Looking for Stories for a Podcast

  • Hey sailors! I just had a great idea to start a podcast. I am thinking of calling it "A Captain's Confessions." I need a few things from you loyal thieves. Suggestions for a title, stories to tell on said podcast, and people to help me tell it.
    Here is the discord server, if you want to join that: https://discord.gg/WD9kKhd

  • 6
  • So this one time at sailor camp we were halfway done running Athena's when a crewmate dropped a chest of sorrows and it glitched into the galleon. We spent the next hour dashing back to the boat when it started crying to madly bail water until we reached the outpost where we had to scuttle the ship to get the chest back. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/431990707725795330/534506627211198475/Chest_of_sorrow_stuck_in_galleon.png

  • @agentwookie Cool story, who is sleeping right infront of the chest?

  • @bliss-rng i dont remember therefore ima call him monkeyman as it might have been him

  • On the topic of Stronghold Kegs: I love those things. I snuck a galleon clearing a fort by letting my sloop go on a low-speed spirit journey while I hid in the tower. I waited 'til I heard captain music then jumped out and found their ship, so I set up in the water. Sure enough, they came toddling along, and as soon as that fella grabbed the ladder, it put the megakeg on his back, clear as day. Took my shot, causing a massive explosion that rocked their ship and took out 2 of his compatriots. I finished off the fourth after a short shootout, caught a mermaid back, and beat them to the loot.

  • @bobbert2185 Definitely gonna use that one, 200IQ

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