i want my stats back.

  • @british-legends lol that was never their intention for the game? That is quite laughable considering the entire game is a grind. Want pirate legend? Grind the same three mission types over and over? Want Athena's 10? Grind Athena's missions for just as long, which is literally just the same faction missions you already grinded to get to PL. Want titles for your character? Grind loot turn ins. This entire game is about grinding. Also, this isn't called balancing commendations. Balancing would imply they were unfair. In a few cases they were, but only because Rare designed a terrible system (banana/wood/cannon crates) to achieve those. If Rare was even remotely intelligent, they would have run some estimations during the inception of this commendation system based on drop chances of items in the world, sailing speed, sailing distance, etc. They would have found that even under ideal conditions completing these commendations at their old numbers would have taken hundreds if not thousands of hours. They needed no player data whatsoever to come to this conclusion. What they did was add these grinds in due to lack of content. Then, they claim they are listening to the player base after being "diligent" and collecting player data. Give me a break. It should have taken 30 minutes to figure out their commendations were ridiculously high before launch. It shouldn't take 6 months to crunch these numbers and release a downgrade that effectively robs people of their time.

  • Possibly getting some stats back at a future date means nothing to me.
    The thing is, it's ok in this game to be casual, moderate or hard core. You never became more powerful and that was the beauty of it. I was Pirate Legend but had ZERO desire to grind out Athenas. I turned in 2 Athena chests, one that I stole from another ship, one that a friend invited me in to a group as they turned it in. But, I can appreciate seeing someone in full Athena gear knowing what it took for them to get that. I wasn't jealous. I just didn't want it.

    My goal was the Skull Fort achievement. Now it's gone but to me, seeing someone with the Raider of the Cursed Stronghold title would have meant something.

    I would like to think that casual players would see various titles and be appreciative of what that player did to get it instead of wanting the bar lowered so everyone could have it.

    People keep saying "the community asked for it ". The people asking for it are the people that just don't have the time or dedication to earn it but don't take it away from those of us that do.

    Rare has slapped their core players who have been populating these servers in the face to appease the newcomers and whiners.

  • Firstly when the game launched it wasn’t just first time players who complained about content, it was basically everyone.

    That is a load of c**p. You have zero proof to substantiate that claim. This is exactly why the game is so messed up. People came on the forums and exaggerated everything to get their way. Everyone was griefed, camped and or sunk within 1 minute of loading in at every single outpost. It was comical. Now the loudmouths are complaining that it's too hard to get certain things. Rare is caving yet again. It's sad.

  • Most players would have never gotten those titles, and they wanted it to be attainable by a certain percentage of players greater than 1%.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in i want my stats back.:

    Rare has slapped their core players who have been populating these servers in the face to appease the newcomers and whiners.

    This. I don't even usually agree with you. I THINK we have disagreed more than once... but we both see this the same way... and this is exactly right.

    Pandering to casuals and whiners is what this game has become.

    Rare has issued THREE statements saying they don't really pay attention to what is coming in patches... THREE in the past week. They should NEVER be in that position, and it shows. Just watch the last "dev update" where Neate talks about how they will be "reviewing their internal processes to make this better in the future"...we are six months past launch, and finally are going to look at processes?

    This game is doomed...and I am sad to say it because I have been the staunchest of supporters up until this point. This game and the state that it is in is the result of one bad decision after the next, topped with a big heaping pile of whine-flavored sprinkles.

  • @tre-oni said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid said in i want my stats back.:

    @knifelife said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid The irony of how you talk about the “I want” people and yet that’s all we seem to be getting from the “Hardcore” players...

    I see casual people.

    Seriously, you have a high "gamer score", so you are obviously playing on an Xbox. Allow me to explain the tiers of gaming:

    Top level - PC
    Mid level - Console
    Bottom level - Mobile

    Being in the mid-level automatically excludes you from the "hardcore gamer" category. You may put a lot of time into games on the Xbox, but you have proven that you are not dedicated enough to gaming to really be on top.

    I am not being rude here... it simply is the way it works. I don't laugh when I hear console players call themselves "hardcore gamers". It is okay to me, albeit delusional...but man I crack up when a mobile gamer refers to themselves as "hardcore".

    I am Athena 10 and have been for months. I have 8 million meters miles sailed in this game. I cannot tell you when the last time I lost a ship was. You hide your achievements so I cannot compare them, but I would wager that everything is above and beyond yours, except maybe meters sailed... which, if you have over 7 million of those and are not Athena's 10, calling yourself a "hardcore gamer" would be laughable.

    Is this satire?

    Nope. It is not satire. Are you considering satire after hundreds of posts from Xbox players asking to be segregated from PC players? That is literally how gaming works.

  • Here's the thing. No one is pointing a gun at anyone's head and forcing them to grind anything. You can sail, sink boats, and get loot just the same as everyone else whether you have titles or not. So why ruin it for the people that do have the time and dedication ?

  • I agree 1000%. This is crazy and Rare us just proving they don't care about their core player base at all.

  • @blissfulgecko77 said in i want my stats back.:

    I agree 1000%. This is crazy and Rare us just proving they don't care about their core player base at all.

    Exactly! The sad thing is Rare tries to cover their backside by saying that some of the commendations were asked by the community to be lower when it was ONLY SOME like the banana crate & a few others!!! You didn't have to LOWER THEM ALL!!!!!!!


  • @trickrtreat01 said in i want my stats back.:

    Here's the thing. No one is pointing a gun at anyone's head and forcing them to grind anything. You can sail, sink boats, and get loot just the same as everyone else whether you have titles or not. So why ruin it for the people that do have the time and dedication ?

    True tuat! I made a post about this day 1 & asked whose idea thiss was. The coward never came forward & it wasn't so i could "out" the person(s). I simply wanted to know their personal reasoning for signing off on this ! I of course wanted to also know if they ever grinded anything in a video game. Like WOW or Destiny 1 or etc. Then i'd like to know how they'd feel if something they grinded for 5 months was given to someone whl grinded for a month or less? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU WERE IN OUR SHOES??????

  • @aod-fluid said in i want my stats back.:

    @monkey-d-flibly sorry man, the casuals have ruined your actual achievements in favor of "i want it now!"

    alt text

    I've never been the villain before. Should I be worried that I'm kinda into it?

  • I just do forts and cash in chests and skulls because it’s a casual, fun thing to do besides grinding meaningless commendations to boast to your friends. And btw, the stats are NOT lost because you recorded them yourself right here, for everyone to see

  • @aod-fluid said in i want my stats back.:

    @tre-oni said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid said in i want my stats back.:

    @knifelife said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid The irony of how you talk about the “I want” people and yet that’s all we seem to be getting from the “Hardcore” players...

    I see casual people.

    Seriously, you have a high "gamer score", so you are obviously playing on an Xbox. Allow me to explain the tiers of gaming:

    Top level - PC
    Mid level - Console
    Bottom level - Mobile

    Being in the mid-level automatically excludes you from the "hardcore gamer" category. You may put a lot of time into games on the Xbox, but you have proven that you are not dedicated enough to gaming to really be on top.

    I am not being rude here... it simply is the way it works. I don't laugh when I hear console players call themselves "hardcore gamers". It is okay to me, albeit delusional...but man I crack up when a mobile gamer refers to themselves as "hardcore".

    I am Athena 10 and have been for months. I have 8 million meters miles sailed in this game. I cannot tell you when the last time I lost a ship was. You hide your achievements so I cannot compare them, but I would wager that everything is above and beyond yours, except maybe meters sailed... which, if you have over 7 million of those and are not Athena's 10, calling yourself a "hardcore gamer" would be laughable.

    Is this satire?

    Nope. It is not satire. Are you considering satire after hundreds of posts from Xbox players asking to be segregated from PC players? That is literally how gaming works.

    At this point I'm not following whatever point you're trying to make.

    Gaming sure doesn't work like it does in your weird little "I'm a hardcore gamer" tangent though.

    The complaints/demands about separating console and PC are just as stupid.

  • @tre-oni said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid said in i want my stats back.:

    @tre-oni said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid said in i want my stats back.:

    @knifelife said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid The irony of how you talk about the “I want” people and yet that’s all we seem to be getting from the “Hardcore” players...

    I see casual people.

    Seriously, you have a high "gamer score", so you are obviously playing on an Xbox. Allow me to explain the tiers of gaming:

    Top level - PC
    Mid level - Console
    Bottom level - Mobile

    Being in the mid-level automatically excludes you from the "hardcore gamer" category. You may put a lot of time into games on the Xbox, but you have proven that you are not dedicated enough to gaming to really be on top.

    I am not being rude here... it simply is the way it works. I don't laugh when I hear console players call themselves "hardcore gamers". It is okay to me, albeit delusional...but man I crack up when a mobile gamer refers to themselves as "hardcore".

    I am Athena 10 and have been for months. I have 8 million meters miles sailed in this game. I cannot tell you when the last time I lost a ship was. You hide your achievements so I cannot compare them, but I would wager that everything is above and beyond yours, except maybe meters sailed... which, if you have over 7 million of those and are not Athena's 10, calling yourself a "hardcore gamer" would be laughable.

    Is this satire?

    Nope. It is not satire. Are you considering satire after hundreds of posts from Xbox players asking to be segregated from PC players? That is literally how gaming works.

    At this point I'm not following whatever point you're trying to make.

    Gaming sure doesn't work like it does in your weird little "I'm a hardcore gamer" tangent though.

    The complaints/demands about separating console and PC are just as stupid.

    The only point I am trying to make is that this game is being slowly downgraded into Casual Gaming Simulator 2018. You have fun with not paying attention, though.

    I am glad that you mentioned you weren't paying attention. You think if you weren't paying attention you would have just ignored what I said outright.

    I don't care how "stratified" people think what I am saying is... console gaming automatically puts you at a disadvantage to PC, and mobile gaming puts you at even more of a disadvantage.

    This game has been ruined to the point of not being worth it for the people that sunk the most time and effort into playing it by the vocal minority. Said it before, and I am saying it again: Negative voices are always louder than positive ones, but that doesn't mean they should be listened to.

  • @aod-fluid u are right the thing is that rare gives more notice 2 the crying Kids !
    and i think the most of this crying Kids playing this game on a Xbox....
    but Dude trust me they will cry next days more!
    me and the Rest of Clan all Legends and Athenas lvl 10 and we are down with this Commendations ! we have nothing 2 do now!
    so we spend all the Time 2 (Mod edited)/Hunt other Crews :) and trust me this kids cyring more and will start (Mod edited) storm in this Forum because they dont hit Legend/Athenas lvl 10 :=P
    we have time and rare want only PVP vs the crying kids so they get it!
    more fun for the Hardcore Players ^_^

    and for all Legends / Athenas I'm calling for hunting on all Crews / Players who are not Legend / Athenas that is Pirate Life !

    And the Lesson for Rare is dont Destroy a Running System !
    if u want only PVP in this Game dont make/bring Commendations !
    and 6 Months later Destroy the Hard Work with a Patch !
    and thinks all Legends/Lover are fine with it.....

    Sorry for my Bad English :O

  • @monkey-d-flibly Mate, I totally agree.

    The simplest solution would have been to add new and exciting low level achievements for those who don't play on a regular basis or simply think that the goals are beyond them.
    Include "125 skull forts" and "250 skull forts" as stepping stones to the grand puba achievements. Are they really that narrow minded? Sheesh!

    These people couldn't organize a bloody chook raffle (chook = chicken to anyone outside of Australia).

  • @stoker1980 it seems your English is good enough to bypass the sweary filter! Busted! :)
    I have edited your sweary words out of your post. If in doubt of what is acceptable to post, please consult the Forum Rules.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language

    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @trickrtreat01 i lost a HELL of a lot of handed in items due to thiss, if everybody just chilled out for a bit and waited for the new commendations.

    If they are completely new and all your old ones are forgotten, you once again have a valid complaint again.

    The other valid complaint everybody HAD was mentioned in this weeks dev update video:

    “We should have been more forward on communicating these changes”

    Its no use flooding these forums over and over and over again with this.

    99% sure all progress has been recorded and will soon pop back up once the new commendations come in

  • @lizalaroo What ever hope u happy now ! :)

    and if u have time fix please the
    *translation of a teaching barrel in German is wrong ...you called leeren... its leer or leeres....

  • Please refer to this thread for more information!


  • @aod-fluid it's moreso that I found your last quote a little all over the place.

    But it's clear your ranting about "casuals" now.

    All I really have to say at this point man..

    Things change, it's lame as but sometimes things also need to change to keep new players coming (cough doubloons to rep). That's gaming.

    Lets be real, if someone wants to please the "hardcores" and longtimers its basically "change nothing" I consider myself both, and although that's not entirely how I feel, it's the impression I get from almost anyone who's used the word "hardcore" to seriously describe themselves.

  • @stoker1980

    Ah, another pirate who's gonna harass the poor, wittle Xbox kids in order to "punish" Rare.

    I gotta say, I love the logic of this. "I'm gonna go into this game about attacking people to steal their stuff, and I'm gonna.... attack people and steal their stuff. Y'know... like everybody's been doing since launch."

    Oh, are you.

    How novel.

    alt text

  • @v**a-hombre

    The Point is u dont give us now work 2 do !
    u bring the patch so we have only now 2 do Hunt other Crews !
    sorry but most of this Kids playing on a Xbox... so Year the most of this Kids Crying :P

    dont be salty its Fun for us 2 make now only PVP ^_^

  • @stoker1980 Very happy thank you me matey! :D
    Can you (if not already done so) please send in a ticket to Support regarding the translation, they'll be most grateful.

  • I still don't understand why anyone would go 'hardcore' at a GAME....they are by their nature supposed to be fun past times, especially if they lack any kind of competitive leaderboards....

    you did something slightly more than someone else....great! A virtual number increases....

  • @lizalaroo

    i have send the ticket :O

  • @imadeyoureadme Seems to have made people happy before, ya know, because inane commendations are legit content...

  • @stoker1980

    And MY point is, those "Xbox kids" don't give a toss what you do. They've been sinking and being sunk since launch, which makes your "threats" next to meaningless.

    Sink people as much as you want; just don't expect anyone to care.

  • @mattydove74 said in i want my stats back.:

    because inane commendations are legit content...

    Must be, considering how upset people are getting over them.

  • @trickrtreat01 I normally never agree with you on almost anything but this commendqtion change was a huge slap in the face

  • @trickrtreat01 Serious question for you and everybody who hates the comm change. If rare added a stat sheet in game showing the total number of skulls/chests and there variations would that appease you somwhat? I mean at least then you would not feel like the game has forgotten what you have done in the past?

    Additionally, perhaps when they add the "hardcore" achievements that what you have done in the past will count towards it. Idk

  • @ronin20 said in i want my stats back.:

    Additionally, perhaps when they add the "hardcore" achievements that what you have done in the past will count towards it. Idk

    I would honestly be very surprised if the new legendary commendations didn't maintain the total counts of these items. Not to say that I haven't been surprised by similar things in the past, but I think even Rare knows it would probably be a very unpopular move once they are introduced.

  • @ronin20 said in i want my stats back.:

    @trickrtreat01 Serious question for you and everybody who hates the comm change. If rare added a stat sheet in game showing the total number of skulls/chests and there variations would that appease you somwhat? I mean at least then you would not feel like the game has forgotten what you have done in the past?

    Additionally, perhaps when they add the "hardcore" achievements that what you have done in the past will count towards it. Idk

    All I know is that when you log on almost every night, and work towards a title that not many people have, and suddenly it's gutted without warning...that just does not work. Hoping they might add something in the future does not work. Making combat painful so we can have things that we don't really need does not work. The game is just so broken now. Rare really messed this up. Anyone happy about these changes are people that want a game that is totally different from what Sea of Thieves was.

  • @callmebackdraft said in i want my stats back.:

    @trickrtreat01 i lost a HELL of a lot of handed in items due to thiss, if everybody just chilled out for a bit and waited for the new commendations.

    If they are completely new and all your old ones are forgotten, you once again have a valid complaint again.

    The other valid complaint everybody HAD was mentioned in this weeks dev update video:

    “We should have been more forward on communicating these changes”

    Its no use flooding these forums over and over and over again with this.

    99% sure all progress has been recorded and will soon pop back up once the new commendations come in

    We do need to flood the forums. The people crying about content and getting sunk, and titles being too hard to attain flooded the forums and look where we are now. The silent majority got screwed.

  • @imadeyoureadme @trickrtreat01 indeed, I dont really disagree with you. I do think it was kind of a sucky thing to do. Ie diminishing the quality/rareness of a title many people put months and countless hours to achieve. I might feel somewhat slighted as well. I get that.

    My point was that adding a stat sheet would show personal progress. Kind of like the people aiming for a million gold. Like having the ability to set personal goals and be able to track it.

    Additionally let's not forget the "hardcore" comms they are adding will likely have cooler and rarer titles to achieve. Like some have said with the numerous skulls/chests you have already turned in its likely you are already well on your way to achieving these yet unnamed titles.

    Might be of little comfort right now tho...

45 out of 89