  • @whytecho47 this happened to my wifes account as well as she got jipped out of the overachiever sails also for some reason her forts completed were reset to 0. She just wont put in a ticket as she hates talking to people

  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d where can I put in a ticket?

  • @whytecho47 here on the site

  • I’ve got 250/250 i’ve only got 96% i’m going to do another mission or two just incase :-/ but my 57 Grade 5 for Hunter’s Call is also 5% when i’ve got 52 completed :-(

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