"Release the Kraken" leather project

  • Ahoy fellow pirates,

    insomnia strikes again, uneasy nights on sea wont let me sleep so I share with you my newest project. Fittingly I shall call it "The Kraken"!
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    It was suggested in one of my other topics, but instead of turning it into a shoulderbag (lack of enough good quality leather) I turn it into a case for my good ol' communication device.
    Please remember I am not good at drawing or I would have become a renowned painter instead of a pirate gal, but I am doing my best (it helps that most of the stuff in Sea of Thieves also looks more iconic instead of super detailed rl images. It is still missing some details, where I will work on the following days.
    As references I used the pictures from the book the art of Sea of Thieves and kind of combined two of the pictures I liked most, since you never see the head of the Kraken when it attacks.

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    The case is already cut and is waiting for the Kraken to make an appearance on it.

    Well thanks for reading again and maybe you will follow me also on this adventure.

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  • @veriye can't wait to see when it's done 😁 good work

  • @veriye

    Looking forward to seeing the results of this project, awesome idea!

  • @veriye
    Hello Mrs Veriye, the drawing looks promising, that's for sure .Are you going to post more pictures about the project here regularry or do we follow the making of on a different channel?...Wherever it may be depicted , you got us all curious ...( * Wait, moron, did you stole that from a movie again? " Why so curious"...- No, Sunshine ...that was " why so serious"? * Serious , him? No, then he hasn't stolen it ...)

  • @clumsy-george thank you so much. I will indeed share the progress of this project right here.
    Thanks to my insomnia last night i might have finished the drawing, just no idea how i can take over so many tiny details onto the leather. But we will see.

  • @veriye
    i'm pretty sure that a person who can draw like you won't be bad at creating real stuff , look at Mrs Lizalaroo...She is very handy but also very patient . I think that patience is the key for many artists. And if you do something with yer whole Heart then the result will always be better than when you only did finish it because " you needed to finish it " , if you know what i mean ( * How many times?, dumbo...Nobody understands you!)

  • @clumsy-george I totally agree with you, but ofc the smaller the pattern, the harder it is to get it nicely on the leather, but I will figure it out.

    Behold, the for now latest update of the drawing. I changed the tentacles a bit up, so especially the middle ones go now over eachother which looks nicer in my humble opinion.
    And I added some detail to the head to make it more squid-like.

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  • @veriye Looking great, I like the added details. Cant wait to see it progress 🙂

  • So that's what that S*B looks like below the surface! MYSTERY SOLVED! Thank you my dear!

  • @stacky-a thank you so much! I am really not good at drawing (was one of my worst subjects at school), but I am quite happy how it turned out. I will keep you guys posted.

    @BO05TER haha you are welcome...I took a deep dive to uncover this mystery for my fellow pirates!

  • @veriye good job RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Veriye I think you've done an excellent job so far! I am a big fan of the Kraken in general. I look forward to updates :-D

  • @closinghare208 thank you!

    @SpecialAdvisor: thanks so much! But now I am scared to mess it up.

    I wouldn't have thought that pirates would like my Kraken that much.

  • @veriye all in good time NOW RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @veriye looking brilliant me matey! Keep the pics coming!

  • @lizalaroo Thank you for the high praise! I will keep ye all updated!

  • @veriye aye!!!!!!

  • @veriye Ahoy matey!

    This looks awesome, and that pencil drawing is perfect, so detailed!

    Keep us updated!

  • @musicmee thank you so much!

  • Great work! Keep us updated!

  • Kudos on the work fellow Pirate, looking forward to seeing more.

    Leather work has always intrigued me but never given it a go.
    To that end I have recently commissioned a leather Sea of Thieves inspired Kraken wallet for myself i'll be sure to post this when it arrives.

  • @ixxolos thank you! please show the wallet when it arrives! I originally started leatherworking because I wanted to make tack for my horse, but lately I am so much more inspired of piraty things. It is actually easier than it looks like and great effects can be accomplished with a little training. If you are really interested, I would say: give it a go!

    In the meanwhile I noticed my drawing was slightly (waaaay) too big for the leatherpiece, so when bent the head of the poor kraken would have bent in not so natural or healthy ways. Therefore it took me about 1 hour to figure out a size which still allows me to take over as many details possible with the least effect on the overall pattern.

    SO I finally was able to transfer my patter, errm the terrible Kraken to the leatherpiece
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    And used my swivel knife to carve in the outlines...ready to hammer the kraken to life tomorrow!
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  • @veriye I shall be sure to show it when it does arrive :) i have some mock images and the colour from another of the designers previously made items i shall show now, give you an idea of what to expect :)
    His old work, My Wallet will be this colour except white images

    I look forward to seeing more from you and will be sure to give a good look into possibly trying my hand at some Leather work myself in the not too distant future.

  • @ixxolos the colour looks really cool! I also first thought about using this kraken pattern, but well I tend to over complicate stuff, so I wanted MORE :-)

    I did get a bit further today.

    I first stamped the outlines of our kraken:
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    Then added the background to make it stand out a bit more
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    And added a few details:
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    last step for today was to put the leather in a coat of special oil:
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    as soon as it is dry I can start dying it.

  • @personalc0ffee thank you! I am gonna make a phone holder though. No safer place for my phone than in the tentacles of The Kraken.

  • Slowly I am getting there:

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    It is dyed and all that is left is a to apply a sealer and then stich the loop for the belt on and build it up. I left the paint a bit messy since I wantd to give the leather already a more worn out look.

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  • @veriye Incredible ! If that stuff on the top of his head is flames he could be the devils roars kraken haha

  • @revanjstone thank you! they are fins and I tried to let them pop out a bit more by using the black background colour inbetween them, but I am not super happy with the result. But ye, they could be seen as flames :-)
    since it is my very first kraken I am quite happy with how the details worked out though.

  • And it is DONE!

    I stitched the sides together and added the snaps ( well not in that order, that would have been difficult) and this is the result:

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    and of course it has a loop to put on the pirate belt, so the phone is safe with me on all the adventures

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    Thank you all so much for following me on my latest SoT-Leather adventure!

  • @Veriye well done...indeed! :-)

  • @veriye
    That is rather impressive!
    I know you probably aren't short of an idea or two.
    Have you ever done anything like a Big Broad Pirate Belt, or plan too?

    May be something along the attached but with your own very talented twist?

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  • @veriye Wow! That looks amazing!

  • @specialadvisor thank you for the compliment
    @stacky-a also thank you! :-)

    @PirateCraggy Well I am thinking about making a pirate belt. Something along the line you showed, but I also started to look at ingame belts that might be doable from leather. So a belt is certainly still on my want to do list!

  • @veriye

  • @triheadedmonkey thanks again for the serious clapping :-)

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