Game unistalled

  • What aloada [Mod edited] iv just downloded well n truely done with it n if u care to check my account rare n the amount of time n effort thats gone in to put those miles on legend stuff is a joke n im done post ya comments as you want no doubt it will get removed anyway

  • 6
  • @chris-houlden I’m sorry do we have a gibberish translator here anyone?

  • @sytoki said in Game unistalled:

    @chris-houlden I’m sorry do we have a gibberish translator here anyone?

    He's unhappy and has since uninstalled.

  • I think... this must be about the Athena commendations no being back dated.

  • @siriondb Ah thank you gibberish translator, I’ll let you know if I need anymore gibberish to be translated.

  • @chris-houlden

    Ahoy there, you may want to listen to the latest Dev Update video where Joe goes into detail regarding the new commendations and achievements and why, if new data needs to be tracked, these awards will start from 0.

    Around 5:12 and 8 minutes in -

    Uninstalling is, of course your prerogative, but I'll close this one down now to avoid any negative comments directed towards your feedback.

    I have also edited your post as it contravenes the following forum rule.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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