Will we see the introduction of skeleton lords?

  • Will we see them added in the forsaken shores. Not just the skeleton lord flameheart, but different skeleton lords?

  • 13
  • @roughleech03117

    I have been hoping with the underlying theme of Forsaken Shores being fire and brimstone , this would be the perfect time to introduce him into the world.

    The two other large expansions have introduced AI threats that need to be dealt with to unlock event specific gear. Everything looks great as far as what we have seen so far , but I anticipate there’s some kind of boss or beast lurking in The Devil’s Roar that will need to be dealt with. Won’t be long till we know for sure.

    I want to know what the deal is with the gold hoarder skeleton lord as well. Did you notice the singing pirate in the rowboat in the trailer has a gold hoarder tattoo on his hand ? Have we already seen some of the lords in the flesh , before their vengeful skeleton forms ? As with Wanda ?

    Someone crack open those lore books!

  • Although I think only Captain Flameheart and Captain Warsmith are coming in Forsaken Shores, but I imagine plenty more will come in the future, because it adds more story into the game.

  • @dreamcrusher401 I hope they bring them in in this update. Those skele lords from the concept art book looks nice

  • @roughleech03117 From what I seen in the art book it looks like there will be more than one..but I could be wrong! With all the content they are bringing to this game though I don't see why they wouldn't!

  • @averageheroz yea multiple. Forsaken shores is a perfect update to release them in!

  • @becausescience1 said in Will we see the introduction of skeleton lords?:

    Although I think only Captain Flameheart and Captain Warsmith are coming in Forsaken Shores, but I imagine plenty more will come in the future, because it adds more story into the game.

    Captain Warsmith had her debut in Cursed Sails week 3 'The Battle for The Shores of Plenty'.

  • @crimsonraziel I know, but from what I've heard, the story behind Forsaken Shores involves Flameheart calling Warsmith to Devil's Roar.

  • My Dream is, introduce many different Skeleton Lords with unique Abilities and Rewards! Like the Gold Hoarder, let him Drop his Head or an Cursed Chest that you turning in Gold slowly! And make the battles hard and in Dungeon Like Caves!

    Maybe as part of Bilge Rat Adventures, every Two Weeks a new Skeleton Lord or introduce them with the inactive Skelly Forts! So many ways, but the most important thing is.... INTRODUCE THEM NO MATTER WHAT:)

  • @king-deka yea hopefully the forsaken update releases the fearsome skeleton lords. They had been teased for so long for example wanda

  • @king-deka we just have to wait and find out....

  • @roughleech03117

    I hope so. I can't remember exactly where I heard this (maybe Comic Con or E3), but I'm pretty sure someone from Rare already said there would skeleton lords in the Forsaken Shores.

    Joe also said the quest surrounding the FS event is about finding what happened to the crew in the trailer. Perhaps each crew member left a different trail that you have to follow, which leads to them but as a skeleton lord?

    Joe also said the guy rowing the boat in the trailer is more of a malicious character. I don't really have a prediction for that, but just something I heard him say in the last weekly stream.

  • I believe that character rowing the boat took off in the galleon's rowboat after leaving them doomed in the Devil's Roar. Would be fun to find them alive and help plan some revenge!

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