Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    I've heard that one too, but I can't understand what the advantage would be.
    It's a palm tree. Mine is fully rendered and looks stunning while the XBOX players can keep their indistinct blobs.

    For an Xbox player it looks unfair that you have paid more for your pc and you have better image :D
    Also if you playing on pc you have more advantages in everything and you are cheater with aimbot :D

  • @ecljpse said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    Washed up items are baaaccckk!!! Woooooo! I am way too excited about this!

    Yes indeed, I love this is back in game again. Can't wait to start beach combing again.

  • "Players can no longer be voted into the brig before fully spawning onto the server."

    This isn't really a direct fix to that exploit but it should be good enough to prevent it from happening.

  • @symbioto said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    For an Xbox player it looks unfair that you have paid more for your pc and you have better image :D

    Can't I just send out SLI cables to the XBOXers can just link together two consoles?

    Also if you playing on pc you have more advantages in everything and you are cheater with aimbot :D

    Ah... I forgot about that.. darn

  • Anyone else having a issue with snakes? When I get bitten and I'm just about to come back to normal it's like I get bitten again by a snake even though there is no snake near me.

  • How come that the weekly patch is bigger than THD?

  • Washed ashore items have returned!!! One of my very favorite elements of game play! Many, MANY thanks Rare! Well done...indeed! :-D

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    It's really quite simple, if they nerf the view distance on the consoles, it's going to get nerfed on the PC.

    So that they can keep those distance resolutions the same.

    That makes sense, my question goes one step further:
    Why nerf it in the first place?
    The only explanation I could come up with would be hardware limitations on XBOX.
    Maybe I'm stupid, but I'd say that's what the video settings are there for, aren't they?

    If your system (in this case XBOX) can't handle 4k, lower your video settings instead of imposing a c****y graphical fidelity onto those with systems that actually can handle the load.

  • Happy about the Athena's Fortune rewards. They were definitely lacking.

  • So nothing on a fix for helpinng crews find each other to help with those who still need to finish The Slumbering Sheep? Or a boost to the replayability of the content itself? So my fears of Rares silence was not crazy all. Why do I always get my hopes up. Sigh...

  • Hey look another patch with no mention of CROSSPLAY!

    Rare yet again continuing to ignore a heated debate and concerns of their community. Like how they even took away the mega thread. Nice to see how much they care about the mega thread topics.

  • Yep, disable crossplay, nerf skeleton cannon's precision, make PVE only servers, lower prices, nerf snakes, nerf everything and throw with game to the window!

    Xboxers.....pff - Friendly, socially correct, nearly invincible rose pirates safely collecting the huge amount of loot in most interesting xbox game with ponies and rainbows!

  • @x-riddler-x said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    Hey look another patch with no mention of CROSSPLAY!

    Rare yet again continuing to ignore a heated debate and concerns of their community. Like how they even took away the mega thread. Nice to see how much they care about the mega thread topics.

    Yeah Heated as in It stays as is and that's end of story?

    You do realize Crossplay is a Microsoft thing that they are pushing for all their game titles to get more people playing their Xbox games, even if it's only on PC right?

  • Rare!! Well done! These are great fixes to QoL and the Ambient environment. Cheers and again we’ll done! Keep up the great work.

  • As an Xbox player (Legend Athena 10), I have never thought that playing vs PC players is a problem. Xbox population is 5x the population of PC anyway.

    As for the graphics, they reduce them every patch for both xbox and pc. There has got to be a better way to "optimize" without screwing everyone.

  • @johneym1974 that's a bug

  • @d-muhny said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    As for the graphics, they reduce them every patch for both xbox and pc. There has got to be a better way to "optimize" without screwing everyone.

    All you have to know about optimisation nowadays -

    alt text

    • Crysis Minimum System Requirements
      CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2Ghz, AMD Athlon 64 x2 2Ghz or better.
      GPU: NVIDIA 8800 GT 512MB Ram or better.
      2 GB RAM.
      HDD: 9 GB.

    • PUBG Minimum System Requirements
      CPU: Intel Core i5-4430 / AMD FX-6300.
      VIDEO CARD: nVidia GeForce GTX 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB.
      16 GB RAM.

  • Great since the patch all my gold missions only including one Island. Now i can stop playing.

  • Really need a system for removing AFK pirates or pirates that join amd do nothing.

  • Do the frame rate fixes fix the crashes I've been getting where islands don't properly load in their textures, along with the FPS dropping to about 1 per 10 seconds before meeting with Kiwibeard?

  • @lefaux2 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    @fantome-of-blue said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    How do you mean? My graphics look fine, and I'm running at extra mode.

    Since launch the graphic fidelity has been reduced step by step.
    I didn't play todays release yet, but yesterday night palm trees from a distance were just blobs.
    Ships seen at a distance display their sails being down, even though their not (tested with a friendly crew).
    Skeletons from a distance are just disconnected triangles.

    Graphics got worse two times by now and reading "improved framerate" makes me nervous :)

    Just finished playing for a bit.
    I can confirm that it all looks much worse at a distance.
    Also they seem to have doubled down on the seafog.

    But hey! At least xbox and potato pc users can have better framerates!

  • Yess washed up items!! Now to wait for weekly events next week

  • Also, what's the deal with skellingtons attacking you when you are in the middle of asking Merrick why he hasn't got any skellingtons around him?

  • That moment when regular patch weighs more then Your DLC

  • First athena run post patch, had use toting about a chest of grog and sorrows, along with mostly vill skuls and a few captains. LOVE IT.

  • I would love ability to change proximity chat from other crews to the headset. My kids like to watch me play, but I've had to turn down the proximity volume due to the (expected but annoying) language of other players. This makes coordinating with friendly crews extra difficult.

  • @clumsy-george said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    Oh, i'm so glad that the messages in a bottle on shores have reappeared...This way i can travel in my favorite mode: " Let Coincidence decide how my adventure unfolds"...
    i don't mind buying a quest but sometimes i just want to sail and roam around ...
    And if a message in a bottle seems to be a trinket instead then that's double the fun...

    There is a little thing i can't understand...Back in the day we were shouting, even crying to make Crossplay possible...Mr Teddy, became our last hope and was crowned King when he and his great team succeeded in the Crossplay option. Now i see many people asking and sometimes demanding to destroy the Crossplay option...
    And they are not all Xbox players who ask for this , also PC players seem to be asking this...Appart from the cheater who may have destroyed a session for some people, i don't see why we must sheer for the disability of Crossplay...
    Many of my SOT Friends play by PC and i would feel gutted if there would be a wall between us meaning i could never play with them again....

    But maybe i have missed the megathread about the deletion of Crossplay and the reason behind for such a drastic question...

    Cross play is great for some, but for some xbox players, they struggle to keep up with mouse and keyboard in shooters.
    And for All pc players with a decent rig, you are basically forced to have medium graphics settings, even though you set them on ultra, cos xbox can't render anywhere near as well as a decent pc can and view distance etc can give players an edge over others.

    It's a tough balance really, I mean for the social aspect I can see the value - I certainly wish my battlefield key for ps4 could be used on my pc, and this game has that with the whole pc/xbox play anywhere. (though I suspect that's a different thing entirely and some game with it don't have cross-ply)
    But if I played against pc players on my ps4 battlefield, I'd get annihilated. Controllers are objectively worse for shooters than mouse and keyboard.
    Objectively. As in there have been tests and stuff, before any console players who consider themselves to be real gun slingers get up in arms.

    Long story short, the biggest drawbacks (gfx downgrade to meet lowest common denominator, mismatch in controls) can be greater than the benefits (being able to play with your pc/console mates together) for some.

    Personally only the graphics thing peeves me right off, especially since I played beta and my screenshots from then look better than the game does now (and that g*****n draw distance man... I tell you...)

  • @clumsy-george said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    Well Mr McDoll, i thank you for a clear explenation about why people would choose for the seperation between PC and Xbox...
    For me personally, i don't mind if a PC player is faster than me...Hey , at my age ,an Xbox player with the blessed age of 3 years old is already faster than me...It simply doesn't kill my fun nor joy that i have by sailing around...
    But i understand now that the more serious gamer can have drawbacks or whatever better word could be suited here...
    Thanks for explaining,Sir.

    No worries!
    And tbh I'm in the same boat as you and I play on pc.
    At the end of the day I'm just bummed that the graphics keep getting lowered and yet the patch notes say "improvements to framerate" etc.
    Also, it really doesn't matter whether someone is playing on controller or kb+m, combat is pretty janky and incredibly laggy anyway, so it's always gonna be a crapshoot!

  • Just had my first exploration voyage since shineys were reinstated! Glorious! I sailed to the nearest smallish island to Golden Sands...shiney ho off the port bow! Got a message in a bottle quest to...uh what? Twin Groves!?! Oh well...certainly could have been worse...could have sent me to Shark Bait Cove :-D I sailed over with a map for 5...count 'em 5 chests! Did it in two a solo slooper I don't like to ferry more than I'm willing to lose. Ah wait...while there picked up yet another bottle! Off to yet another island with a single chest. Works for me! ...and may the Fair Winds and Following Seas be praised... at 'that' island I find yet another bottle with a Merchant Quest for a Black Powder Barrel to Sanctuary. To make it even more pleasant...only saw one other sloop and we both kept our distance. All good. I'll say it one more time...Well done Rare...Indeed! :-D

  • @khaleesibot

    Fantastic news about the washed up items!!! Thanks to the team for all their hard work!

  • what happens to the hungering deep content next week? does it just become entirely rewardless? I want Merricks song in my playable song list all the time.

  • @schwammlgott said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    @symbioto sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    I want my ship setting to still saved for next session - why everytime I have to choose my sailes and figurines all over again ?

    No need for that...get use to the way it's ALWAYS on your way to the ship, why is that a problem for you?

    Well...not always. I’ve spawned on deserted isle before. Rare, but it happens. Otherwise, I don’t mind visiting the shipwright to put up my sails. It’s just a few clicks.

  • @genuine-heather sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    @schwammlgott said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    @symbioto sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    I want my ship setting to still saved for next session - why everytime I have to choose my sailes and figurines all over again ?

    No need for that...get use to the way it's ALWAYS on your way to the ship, why is that a problem for you?

    Well...not always. I’ve spawned on deserted isle before. Rare, but it happens. Otherwise, I don’t mind visiting the shipwright to put up my sails. It’s just a few clicks.

    Happens once to me also...but it's not a big deal...was just wondering...

  • @oxynat0r at native 4K on X? No way that is happening.

  • is anyone's bucket not showing the water coming out the bucket its shows the water in the bucket but wen u throw it over board the is no animation

46 out of 134