Pioneer email?

  • So last night I received an email from SoT (yes, a legit one) saying that there was a new pioneer build ready for me to test.... But I am not a pioneer...what??

    So this morning I tried to fetch that email again and right before my eyes it got erased out of my list of emails... What on earth is going on here? I'm okay with not being a pioneer, I don't care as much as some others, but this sort of stuff is weird and honestly downright stupid. Can anyone explain what I just witnessed and if perhaps anyone else experienced the same thing?

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  • @themisterff1 I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure Rare don't have the power to delete emails from your email account...

    have you checked you recently deleted?

  • @themisterff1 Can't explain your email disappearing, but it would be worth checking your account status here (click on your pic in the top right, then on account). You may find you have an invite to the Pioneer's.

  • @themisterff1 I recieved such a mail too yesterday and when i looked at my account here at the website i found an invite to the pioneer programme.
    Strange part about this is, that i took a break from SoT for a couple of weeks before i got invited.
    Does Rare try to lure me into playing? If yes: it works! ^^

  • Thanks for the replies, people. I genuinly have no idea how the email got deleted. It is nowhere to be found and I definitely did not delete it myself. Like I said, it just vanished in front of my eyes. Probably a bug in outlook.

    Anyway, thanks for the account invite tip. I looked there and I was indeed invited :O

    Dunno why since I haven't played in months, but hey I'll take it I suppose

  • Im very very jealous im loving this game playing it regularly and no invite!

    Stamping his feet’s like a Baby on the Ground

  • i had an e mail yesterday...And today it's still there , don't know why your e mail disappeared...But there is a little fluke in the system because i ain't no Insider so i can't be selected anyhow....When i look at my account everything is okay , there is no invitation and that's fine by me ...But there are a few flukes happened...That's for sure.

  • My bigger question is where do we leave feedback? I can't find the area on the forum where we can discuss things in the pioneer build.

  • @puck269 click the Avatar in the top right corner and go to your Account page, there would be options there if you were invited. Then you will be able to access the Pioneer section.

  • @themisterff1 FYI you do have the Pioneer stamp under your username.
    Also, your story sounds like some new-age inspector gadget "this message will self destruct" Haha. But seriously though, I hope you're able to figure it out matey :)

  • LOL, so what I am reading here is people that stop playing for a bit get invited to be pioneers.. While those of us putting in a great number of hours, and remaining dedicated to the game through all the turmoil don't. RODL.

  • @puck269 Once you accepted you Pioneer invitation, you will see an additional pioneer category in the forum. Maybe you have to logout n*d login again or even close your browser and clear the cache, at it looks now your Pioneer Patch isn't shown either (which is solved the same way). Make sure you post your feedback only there or open a bug report, everything else will be considered as a NDA breach.

  • @sirliborius Yeah, I played last night thinking I would have to log into the patch before it would give me the option and register it on here, but it still didn't. The email link goes to a section that says I'm still denied.. so I'll try the log out/cashe thing to see if that helps.

  • @sirliborius Ok, I figured it out. From the email I had to click on the little profile tab. Which I think sent me to my main SoT profile (the forum and SoT profile seem to be separate) then it let me check a little box saying if I wanted to opt in (apparently it also isn't linked to the xbox insider program where i originally opted in). Now my profile on the forums is updated and I can see the section.

    Thank you for the help!

  • @nofears-fun TBH i thought my invite had more to do with being a founder and also on the xbox insider program. I don't think it was associated with playtime.

    My suggestion, if you haven't already done so, is join the microsoft insider program where you can get offers into beta testing a wide array of games and even system updates. Thats how I originally got invited into the alpha build.

  • @nofears-fun The selections a joke. Don’t even try to figure it out.

  • Rare, if you're listening, send me one of those pioneer invites.

  • @puck269 I was more cracking a joke than saying I wanted in. Honestly I am not sure I want in. I have way too much fun with my mates in the regular version to divert attention to pioneer mode. Not saying I wouldn't give it a try though. Just saying my comment was a more of a joke.

  • @nofears-fun said in Pioneer email?:

    LOL, so what I am reading here is people that stop playing for a bit get invited to be pioneers.. While those of us putting in a great number of hours, and remaining dedicated to the game through all the turmoil don't. RODL.

    I put in about as many hours as anyone and then left the game and I didn't get an invite so I don't think it works that way.

  • @themisterff1 Yes, you're a pioneer!

  • Just to add this: I am aware of being a pioneer :D My previous message was sent after I already accepted the invite and got access and stuff.

    To those saying it is unfair: I actually agree. I can imagine that it is frustrating to see someone like me who hasn't played in a while get access while you might have been tracking and playing non stop. Can't do anything about it though. I hope you people get your access as well as I do believe it would be more fair.

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