So they aren't going to fix the barrels

  • @hoochpit написал в So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @venvip1983 Man, this is so funny. I find it pathetic that someone would rage quit because of 'barrels'. HAH, what a joke, it takes a second longer to interact with it after getting used to it, but THAT is what ruins this massively expansive game for you? Enjoy PubG.

    @hoochpit If someone disliked and left the game by some reason is not pathetic for them. BUT it's dramatic for Rare. You over exaggerate that Barrel 2.0 gives only a second longer to interact. Mate, don't forget empty barrels that you are opening in hope that there is some items in it, of course Rare will fix it, but now it is still not fixed.

    A lot of bugs are still in game after update and it should be fixed asap.

    And last :) I still in game, not leaving, making voyages, maybe I will meet you @hoochpit in sea. Enjoy your day!

  • People are so ridiculously afraid of change, that's why they're complaining. I can agree that it was annoying at first, but honestly i'm already used to it now. I just wish they would make it easy to loot on the fly like it was before.

  • I wonder if they are going to return to displaying the contents of all the barrels as we did in 1.0 while keeping 2.0 inv or just display the "empty" ones?

    It'll probably just be me wondering how I got fussy x-ray vision that just works on empties and not see in those with contents.

  • I'm starting to get used to the new system but still doesn't take away from how clunky and damn right frustrating it is at times. So annoying trying to stock up looking for a particular item, open each barrel and it's not what you want. Pvp... Oh pvp... 😒

    I'd really like basic supplies to spawn for quick access then the rest you have to open the inventory. Maybe even once the basic supplies run out the next item moves for quick access till the barrel is depleted and an empty sign is displayed

  • @skritsarn said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    People are so ridiculously afraid of change, that's why they're complaining. I can agree that it was annoying at first, but honestly i'm already used to it now. I just wish they would make it easy to loot on the fly like it was before.

    Nonsense. I'm not afraid of change which is why I can't wait for Red Dead 2 to come out, so I can #BeLessPirate and #BeMoreCowboy.

  • @aod-fluid said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @warlord-skarrik said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @aod-fluid That's a bold claim, sadly one you cannot back up and I suspect is bathed in toxicity.

    Dear little one,

    I am sorry, but it is physically and technically not possible for this current barrel system to be "as efficient" or "more efficient" than the single keypress system that we had before. So it may be a bold claim, but common-sense is proof enough to back it up completely.

    As for toxicity, I don't even mind the barrels the way they are... I just think there were a ton of ways to do it that would have been better.

    My my, you just don't know when to quit do you? I only hear you claim things about me, or about the rate at which -I- am capable to click on an icon that literally takes less than a second to appear.

    Fact of the matter is, I don't have to prove anything to you. You can believe what you want, I already agreed it could use work and that I can see the problem, had you actually read my post I made it very clear I chose to only speak for myself.

    Eitherway, I'll just settle on respectful disagreement and leave it at that. No point running in circles.

  • @vexed-anemone

    If you play Pirate 101, you can have pirates, cowboys, AND ninjas all on one crew. Not to mention romans, samurai, witch doctors, a boxer, and frickin' Zorro just for good measure.

  • What's up guys!
    I am product design and recently decided to write an article about the problems with the new interface of Sea of ​​Thieves. When you have a time, give a read please. I proposed some possible solutions to improve the experience with the interaction of new items and barrels. I really would like to have your feedback!



  • @o-morcegaobr This is an amazing case study and design recommendation.

    The only variation I might suggest is when "take" from a barrel, which having a short press to take one, and long press to take available is so simple and ingenious, that there is also an option to "look in"the barrel (hold Y) to open the new UI so that you can see everything at once and be more specific about what you want to take or store and where. This gives the players a choice, and therefore more agency, to decided what and how they want to interact with the barrels. Need immediate access, walk up and take. Have time to organize, open the barrel to explore.

    I've long wanted more robust and customizable inventory radials, and had suggested something similar:

  • @knightx13 thanks for the link here btw, forgot to mention that in my previous post.

  • No I haven't checked if anyone else posted this yet, buying going to add my 2 pence.

    Yes I hate what they've done to an honest point of me not wanting to play anymore because it just takes too long to mess about with the inventory system.

    If this is a must have/keep feature, allow us the older method of withdrawing standard resources from the barrels on the fly in addition to the option of opening up the new UI. It means we can keep combat fluid and on the downtime have the ability to mess about with the inventory.

    Many other ideas, but that is my favourite in keeping both sides happy and like I said, I'm reluctant to play due to the clunkyness of this new feature and if it's not being changed I will be saddened to stop playing a game I've loved since day 1.

    Thoughts on this anyone?

  • @legendary-jerkr said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    No I haven't checked if anyone else posted this yet, buying going to add my 2 pence.

    Yes I hate what they've done to an honest point of me not wanting to play anymore because it just takes too long to mess about with the inventory system.

    If this is a must have/keep feature, allow us the older method of withdrawing standard resources from the barrels on the fly in addition to the option of opening up the new UI. It means we can keep combat fluid and on the downtime have the ability to mess about with the inventory.

    Many other ideas, but that is my favourite in keeping both sides happy and like I said, I'm reluctant to play due to the clunkyness of this new feature and if it's not being changed I will be saddened to stop playing a game I've loved since day 1.

    Thoughts on this anyone?

    Yeah, here's my thought:

    Did you have to dredge this rotten hulk back up?

  • @blam320 said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @legendary-jerkr said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    No I haven't checked if anyone else posted this yet, buying going to add my 2 pence.

    Yes I hate what they've done to an honest point of me not wanting to play anymore because it just takes too long to mess about with the inventory system.

    If this is a must have/keep feature, allow us the older method of withdrawing standard resources from the barrels on the fly in addition to the option of opening up the new UI. It means we can keep combat fluid and on the downtime have the ability to mess about with the inventory.

    Many other ideas, but that is my favourite in keeping both sides happy and like I said, I'm reluctant to play due to the clunkyness of this new feature and if it's not being changed I will be saddened to stop playing a game I've loved since day 1.

    Thoughts on this anyone?

    Yeah, here's my thought:

    Did you have to dredge this rotten hulk back up?

    Is there any problem in doing so? Lots of people still are unhappy with the implementation of the new system and Rare's communication about this. Honestly, pretty much all we've got is something along the lines of "Yeah, we'll look into that sometime later" which translates to "We'll just wait until the people forget about it and then move on as if nothing happened".

    So yes, it is important to stay vocal about the issue that keeps many people from playing the game. Not even speaking for all the other people out there, but my entire crew hasn't touched the game ever after trying the update, because it ruined the flow of the entire game to a degree that left us rather abondoning the game instead of keeping the mentality of "Uh, they are going to fix this at some point, right.... right?".

  • @l4chsfps said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @blam320 said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @legendary-jerkr said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    No I haven't checked if anyone else posted this yet, buying going to add my 2 pence.

    Yes I hate what they've done to an honest point of me not wanting to play anymore because it just takes too long to mess about with the inventory system.

    If this is a must have/keep feature, allow us the older method of withdrawing standard resources from the barrels on the fly in addition to the option of opening up the new UI. It means we can keep combat fluid and on the downtime have the ability to mess about with the inventory.

    Many other ideas, but that is my favourite in keeping both sides happy and like I said, I'm reluctant to play due to the clunkyness of this new feature and if it's not being changed I will be saddened to stop playing a game I've loved since day 1.

    Thoughts on this anyone?

    Yeah, here's my thought:

    Did you have to dredge this rotten hulk back up?

    Is there any problem in doing so? Lots of people still are unhappy with the implementation of the new system and Rare's communication about this. Honestly, pretty much all we've got is something along the lines of "Yeah, we'll look into that sometime later" which translates to "We'll just wait until the people forget about it and then move on as if nothing happened".

    So yes, it is important to stay vocal about the issue that keeps many people from playing the game. Not even speaking for all the other people out there, but my entire crew hasn't touched the game ever after trying the update, because it ruined the flow of the entire game to a degree that left us rather abondoning the game instead of keeping the mentality of "Uh, they are going to fix this at some point, right.... right?".

    Rare's already stated that changes are on the way, and even listed them outright. "Take All" and "Leave All" come to mind.

    On top of that, the Rowboats behind-the-scenes video revealed that they will have a single resource chest aboard, meaning the change was necessary so every resource type can be stored in one place.

    On top of the inventory overhaul, the banana barrel was renamed to "food" barrel, meaning in addition to Cursed Cannonballs the new system will make it much easier to add new resource types to the game - some of which might arrive in Forsaken Shores.

  • The Occident will not perish from this. No reason to dramatize. The game evolves, some things like, some less, some things you get used to, some things you don't. That is the course of things.

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