Player base is the most toxic I've come across.

  • sounds like you never REALLY came across Toxic players ...

  • @ve111a said in Player base is the most toxic I've come across.:

    @im-mr-g-j-jones said in Player base is the most toxic I've come across.:

    99.9% of sessions are just boats parked up at outposts, nobody doing anything, blatant slackers and just plain morons.

    You've obviously never played:
    call of duty
    rocket league
    any shooter ever

    This community can be a little passionate and salty at times, myself included, But I would say they are far from toxic. especially compared to the others.

    Except for that rumham guy. Hes pretty toxic....wait

  • so based on your precise accounting you claim that 999 out of 1000 sessions have consisted of everybody parked at outposts doing nothing? this thread, factored in with your 3 other SoT bashing comments, leads me to believe with 78.2% certainty that you are an unemployed fake news bot, looking for work in between election cycles. the other 21.8%, not a pretty picture either.

  • Toxic is not the word you're looking for. The word is vitriolic.

  • Seems like you're new here, or never sought out the Overwatch Competitive scene, or anything League of Legends.

    Or, it could be that profile picture is actually you.

  • I keep saying the same thing in these silly threads...

    Been Playing Since Before Launch At All Times A day - So Far:

    • No Ships camping at outposts
    • Possibly one cheater after (way too many hours of gameplay) - a sniper that never missed in the water and on a boat that was chasing us
    • The past couple months - servers have been ghost towns at all hours of the day - with the exception of slightly more ship sightings on weekends

    These constant threads of PvE - Solo play has to be people that aren't paying attention of what's going around them... Here is what I've seen and done:

    • I play solo - I do a quest - I watch for ships. If it turns my direction I leave. I come back later. I'm am not robbed.
    • I play solo - I slowly sail around the island until I come where I can get chickens or where the treasure chest is - I do my quest with the ship line of sight. If I see a ship - I pause my quest I leave. I'm am not robbed.
    • I play solo - I always make sure the ship is ready to leave - anchor up - sails in position for best wind - ship pointing in the best direction - I am not attacked parked on a quest or robbed.
    • I play solo - I do not put gunpowder anywhere lower than the crows nest - or not at all.
    • I play solo - If I see a ship I do not ignore it I assume it is following me I go a different direction than my quest I am on the way to - I am not attacked.
    • I play solo - If I am jumped and attacked - I set sail. I find a good place to turn the ship in a circle if I have no treasure and fight back - I do not let them, board. I use cannons - I shorten sail if needed. If the player skill is too high I run. I'll jump in water - I'll board their ship pull anchor etc etc.
    • I play solo - If I am dropping off loot - I watch for ships In all directions - I watch for mermaids - If I see either/or - I go to a different outpost.
    • I play solo if while dropping off loot a ship appears - I stop dropping loot and leave - there other outposts.

    I play solo - there really aren't that many people online anymore - the game is basically PvE - Please stop your PvE - Solo Sloops - Camping Outpost Threads. They're not valid in the context of changing how the game works. Perhaps you should change how you play the game...

  • Nah, I wouldn't say the community is toxic. I've called people idiots and have been called a moron but hell, we're all gamers. I s**t talk with my own friends all the time. Haven't really been on a server where people are toxic, in fact they're best kind.

    I feel starting out it was more toxic but not anymore.

  • @im-mr-g-j-jones

  • Been playing since launch and have not experienced this.

  • I don't agree at all. Never had any offensive language or trolling towards me. The people I have met have been pretty nice.

  • Lol.
    Played as a space pirate in an online multiplayer game for about 10 years with the one of the largest, most toxic communities, in the history of online gaming.

    You SoT kiddies are so cute.

  • @theshieldwolf said in Player base is the most toxic I've come across.:

    I've encountered very little toxicity in game. What I have is the typically BS you see with almost all multiplayer games. For the most part the player base, from what I'VE seen is very good. I'll meet people on the ferry of the dammed and chat it up about how we killed each other and do a jig. It's ruthless fun. :)

    Exactly this. Had fights, lost some and won some. Life’s tuff for a solo. But nothing I would describe as toxic.

    Even had multiple players give me loot! And then sail away! Never seen that before.

  • @im-mr-g-j-jones said in Player base is the most toxic I've come across.:

    99.9% of sessions are just boats parked up at outposts, nobody doing anything, blatant slackers and just plain morons.

    ^ Prime example of what actual toxic behavior is. Hope I never meet you on the sea.

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