Arrrr Peeee Servers

  • Seeing as we're in the process of splitting things off into different silos, how's about an Arrrrr Peeee server?

    I'm not sure if it would be possible to enforce such a thing, but I'd never choose another server type again if I had the option to only sail with role-playing pirates. Couldn't care less what platforms or input device you use, but talk to me like a pirate and you can have all my treasure.

    Sure you meet some Arrr Peee crews from time to time, and if you put on a pirate voice yourself it does seem to be a little infectious, but if we're giving people options on how they play or who they play with, that's the option I want.

    Who's with me?

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  • Excuse me. The previous version of this post did not meet it's own standard of needing to sound like a pirate.

    Ahoy, me matey! There ain't no sea dog across the Seven Seas that'd support ya more then meself. And to any landlubbers who fail to exercise their arrrr peeeeing talents on such a server, I'd just pretend I couldn't hear 'em

  • Awesome!

  • Aye! This be what we need out on the salty seas! No sailors posing as pirates! Only true sea dogs!

  • @vorondil1

    Yarrr, apologies for me earlier tone, for I meant no offence, t'was just the landlubber in me, been too long since I last felt the salty spray on me face and the wind in me locks.

    It just seems to me, that if'n we shall no longer truly sail together, we should at least ensure that we sail in character.

  • Ahoy! Me spouse 'n I would join ye for good ole “arrrr peeee” fun.

    MMORPGs have been our favorite online games to play together. We both have been playing pen and paper role play games since we were kids. I am currently DMing an epic D&D campaign in a world I created.

  • @x-crowheart-x ooh a fellow DnD fan! I'm also DMing in a world I created. How long has your campaign been active?

  • Aye! I've long been mired in thought 'bout occupying servers in order to fill the seas with like-minded players such as ourselves... alas, lots of toil and time for the acquisition of such temporary ownership of such seas, but the dream of playing within a sea full of true pirates, all in for the same sense of fun and make believe ((friendly or not, in-character-wise)) is something I believe (at least, I HOPE) we'll be able to accomplish one day.

  • @vorondil1

    Yep been playing for decades. Have also run other sytens as well, but Dungeons and Dragons has always been my favorite.

    Current campaign has been runnung for five months now. I am running it like a tv series with seasons. Players characters can come and go so a campaign can last a very long time. So player characters will continue with offspring. Everyone is running multiple characters as well. Telling the over arching story from different character points of view, region, plots, and schemes.

    The world I created encompasses every expect. Have accumulated manuals worth of material. Low magic, grim, and gritty. Using light survival mechanics with very limited magical healing and no health potions. It has been a blast so far.

    Edit: Was traveling so I could not mention everything I wanted to.

    All my campaigns have theme music like a tv show or movie. We play it each session. Each session or two is usually one episode. We have mini story arc events, cliffhangers, and season finales. Each character has their own theme music for when they do something important, dramatic, their time to shine, etc. Use background music and sound effects. On long sessions we have dinner and game night. The menu consists of tavern food and drink.

  • @x-crowheart-x oh that sounds glorious. I don't have any friends that know the game as well as myself, so I kinda have to keep my campaign a bit lighter and easier -- "tutorial mode," if you will. Would love to run or play a darker/grittier, "hard mode" campaign. One of my friends just took the plunge into DMing and is going to run "The Curse of Strahd" for us....

  • I love Peas!

  • @vorondil1

    Ravenloft is a great campaign to run. I have a region on a continent of my world that has the same feel and flavor. Wish and hope you have good time with it and a lot of fun.

  • @x-crowheart-x Curse of Srahd is a great one to run if your players know how to RP, if they are fully into combat you'll be dissapointed.

    On the other hand if you're a DM who can't improvise a roaming vampire it might also not be a setting for you ^_^

    I on the other hand love having Strahd pay some visits to mess with the players like having him feed on one of them and have the paladin go all "I'm gonna kill him or he'll turn"

  • @hynieth Ooh haha that will be me, I'm the party paladin. Yep we have a lot of enthusiastic but oblivious new players, so I think the role-playing factor will be quite high...we start Monday evening, I can't wait.

    Edit: sorry for derailing the thread, I'll stop talking about DnD now :)

  • would be the server i would play allways on!

  • Stricter rum rations for all of the above needed ^^

  • @boxcar-squidy aye but I want the game to stay the same

  • Getting back on track I have hosted many game servers. Sea of Thieves would make a great game to host and run an ongoing RP experience.

    Thanks @Boxcar-Squidy for the topic and letting a few of us borrow the space for a few posts. The role play geek in us took over.

  • With the devs having said that some day... down the road... nothing currently being worked on or even on any road-map... they'd be in favour of allowing players to join the same servers - and/or have something like private servers - I think that is when we may be able to accomplish some true, ongoing, role-playing server type situations.
    I'd love to regularly sail the seas that contain the same, ongoing pirate captains, crews, ships, story-lines, feuds, alliances, betrayals... so much fun.
    It's the same kind of fun I attempt to have on the game, normally, but it'd be fantastic to be able to regularly build all of that with like-minded players (and without toxic players that just want to get angry and spew negativity over voice chat, lol - I seriously can't stand that stuff).

  • @pdt-mindstream It would be fun to encounter the same people more often. I know this could be abused super easily, but maybe have an 'opt-in' system that when enabled, will try to put you in the same servers as people you've already encountered on previous sessions. The game system itself would start to facilitate recurring allies (until they suddenly betray you after months of cooperation!) and arch-nemeses that keep hunting you down (until you turn the tables and steal all their loot instead!) Some kind of game system to facilitate ongoing stories that last longer than one game session.

  • If I'm honest this is something that Private servers will likely facilitate some day.

    I suppose they could look at a section on the official discord for RPers, although that would exclude xboxers to an extent (and I've had some of my best RP moments with xbox crews) it would also, I suspect, be a beacon for trolls.

    Taking over an entire server for RP purposes is currently viable, it's a lot of work though. If I'm around this weekend I might see if I can get at least an RP alliance on a server, to see if a critical mass of people talking like pirates can be achieved.

    Enjoying the DnD discussion. I haven't played in years. My Doctor recently told me I need to take better care of my elf so maybe I should take it up again, wierd thing was I went to see him about my hearing, but there you are.

  • @boxcar-squidy I'm kinda having a hard time deciding if I'd like or hate Private servers.

    I'd love to see an RP option and Private servers would be great for fleets, on the other hand I love the randomness and diversity of people you meet in this enviroment (one of the major draws for me in this game)
    So I need some convincing on what's better.

    That pun was hilarious by the way! Hats off to you and your Elf :-P
    It's a good pun since most of them go over my head... I play halflings or gnomes most of the times....

  • @boxcar-squidy Count me in!

15 out of 23