Windows 10 update KB4482887 causing issues with graphics and mouse performance in certain games - PC players

  • A growing number of games have been reportedly affected by KB4482887. Among those mentioned online are Destiny 2, Apex Legends, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Sea of Thieves. Gamers have experienced frame-rate drops, lagging mouse performance, and specifically “broccoli” errors in Destiny 2 when the player’s GPU hasn’t been properly detected.

    Microsoft’s current solution for the KB4482887 issues is to simply uninstall the update, which should allow gamers to retrieve the same graphics and mouse performance they were experiencing before installing the update. The company is working on a full solution in the meantime.

    Windows 10 update KB4482887 causing issues with graphics and mouse performance in certain games

  • 3
  • So thaaaats why I suck at apex! 👌

  • @katttruewalker

    Thanks for the very important PSA. My spouse and I discovered it yesterday. It was impacting so many games. Looked at video drivers first, but found this to be the cause. He had updated. I wait for a while to be sure it is safe. He removed it from his computer and was ok again. Good thing it was an update that could be reversed. Think he has realized I am not just procrastinating. :)

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