I have a tale to tell of love, loss, a daring escape, a timely rescue, a great battle, and a final betrayal.

  • Tales abound of an ancient terror. My mates and I can attest to the truth of these, but they only serve as the backdrop to my story. For this tale comes from after our first encounter with the beast beneath the waves!

    A good friend of mine was looking to add to his collection of trophies, he being a notable hunter of great beasts. I of course offered my aid, having already encountered a similar monster I felt I could provide valuable support. We gathered another two crew members, both experienced with beasts of this nature, and set forth. First we had to locate the beast. This proved to be an easy task as the beasts all seem to prowl the same hunting grounds. How such a small area could support such numbers of these beasts is beyond my reckoning. No, the more difficult task was finding another crew to aid us.

    We searched the known map to find another crew to help us. We asked at every tavern. None would join us. We decided to return to Merrick, perhaps he would have some advice. This proved to be the right choice, not because of Merrick (I have doubts about his sanity) but rather because shortly after reaching the cove another galleon arrived. This new crew was up for a challenge! And our luck continued, for they informed us that a third galleon would soon arrive to aid us. A fleet of three galleons is a force to be reckoned with, I feared the fight would be too easy.

    Our new companions were eager to get underway, but a tally of their supplies showed them to be seriously lacking. It was decided that we would proceed to the beasts hunting grounds while the other two galleons resupplied. And so we all three departed towards our respective destinations. Our journey was mostly uneventful. A sloop made an aggressive posture but a single warning shot was enough to dissuade them. We arrived at the hunting grounds and dropped anchor to await our allies.

    Three days passed without any sightings of another ship. We were beginning to get worried; had the other crews had lost their nerves? And so we remained anchored with the sun making its progression across the sky. Three more days passed, at one point a sloop was seen on the horizon but it remained too far away to hail. At this point we were ready to attempt the battle on our own but we needed another person to help summon the monster. It was on the thirteenth day of idleness that hell broke loose.

    We had been carefully rationing our bananas. We couldn't risk starting the battle without a healthy stock. A tally showed we had only half the bananas we should have at the time. Fingers were pointed, motives questioned, a sword was drawn, but ultimately it came to me being voted into the brig! I was innocent but they would hear none of it. So instead of being locked up I jumped ship and started swimming to the nearest island.

    The closest island was only a shadow on the horizon, but I had to make it there if I was to have any chance of survival. And so I swam as fast as I could. The merfolk were a constant presence. Always offering to take me back to my ship no matter how hard I tried to explain I couldn't go back. A shark took a bite out of me but I had managed to grab a handful of bullets and dispatched the shark with ease. And with the small stash of bananas I had on me I was soon back to my full strength. Eventually what seemed like an impossible journey was over. I had made it to Mutineer Rock, a fitting name for the situation.

    On this island I found an ample supply of bananas, so I filled my pockets with them. I knew I couldn't stay on this island forever, I had to make it to an outpost. I had no idea where the nearest outpost was so I resolved to swim to the nearest island I could see. This turned out to be the Crow's Nest Fortress. On the way another two sharks attacked me! Without any ammo I was hard put but I won in the end.

    I was lucky to find the fortress abandoned. I don't know what I would have done if it had been filled with skeletons. By fortunate chance I chose to scan the horizon with my telescope. I saw two galleons moving together in my direction. They must have been the two galleons we had encountered before. They weren't going to pass close enough for me to call out to them, I had to swim again! First I swam to Cutlass Cay and then to Thieve's Haven. Sharks followed me all the way, I was inches from death multiple times but I prevailed. I reached Thieve's Haven just in time, a galleon was just about to pass within range of hailing. Only one galleon though, I later found out that the second had run aground while I was swimming.

    Once we reached the hunting grounds I found my crew holding guns to each other's heads. But with the arrival of the other ship my crew was refocused. There was a job to do. We all played our drums and summoned the terror from the deep. The battle was tough but with two experienced crews working together we managed slay our foe. As the monster began to sink beneath the waves the third galleon arrived having only just missed the battle and the glory that went with it. Alas they will have to try again another time. Regardless we all three ships sailed together back to Merrick to receive our rewards.

    It was at Shark Bait Cove that the third ship showed its true colours. While we were on land enjoying ourselves the crew from the third ship snuck aboard the other ships and sank them! The damage was done, our ships were beyond repair and the other ship had made its escape! And so I began to swim again.

    TL;DR I wrote this entire thing because I thought swimming between several islands was funny.

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  • Some may claim this tale is exagerated, but I assure you it is all true.

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