Chest of Sorrow - Too Much Water [for a Sloop]

  • I'm finding the Chest of Sorrow is producing too much water. I most often prefer to play the game solo (multiple reasons why) and have had my ship sunk a number of times primarily because of the Chest of Sorrow as it simply fills my hull with water too quickly while using a Sloop.

    When fighting off another ship while trying to navigate adequately, bailing water, patching your hull, or simply when trying to bail out water from the Chest of Sorrow and a sudden storm, is terribly difficult and not a fun experience. When you have more than 1 Chest of Sorrow on board plus all of the above, it's zero fun. I dread looting these chests (even thought I want the rep / achievement), and now that I'm level 45 with Gold Hoarders, I get them more than ever.

    Leaving them where you find them and never turning them in to avoid dealing with them is not a solution.

    Heading straight for an outpost when you get one isn't fun when you want to go for a big haul.

    Have these chests been designed to fill your ships hull at different rates depending on what ship you have?

    Solo gameplay is supposed to be harder, and it is, which is one reason why I like it. I've never felt compelled to raise a broken gameplay experience issue like this in the past 2 months of me playing SoT pretty much exclusively, until I've looted a bunch of this item.

    Get 2 of these chests on board and see if you enjoy the cause and effect is has on your gameplay experiences.

  • 45
  • It’s not that hard to bail out water when you have the chest of sorrow. Just remember to be prepared when you hear it crying. Or do what I do and put it in the crows nest

  • Take it to land when you go to other islands. There is nothing forcing you to keep it on the boat at all times. I unfortunately think its fine in current state.

  • @namekninja
    Sounds like your sad. Seems like the chest is working correctly then

  • I too think it is fine; remember the bucket is one of the most powerful tools in game.

  • It's not difficult to bail out water, or to put the chest on shore when going on land, that's not a problem. It's that in combination with other situations that I've called out where it becomes a problem.

  • You can play music, it makes the chest stop crying for a bit, then itll cry again, simply play more music. Boom! Fixed your problem.

  • Ive gotten one solo on a Sloop. As soon as I boarded I set sail for nearest Outpost in a straight line. Scan horizon for ships in area then went and bailed. Came back up, adjusted course, looked for ships went back and bailed.

    I think the chest is fine as is. No need to make it weaker.

  • yeah, you pretty much should throw it away if you get in a serious fight with someone. steering, shooting, repairing, repelling boarders, AND dealing with that crybaby is too much for me. maybe they'll pick it up and you can sink them and retrieve it.

  • @onyx-wartooth Oh music makes it stop? I did not know this! Thanks for your meaningful and helpful input =)

  • @squallycircle7 Yeah I've started doing this when in hectic combat. Definitely better than running around like a one legged man in a butt-kicking contest.

  • @confusedgamer99 Does placing it in the crows nest not fill your hull with water when it cries?

  • They should increase it's value though since it's the only treasure in the game that can sink you (unless you count gunpowder barrels).

  • @onyx-wartooth sagte in Chest of Sorrow - Too Much Water:

    You can play music, it makes the chest stop crying for a bit, then itll cry again, simply play more music. Boom! Fixed your problem.

    Sorry to say, but that's just a cries for a little monent than it stops for a few minutes and repeat...we tried it all doesn't work at all

  • @schwammlgott me and my friends did it, it worked. If its not true, then dont know what to say from what we've seen.

  • @namekninja sagte in Chest of Sorrow - Too Much Water:

    @confusedgamer99 Does placing it in the crows nest not fill your hull with water when it cries?

    It does anyway

  • Seriously @NamekNinja ... This game is already too easy with the Kraken or go through the storm... Don't make it easier...

  • I think it's fine. It's supposed to be a big PITA, and it's not difficult if you have a crew. Solo is more difficult, but again, playing solo is SUPPOSED to be more difficult.

    I will say however, that the value of the chest of sorrows is grossly overshadowed by the hassle involved. I've been playing at least a few hours a few times a week since launch, and I have only come across one chest of sorrow, but if I ever find another, I'm leaving it in the sand. The reward is just too small to make it worth the trouble.

  • Yes this is an easy [PvE] game, but to be clear, I'm not saying it's breaking the game or is so difficult that it can't be handled as a solo player, I would just rather not having to run to an outpost as soon as I get one as that's a waste of time. Sure you can just leave it where you found it, but don't you want to get the achievement? Do people enjoy micro managing 2, 3 or even more sorrow's while voyaging for an extended period of time? I just hit level 45 with Gold hoarders and these are becoming more and more common in my experiences.

    How about the ability to place it somewhere that it won't fill the hull? Like perhaps the bowsprit?

    And I agree, the value needs to be increased.

  • @rockinpodunk sure they are annoying but they give decent reputation. A couple of reccomendationsv
    If you are solo just leave it on the shore till you are ready to leave and drive straight to an outpost. If you have to bail it's not bad.
    If there are 2 or more people drive right at the outpost and have 1 person hop off with it and just mermaid back.
    If you have to stop take it off the boat with you.
    If you get into a fight throw it overboard.
    If you get stuck in a storm and want to keep it. Drop anchor and toss it overboard.

    They can be controlled just takes an extra step.

  • @confusedgamer99 Putting it in the Crows Nest helps? I haven't seen one since the beta, but that is super helpful for when I do come across another one!

  • @reptartheory said in Chest of Sorrow - Too Much Water:

    @confusedgamer99 Putting it in the Crows Nest helps? I haven't seen one since the beta, but that is super helpful for when I do come across another one!

    My crew tested this. Crow's nest, out on the bowsprit, nothing changed how fast the water filled the ship. The only place that kept water from flooding the hull was to have a player carry the chest, and hang on the ladder off the side of the ship

  • @rockinpodunk I've tried hanging off the side ladder while holding the chest (sloop soloing) but it still filled the hull with water. I heard the SFX indicating that the hull was filling up and scrambled back up to bail. Perhaps this was changed within a recent patch?

  • @namekninja It doesn't work on the solo sloop. You can't put it anywhere. I have dropped the chest off the side of the sloop and the hull STILL filled up. Probably something to do with the ships footprint.

    You can still hang off the ladder in a Galleon.

    There are probably a couple of bug reports in there to be lodged. I haven't bothered because its been advantageous for me not to.

    I always leave it when solo (unless im next to/going to an outpost next). I hate the crying, I don't mind the bailing.
    Also I often play with Randos on Galleons who don't know what they are doing. So that trick is still handy there.

    When I get the chance to test this next (probably sometime today) I'll get onto lodging it to Rare. Likely a bug with the Galleons ladder not being included in the ships footprint (which I recall is what they were supposed to have patched a while ago). Also that the sloops footprint is likely too large now beyond the ladder (speculation-still needs proper testing)

  • @stevie-the-dj Thanks for the insight regarding the differences between Galleon Vs. Sloop. And good point, forgot to mention the hull filling up when dropping the chest off the side of the sloop, I can confirm this as well.

    I think that since this chest's drop rate was so low until the recent update that this hasn't bothered anyone enough to really bring up a topic of conversation. I'll be giving this some thought and logging a bug or two as well.

    I'm not sure how it works with the Galleon, but it would be nice to have areas on your ship you can place the chest where it wont fill your hull, or at least drastically reduce the rate at which it fills. A nice risk Vs. reward trade off for me would be if you place it somewhere like on your bowsprit it would stop the hull from filling (or reduce the rate at which it fills) but would also allow other players to see it and encourage them to give chase and engage you.

  • @onyx-wartooth Well.....I just learned something new.

  • @namekninja i once heard there was a vanguard that would hold it on the ladder

  • @namekninja said in Chest of Sorrow - Too Much Water:

    @onyx-wartooth Oh music makes it stop? I did not know this! Thanks for your meaningful and helpful input =)

    It doesn't. This is just a myth being thrown around.

    I don't think it needs to be weakened. If anything it should put more water on but I think it's fine as is. Just leave it on land when you're not on the ship, and head straight to am outpost to turn it in. Or just leave it behind and save yourself the headache

  • @iduskk So you would prefer to have your ship take on more water from these chests? Have you ever had more than one on board? Leaving them behind means you'll never get the achievement. Heading straight to the outpost as soon as you get one breaks your navigation plans and interferes when you want to go for a big haul.

    Solo a sloop, get some sorrow's, see if you enjoy the experience. Perhaps the issue is that this item's attributes aren't designed for both Galleon and Sloop specifically yet. The hull of a Galleon is way bigger than a sloop and if this chest is dispensing water at the same rate regardless of what ship you have, it seems broken.

  • @namekninja it still does but I feel like it takes longer then when you put it down below.

  • Good to know @confusedgamer99 thanks for the input!

  • @NamekNinja really man? Too much water? If you don't want to do the challenge of delivering the chest of sorrow to the outpost just drop it into the sea and your "TOO MUCH WATER" problem is solved.

    "Leaving them where you find them.. is not a solution" - it is a solution when you can't handle one chest at your ship.

    Instead of trying to be better, you beg to make an easier game for you .. I did not expect anyone to ask for that a very rare cursed chest should have a nerf

  • Don't know why you're taking it so personally @avecrux.

    Why even say anything at all if you don't want to read all the posts from the thread to fully understand where the frustration is coming from. Seems like you just read the title and the first sentence, got upset and decided to tell us all what you're thinking. Shouldn't be surprised though, forums are full of toxic kids. Your comment "I did not expect anyone to ask for that a very rare cursed chest should have a nerf", this is not a very rare chest to find when you are almost max level for Gold Hoarders faction. I'm close to level 50 and get them frequently.

    This item is not difficult to handle when you have just one as a solo player on a Sloop, try getting 2 or 3 while trying to enjoy a good long haul.

    In no way am I begging for a nerf, instead I'm simply surfacing frustrations I've experienced with this item. To reiterate, some suggested improvements / alterations I have surfaced in this thread would be to properly balance the rate at which water is being distributed from the chest depending on what size ship you have. Or being able to place it in a location where it will reduce the rate at which these chest(s) will fill your hull, such as the bowsprit.

  • Thanks for the suggestion @dutchconlin!

    Sometimes I will stash these items on an island but have experienced situations where my client crashes and I end up not being able to reap the rewards. Server stability is sometimes still an issue, for me at least =)

  • @namekninja Someone has to complain about some aspect. Nothing wrong with the chest of sorrows while solo on a sloop. Just keep it pointed whatever direction you need to go (obviously check for rocks and islands ahead) and bail. It only cries for 1 minute. Never, ever leave it on the boat unattended.

20 out of 45