[Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0

  • @pondobruin85 said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @savagetwinky So lets "nerf" or "balance" the op nature of the cursed cannonballs by making them difficult to access through a menu, rather than looking at their effects. That's great thinking.

    If you want to further argue the point of cursed cannonballs, they also take away from the spirit of the game. "Everyone is fair" "No advantages" From the start. No ship upgrades, no weapons, etc. Now its a gamble as to who finds the right "OP CCB" and menu shuffles. Or who no-lifes in forts collecting supplies. Cursed cannonballs dont add a gameplay element. They are a silly gimmick that people will soon be sick of. A competent sailor/crew can have every advantage, get struck with a ccb, and be done. That is not rewarding skill, its rewarding luck.

    I didn't say that, What I meant was its OK right now because they also have to find a better way of balancing before they make them easy to use. The game would be broken if they were easy to use.

  • @pondobruin85

    Easy and faster doesn't necessarily translate to better. 'Better' is your wording not mine. I am OK with adding depth at the cost to speed. A slow in barrel looting adds to risk during hostile situations which I am fine with. No one else has to agree with that it is just how I personally feel.

    As far as the hinted at variety of foods go I have my doubts in it's implementation and at what we currently know about it would agree with you. It's too early to tell which is why I didn't include it in my previous post.

    At no point did I say the new system was 'worse'. Just repeated the obvious. There is a time difference as well as more to learn as far as looting systems go in a side by side comparison. Both system's function and I am fine with either. As far as moving forward I am OK with what they brought to the table.

  • @treefittymonsta said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @treefittymonsta I feel your pain. It would be nice if some changes to improve things could come very quickly. Reversing everything at this point would probably set too many things everyone is looking forward to back. Hopefully it will not be long and the improvements will start rolling out very soon. Right now my crew does not want to sail at all as it is either.

    Yah the people I play with said they aren't coming back til it's fixed either. Bad thing is I'm the one that got them into the game in the first place. Heck I bought an Xbox specifically for this game for my gf... Today at lunch she's like meh let's play WOW this weekend.

    That is why we have to keep faith that serious improvements will be made. Hopefully very soon. Rare keeps talking, being honest, and transparent on not just this, but all issues and things. We keep giving feedback and offering suggestions. They deliver on what can truly be done after listening to all the voices speaking out. It has to come together better for it to work out best for everyone on both sides.

  • @savagetwinky skeleton ships were asked for, so they adapted. I get that.

    The barrels though seem like something they wanted from the get go.

    Any case, they are here, and I doubt it will go back.
    Happy sailing.

  • @d-jaguar said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @savagetwinky skeleton ships were asked for, so they adapted. I get that.

    The barrels though seem like something they wanted from the get go.

    Any case, they are here, and I doubt it will go back.
    Happy sailing.

    I think cursed cannons were something they wanted, so how they implemented it may or may not have been identical to the original vision. I'm not part of rare but we do know their plans aren't identical to when the game was released.

  • @aclassali Me too mate. I have left my long time crew because of these changes, and I have loved all the changes so far but this alters the very dynamic of the game. This makes me feel frustrated, and I dont play games that frustrate me.

  • I said I wouldnt play again until something is done and I am sticking to my word. Until they drastically change the new system I wont be returning.

  • @katttruewalker I have yet to play the new update, but have been reading all the feedback.

    I feel like the change is backwards. The inventory option should be popping up on the boats, whilst the random barrel drops should not. As an example, if I am being attacked by skellies, and I need bananas now I can't just run by a banana barrel and grab a couple because this new menu opens up. Thats a problem. Correct me if I am wrong.

  • My typical workflow for repairing holes on my ship was to spam the the 'take' button on the barrel as I'm moving to the holes, I rarely ever selected the planks from my wheel unless interrupted by boarders.

    I also miss being able to dump the item I'm holding back into the barrel.

    Previously, restocking was done by walking up to a cluster of barrels and rapidly tapping the take button. There was no real regard for what we were taking beyond whether our pockets were full or not, the barrels themselves would tell us because the number was greyed out when full.
    I want to be able to quickly take from barrels without a menu, at least for basic supplies, I would even be okay if this button could only grab regular cannonballs, bananas, and planks from barrels; as opposed to also quick-grabbing maps, mangos, or chainshot.

    As was said many times in this thread and the other, I really like the idea of pressing the old store button on wild barrels to bring up the menu (which could become the only way to grab the fancier things from barrels) while pressing the take button will give you one supply you still have room in your pockets for.

  • @potentanarchist said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @katttruewalker I have yet to play the new update, but have been reading all the feedback.

    I feel like the change is backwards. The inventory option should be popping up on the boats, whilst the random barrel drops should not. As an example, if I am being attacked by skellies, and I need bananas now I can't just run by a banana barrel and grab a couple because this new menu opens up. Thats a problem. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Plus taking any damage knocks u out of the inventory menu.

  • Lol you can't respond to Mike Chapman's thread. So much for listening to the community unfiltered lol

  • @treefittymonsta Just sign up for the Insider programme and you should be able to reply in that thread.

  • @katttruewalker why? It seems they do not take any notice of them

  • I do not think that is true. I signed up months ago. It is a way to get more involved and be part of more discussions and the SoT. That means more opportunity to participate and get your voice heard.

  • It's like I thought. These changes are going to get forced down our throats whether we like it or not. It's just up to each of you how much of the sugarcoating you swallow with it.

    Nobody asked for magic ammo, magic food, or messages in bottles to be hidden in barrels. This is not WoW, and I don't want to lose a fight because another crew has more/better magic items than me.

    We don't need this UI, period. Finding a quest in a barrel is not content. At the moment, it's still the same quest. Finding it in a different spot than before doesn't fill me with mad excitement. I really hope that Rare can stop themselves before they ride their ego right off the cliff with all these plans for magical pirate powers.

    "Content" for most of us meant more storylines, more quest types (like a type of loot that reveals you on the map, is worth more if a crew sells it who stole it,), and to some extent, new cosmetic items. But Rare screwed that one up at the moment too, players were using the harder-to-come-by titles basically as fun cosmetic items due to their difficulty to obtain, and now they've been nerfed so hard you can get em all by accident.

    I really hate to watch this game ruined because they are running with their own idea of what the game "should" turn into at all costs.

  • @owl-hisson said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    It's like I thought. These changes are going to get forced down our throats whether we like it or not. It's just up to each of you how much of the sugarcoating you swallow with it.

    Nobody asked for magic ammo, magic food, or messages in bottles to be hidden in barrels. This is not WoW, and I don't want to lose a fight because another crew has more/better magic items than me.

    We don't need this UI, period. Finding a quest in a barrel is not content. At the moment, it's still the same quest. Finding it in a different spot than before doesn't fill me with mad excitement. I really hope that Rare can stop themselves before they ride their ego right off the cliff with all these plans for magical pirate powers.

    "Content" for most of us meant more storylines, more quest types (like a type of loot that reveals you on the map, is worth more if a crew sells it who stole it,), and to some extent, new cosmetic items. But Rare screwed that one up at the moment too, players were using the harder-to-come-by titles basically as fun cosmetic items due to their difficulty to obtain, and now they've been nerfed so hard you can get em all by accident.

    I really hate to watch this game ruined because they are running with their own idea of what the game "should" turn into at all costs.

    So true, so unbelievably and annoyingly true.

    This is the first time since launch that I have not played for two days in a row. I refuse to touch it until they make changes, thats all I can hope for now as I know they wont go back to how it was before.

  • @owl-hisson & @Aclassali

    If things are not going to change, it is even more important to speak up, give more feedback, and offer suggestions to improve and make what will go forward better.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @owl-hisson & @Aclassali

    If things are not going to change, it is even more important to speak up, give more feedback, and offer suggestions to improve and make what will go forward better.

    The feedback generated in the last 24hr eclipses anything that has come before. If that doesn’t make them fix things in the next patch then why bother trying to make them do anything else?

    I want the game I played on Wednesday night back.

  • @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @owl-hisson & @Aclassali

    If things are not going to change, it is even more important to speak up, give more feedback, and offer suggestions to improve and make what will go forward better.

    The feedback generated in the last 24hr eclipses anything that has come before. If that doesn’t make them fix things in the next patch then why bother trying to make them do anything else?

    I want the game I played on Wednesday night back.

    Things take time to fix...

  • That's why this is the first update I've fired up an account and posted about. They are intentionally messing with the very best game mechanic they came up with: the level playing PvP.

  • @owl-hisson said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    That's why this is the first update I've fired up an account and posted about. They are intentionally messing with the very best game mechanic they came up with: the level playing PvP.

    Thats not true, the game has had resources already in the form of kegs/boards/bananas that could effect the outcome of fights.

  • Yeah I installed the update poked around saw the unwanted changes and logged off, put a we will be back message up on my stream, and honestly haven't logged back in since. i have been watching the forums voicing opinions in the hopes someone from rare will take action. but for now i will go download some new games stream those hopefully something catches my attention like SOT did before the latest patch. RIP SOT 8.29.18

  • @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @owl-hisson & @Aclassali

    If things are not going to change, it is even more important to speak up, give more feedback, and offer suggestions to improve and make what will go forward better.

    The feedback generated in the last 24hr eclipses anything that has come before. If that doesn’t make them fix things in the next patch then why bother trying to make them do anything else?

    I want the game I played on Wednesday night back.

    Things take time to fix...

    Indeed they do, sadly they also take very little time to break.

  • @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @owl-hisson & @Aclassali

    If things are not going to change, it is even more important to speak up, give more feedback, and offer suggestions to improve and make what will go forward better.

    The feedback generated in the last 24hr eclipses anything that has come before. If that doesn’t make them fix things in the next patch then why bother trying to make them do anything else?

    I want the game I played on Wednesday night back.

    Things take time to fix...

    Indeed they do, sadly they also take very little time to break.

    well broken features are easy come easy go, but broken design is a different story. People dislike the design so I expect there is a bit more than a weeks worth of work.

  • The most important thing I read from Mike's post is what gamers from all strides are complaining about in this day and age.

    It is clear this update was shoved out the door without proper testing and player feedback. And time after time this will hurt the game and the developers that do that practice. It is becoming too common these things happen.

    The UI needs to be fixed (I agree).
    The bugs are shocking because they passed inspection prior to the update. And the community has to 'report' the obvious on a live server.

    Enough is enough.

    PS I love this game but I agree with most of what people are saying. The passion for this game is good but it can do great harm if Rare continues these practices. Video after Video Joe Neate alludes to the fact that teams later get 'more' time to create more for the game. At this stage, this problem shouldn't be happening. The Mega update was way better than this. What happened? No Excuses.

  • I was hoping to maybe change it so the F key is also the key to exit the barrel inventory screen when looting a barrel. would make looting feel alot smoother. Or maybe at least a control edit in settings. Also having to let off of w and press it again before being able to move forward feels very counter intuitive and its just irritating when it comes to the feel of the game mechanics

  • I know they wont put it back the way it was but I need to see a massive improvment in the user interface and barrel interaction before I consider playing again.

  • Having finally had a chance to read Mike’s post, I don’t have much more to say and likely won’t until we see the changes. Overall, I think the tweaks will be helpful. I liked not having empty tags, but doesn’t bother me if they’re there.

    Being a streamer, I usually end up spending the first 20-30 mins gathering and welcome anything that won’t make it longer. I was adapting to the new system, so it didn’t add too much to my gather time.

    I like the idea of swapping of equipment for resources in the Tab menu. And the idea of the cannon radial menu.

  • Here's my take on this:

    alt text

    I laid out specifics in a post here:

  • I have a suggestion purely for ship barrels. I like that there is a new inventory system, showing that future resources will be coming, but I do also believe we need the new resources quickly otherwise accessing the plank and banana barrels are gonna be more frustrating than good as we have to delve into the menu to collect the one and only item that is possible to be stored. Island barrels need just a marker to indicate what's in them or if they're empty, ship barrels however...

    We need a quicker way to access them as in the midst of a battle there isn't much time to spare.

    I suggest that if you are holding an item that can be stored in that barrel then you can do so by pressing Y (xbox) just like it was before. A tap of X could take the main resource out of each barrel (normal cannon ball, banana and plank) or maybe even having a hiarachy of goods, so if you tap X and there are no more normal cannon balls, it will just take the next cursed in the inventory list. Holding X could be reserved to open the inventory of that barrel.

    Resource barrels on islands work fine, it's not so much of a problem, but on the ships you need to be able to move quickly and the inventory system kinda throws your rhythm off.

    I miss being able to run to the bottom deck of my sloop and just quickly pick up a plank or two on my way to a hole.

  • I’ve been playing since launch and can honestly say I’ve never had a reason to doubt or complain about any of the changes the devs have made up until now. I love how much they have gone out of their way to listen and take into consideration the feedback and suggestions of this base. I must say that I whole heartedly agree with the opinion that this new barrel system is horrible. It’s clunky and it changes game play/strategy drastically.

  • A lad by the name of @old-man-monger has some really thought full ideas on how to improve the new system.
    Here's a link to it!

  • Please RARE, Listen to Your veteran players and just make each new resource have IT'S OWN BARREL on the boat. and make a special barrel for cursed cannonballs on the boat. and dont have multiple items in barrels on islands. We don't want a UI to be a big part of the game during combat and stocking ship. I hit level 10 Athena's before the hungering deep came out and I am heartbroken at the direction this game is going with this inventory system. I have lost my desire to play it.
    Please listen to us on this one.

  • @owl-hisson I feel you brother, The cursed cannonballs need to be very very uncommon, a precious commodity, not sprinkled all over the place at outposts... It makes it so its less about skill.

  • @owl-hisson Like you said man NOBOBDY asked for magic ammo! and yah we dont want to lose a fight to a lesser crew because they use magic, we spent months developing strategies for fighting 2 boats at a time, or chasing down the boat with the raid loot but none of those tactics matter if they have a few magic balls on their boat. IF these cursed cannon balls stay they need to be extremely uncommon not sprinkled all over every outpost. I hope they swallow their pride and give each resource its own barrel. This is making me sad.
    I hit level 10 Athena's before the hungering deep, and I have no desire to even log in anymore.

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