Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free

  • Drew commented about this on reddit a few hours ago:

  • People keep talking about a lack of communiction, but I think SURPRISES are okay.
    Even if I'm not the beneficiary.

  • I just want the white pants because they are so missplaced and i think that they should be available on this event with the mercenary voyage thing.
    If i knew that you would get the Mercenary outfit if you got a friend to join or anything similar i would do it but yea, they love to keep information from us on the FB/IG pages were normal people follow them haha.

  • @reapinglegion said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    I just want the white pants because they are so missplaced and i think that they should be available on this event with the mercenary voyage thing.

    Mmmmmno... they shouldn't be

  • @tre-oni said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    @reapinglegion said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    I just want the white pants because they are so missplaced and i think that they should be available on this event with the mercenary voyage thing.

    Mmmmmno... they shouldn't be

    They should because i want them uglyass white pants! :P Stop being so stinking serious goddamnit!

  • @reapinglegion said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    @tre-oni said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    @reapinglegion said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    I just want the white pants because they are so missplaced and i think that they should be available on this event with the mercenary voyage thing.

    Mmmmmno... they shouldn't be

    They should because i want them uglyass white pants! :P Stop being so stinking serious goddamnit!

    Cant help it man. The freakout around this has been horrendous, with so many people demanding it behind some veil of kindness or concern for others, when its really just rooted in selfishness. (Not saying you specifically, just in general)

    The ramifications if Rare caves... I don't even want to think about it honestly...

    If they do.. I guess I'll see everyone when they decide to hand out Ferryman sets because you died and spoke to the Ferryman.

    Im short... keep your exclusives exclusive and this wont be a problem.

  • So I've been playing this game for about a month on PC now. I still have an unused code, and I want to know if I can use it on myself. If I can, can I use it on PC, or do I have to be an Xbox user? Where do I go to use it (i.e Microsoft Store or somewhere on this website)? Can I even use it at all, or has the time to use it expired?

    I find it pretty trash that the only people who don't get the Friends Play Free PROMOTIONAL items are the people who PROMOTED the game to their friends.

    Anyone who participates in the event (as in the people who got the codes and those who gave the codes) should've gotten the items either just by participating, or completing the mercenary voyage.

    The only people who shouldn't get it are those who didn't participate at all.

  • Everybody is getting this Set soon, so no worries mateys!

  • @king-deka Cool.

  • No, this is not cool at all.
    The mercenary set was sold(!) as exclusive. Making it available for everyone is the exact opposite.
    As one of those who spend real money on it i feel scammed.
    I sincerely hope that rare rethinks that decision.

  • God damm the day, Rare makes my lovely Midnight Blunderbuss (for which i had to buy the Harddrive btw.) available as well for everyone... Bye Merc Set, you not so Special anymore. Promo Stuff you had to pay Real Money for, just should stay exclusive.

  • @lc-slyder
    what ? Midnight blunderbuss is available for everyone ? Source pls or proof..

  • @skpagan He wasn't saying it was, he was cursing the day it might be available to all.

  • Well this set isn't exactly "exclusive" to people with those codes. It was a promotional item when the game launched for something, although what it was has escaped me. Now if they gave out the set that controller buyers like myself got, which was meant to be only for people who got the controller, I'd be pretty annoyed.

  • @stonewall93 it was a available as a timed exclusive of sorts for purchasing the 3-month gold subscription back in Decemebr of 2017, through March of 2018.

    Long story short, it was listed as a "3-month exclusive", not explicitly "exclusive".

  • @stonewall93 You are applying a double standard here.
    I don't see the difference wheter it's a Controller (Ferryman set), Harddrive (Midnight Blundebuss), Pre-Order (Black Dog set) or a 3-month gold subscription (Mercenary set). It's always an in-game item(s) - touted as "exclusive" to give it a higher perceived value - as an additional incentive to purchase a particular offer.

    @Archangel-Timmy I don't care too much, if they put a 3-month time limit on the exclusivity somewhere in the fine print. In my humble opinion the shouldn't label something "exclusive", when they don't intend it to be exclusive.

    And to be perfectly clear on this: i'm not asserting rare did something legally wrong. But it just doesn't seem frank to me either.

  • rare should not do this exclusive items ARE exclusive (Mod Edit)

  • @the-tonkinese You know, I have yet to find a single instance of any promotional material that lists the Mercenary Pack as Exclusive.
    Only thing I can find, is "Code giveaway" and as "Free with the purchase of 3 months of Xbox Live".
    Only times it is mentioned as Exclusive is by people not affiliated with Rare, like streamers, contests by fans etc.
    The Black Dog pack is listed as Exclusive(With Pre Order), as is the Ferryman set(With Controller), but I can't find a single instance where the Mercenary set is listed as Exclusive in any promotional material for it.

    Also, way to insult a lot of people, that's not very nice of you.

  • @danish-crusader You are actually right, I stand corrected.

    @rare I owe you an apology. You didn't label it "exclusive". My bad.

  • @the-tonkinese Ahoy Matey,

    As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. I have moderated your post as it was not in accordance with these rules, failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • After doing the worst update ever done to combat pace and combat balance , they had to create this whole masquerade in order to get some " unaware " peoples playing ...

    Its sad to see devs making " friends " with the worst part of the community , and i name those who care about their personal interest and not about the success of the game as a whole ...

    Apex legends is a game done right , where the gameplay is fun , fast pace , responsive and skilll base ... unlike what we end up having with SOT right now due to a overly influencal small crowd who took over the game narative ... pretending to want to " fix " an " exploits " with the Eye of reach and pistol , they end up screwing the entire gameplay with guns ... with insane ready speed delay after running , and switching speed ... there was no relation between shooting after running and the exploits ... yet what they truely did was to nerfs Guns usage and Buff swords combat spamming wich is what these peoples who made friends with the devs asked for to ruin the game itself but to make them happy ...

    Devs as this tendancy to always try to cater to the wrong peoples ... this game popularity will go down especially with Arena ... nobody will want to play this game competitively in its current state ... its slow , unresponsive and unfun ...

    These " outfits " givaway and these " invite your friends " was a way for them to try to hide the numbers of peoples who willl quit the game in result of their actions because it became uninteresting and bad ..

  • @king-deka said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    Everybody is getting this Set soon, so no worries mateys!

    Ya and because of how common it is now, nobody cares.

  • @cpt-shakespear I'm sorry but I dont see it as a double standard. The Mercenary outfit was designated a time-limited exclusive for 3 months. The Ferryman outfit was exclusive for controller buyers and not designated as time limited exclusive

  • @stonewall93 my argument was based on the premise that the mercenary set had been advertised as exclusive by rare, which - as @danish-crusader correctly pointed out - has not been the case. Therefore I excepted the correction and - by extension - I accept your point as well.
    We are actually on the same page, arguing that exclusivity should be respected. The point I was wrong about was the mercenary set being exclusive.

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