Skull Fort respawns question.

  • I haven't played SoT in a while now and I was wondering if they've "fixed" the respawns during naval warfares near skull forts. I used to hate how those battles would go on forever until one crew simply gives up out of boredom. It was all because of sunked ships spawning with their crews on nearby islands and getting back into the fight in minutes. Have they changed anything or is that still an issue?

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  • If you sink during a fort event, you spawn further away now, but most players do not give up. I know I don't. So, even though you do, we all still come back. ;)

  • @maxiortm yea if you SINK, you can spawn far away. The current problem is scuttling. If the battle goes bad, you can scuttle your ship and avoid the 'SINK' penalty, allowing you to still spawn close. Issue has been mentioned plenty of times, but no word on a fix yet...

  • @maxiortm Although the situation has improved, there's still a chance that an enemy ship can spawn two-islands over, which is INCREDIBLY annoying. It's like an RNG that gives you a higher chance of spawning further away rather than spawning right next to the fort but it still needs some tweaking.

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