Gold and glory hit pirate legend

  • Was rank 50 gold 46 order of souls and 42 merchant. At the start of the first ever double coverage weekend I started out in a sloop and began my grind. A few ransoms joined and left helping stock my sloop. Eventually I set up a group post on the official Xbox club and a level 1 player joined. We played all day Friday and earnt half a million between us doing forts megalodons skelly ships voyages message in bottles. We carried it on today all day and I earn another half million and finally hit pirate legend. Today I helped a new recruit and 2 of his friends reach high level 30s in rank and earn there fair of coin and really draw 3 new friends into the sea of thieves community as we sailed a gallleon in a five ship alliance including us. They are now sailing in a pirate legend ship doing an anthenas voyage as my thankyou to helping me achieve this milestone and hopefully boost them toward pirate legend.

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